West Side Poker Club The Re-buy Tournament you asked for...



  • Thanks Acid Joe,

    Yes, same time and same place as always. We will start at 1:00 pm sharp! About 60 people so far.

  • Brent,

    Please signup me and Cristina P

  • Grant is the other guy coming. Also Kris p is coming he might have reg. already though
  • thanks happy, I got that. see you tomorrow
  • Thanks guys another well run day. I look forward to seeing you again at your Tournament of Champions. Did my best fighting at the final table to stay alive but I guess it still wasn't my turn to win one. Again great job.
  • Yet another great tourney yesterday even though I ran out of chips a little earlier than I had hoped I managed to create the final table when I went all-in utg with J-J and was called by short stack next to me A-8 and then BB A-Q of Diamonds All I see is a J when the flop comes and feel Great until I realize that all 3 cards are diamonds. On a good note I did win a 500 piece chip set that was donated by Brad ( TwoThree ) on the forum. So Thanks again Cam,Brent and Brad for another great day.

    Until next week,

  • Yeah thanks guys another fun event, and I remembered to bring my luckbox again. I've been so close the 2 times I've played but both times I lost the one big key hand at the end. Maybe I'll have to try again this weekend.
  • Who did end up winning....
  • It was a great afternoon. It was a non ring tournament, which set the stage for Buba winning his first tournament ever. He wants a ring so bad. We had 45 people. Not b ad for a 7 day notice.

    Steve C 1000.00
    Anne 660.00
    Jon L 480.00
    Mike W 360.00
    Marcel F 300.00
    Murry D 240.00
    Joe 160.00
    Rohit 100.00

    I hope to see many of you at the Shoot-Out on Saturday November 19th and our tournament of champions December 10th and 11th.

    Prophet 22
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