Poker @ Shopsy's Fri. Night

I"m in Maryhill between Kitchener and Guelph, 10 min. from the Pioneer gas bar on Hwy. 7  PM me your e-mail and I"ll send out directions on thurs. night. We"ll start at 7 p.m.

We'll play for $30  with 1 $30 re-buy in the first 4 blind levels. We"ll start with 2500 in chips and use the standard Bristol Street blind levels and payout will be 40/30/20/10 if we hit 16 or 50/30/20 with less than 2 tables.  rake free.  BYOB and BYOS.

We"ll follow this up with either another tourny or a 1-2 NL game, whatever we decide that night.

Let me know if your interested in a seat.  We will shoot for 16 players on this one.

1. Shopsy                         9.  Adam
2. Brent                          10. Shannon
3. Tyson                         11. Andrew
4. Mario                          12. Stefan 
5. Greg                           13.
6. Mark                           14. Trevor
7. Larry L.                       15. Randy
8. Danielle                       16. Kyle


  • Put me down for a spot.
  • Count me in.

  • I'll take Mario's money.. throw me down.

  • Dammit!! I have to work OT @ 5 am this weekend. Oh well, maybe next time :'(

    Don't forget to take your helmets.

  • Just a little warning! I'm thinking of asking Jason ' the 10 year old super star ' if he'd like to join the game - that way we get to control the ' raise kings '. Tyson, Brent, affraid, be very affraid! I'll be there, wine in hand. It's going to get loud!
    Count me in.
    Larry L.
  • Danielle is in, so I assume Happy is in
  • Well since happy's in, so am I
  • Johnnie, too bad you can't make it.  Do you have a helmet I can borrow?

  • No can do. Someone else will have to take all your money. Have fun!
  • I'm there.

  • You can put Andrew and I down, and maybe one more.

  • Add specialK Kyle.

    I'm driving to and from Waterloo if anyone else wants a ride.

  • I'll be there too... I should really move to TO, where the games are WAAAAYYYYY softer. This is going to be a brutal tourney.
  • So.. since the K/W community is going.. any carpool possibilities?

    I know me and Malt can hook up, Rob? Shannon? Let's not spank mother nature too hard.

  • I don't mind driving a couple more KW guys if they don't mind a donation to my coffee fund, something along the lines of the pot ItsaMe usually takes down with quad aces  ;)  I can fit two more, or 3 if somebody want's to ride b|tch.

  • Please sign me up shopsy, getting a ride with greg
  • shopsy wrote:
    We'll play a $30 freezeout with 1 re-buy in the first 4 blind levels.
    Hey Flopsy!  Is it a freezeout or is there one rebuy?  You can't have it both ways buddy!

    Oh, and a start time would we cool ;)

    Unless this is a subliminal message...
    shopsy wrote:
    10 min. from the Pioneer gas bar on Hwy. 7  PM me your e-mail and I"ll send out directions on thurs. night.

  • Greg,

    Updated the post to cover all your corrections. I should have read it over

  • DrTyore wrote:
    So.. since the K/W community is going.. any carpool possibilities?

    I know me and Malt can hook up, Rob? Shannon? Let's not spank mother nature too hard.


    I'd offer a ride, but I'm off to Markam the next morning at 7am, so I'll unlikely be sticking around for the cash game afterward.
  • Aha!  It was a subliminal message, or at least subconsciously you knew that '7 pm' was in the original post one way or another.

  • Wish I could make it out! Damn exams :'(
  • Looks like 2 full tables, if anyone still needs directions let me know

    See ya tomorrow,
  • Could you Pm me the directions.

  • My +1 can't come, so looks like another openning.
  • ANy openings?
  • I'd be in for filling the opening.
  • My apologies, Shopsy but I also have to drop out tonight. :( Very sorry for the lastminuteness of the this.
  • Sorry you can't make it Rob. I was really looking forward to playing you again since our HU battle at beanie's.

    My offer to carpool from Waterloo still stands, PM me if interested. See you guys tonight.

  • g2 wrote:
    Sorry you can't make it Rob. I was really looking forward to playing you again since our HU battle at beanie's.

    My offer to carpool from Waterloo still stands, PM me if interested. See you guys tonight.


    That was, perhaps, my favorite heads up battle (so far). It was a hard fought, back and forth match. You avoided a ton of traps, called me out when I didn't have it, and the same thing happened in reverse. :)

    Good luck, tonight all!
  • Hey Shopsy

    Thanks again for a great night.. can't wait for the next one

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