Poker @ Shopsy's Fri. Night



  • Thanks for a great game Shopsy.  I still can't believe Shannon hit trip 9s against my rockets.  Oh well, I made the difference in money back in the cash game, and then some :D

  • A lot of fun, thanks for hosting Shopsy. Who ended up winning?
  • Thanks a tonne for hosting Shops', you have a beautiful house for poker...among other things! Anyway, I must say I had my fair share of ups and downs. Two very big ups were when I had J9 in the Big flop comes KQx rainbow. 4 players check the flop. Prior to the turn falling I call out loud "ten!", as fate would have it two other players were looking for that exact same card. Of course, a ten falls. I bet out 575 (blind 100/200) and my stack was about 4K, 9 players remaining. Mario raises me to 2K and Kyle goes all-in. I'm beside myself with this sucker straight. I fold firmly believing im chopping or loosing. Mario shows the same hand, J9 and Kyle shows trip 10's. Kyle rivers the boat, making my fold a GAME SAVER!
    I later on went all-in with three players remaining with 99, get called by G2 (greg) in the Big, he had bullets. I spike a 9 on the flop and it holds up. I can count on one finger how many times that has happened in my favour. I was ecstatic...and drunk hahaha. Tough one Greg. Mark and I ended up chopping, I took $240 and he took $200.

    Thanks again for the game, what a tough field to make it through. Congrats to all money finishers!

  • thanks for the great tourney and cash game shopsy, you have an awesome setup. I had a great time, especially when i hit my boat on the river vs. marios straight, it's ok mario don't cry... ended up being good fold shannon. speaking of shannon, Q8d?????? oh well... thanks for a great competetive night guys.
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