Bristol St. Classic XX - Wed. Nov. 2nd @ 7pm (Waterloo)



  • Gow has been added into the tournamnet. I'm heading back home and will be off the net for a while. If you need to cancel or know you're going to be late, please give me a call.

    See you tonight!!!
  • Well, another really fun Bristol is done.  Thanks to Rob for hosting another great night.  Congrats to Mark on the win - you played great, and I know you've been waiting for this for a while!

    Jamal - I hereby dub you "Matt Hardy" since you have the same slogan - "I WILL NOT DIE!".  Great (and frustrating) to watch you go from all-in on the ante to chip leader before you finished third.

    I also want to thank all the regulars who pitched in to help pick up some new supplies for the best home game in KW.

    Finally - TYSON - down goes the gauntlet.  One Bristol left, I'm taking your spot at the next one! :)
  • Thanks again Rob, it was a fun night. And congrats Mark, despite making a fold I would say I thought was "somewhat questionable" I thought you played pretty well putting that aggressiveness to good use. Those were some big blinds. OK time to sleep, nothing like getting home at 1 and finishing school work :rage:.
  • Congrats DrTyore for taking it down.
  • Thanks Rob from all the Milton "crew".. We will be back!!! Jeff...
  • Ditto from me...great night... thanks for the chocolate... never typed this quick before
  • stpboy wrote:
    Good point, perhaps Deuce and myself will show up 20 minutes in.   I'm sure Mario and Mark will be on the rail by then....


    I love this reputation.. we'll wait on the results.

  • DrTyore wrote:
    stpboy wrote:
    Good point, perhaps Deuce and myself will show up 20 minutes in.   I'm sure Mario and Mark will be on the rail by then....


    I love this reputation.. we'll wait on the results.


    Hrm... well, shoulda read teh whole thread... :)

    A great night all.. though I wonder on Sir Watt's "questionable fold"... probably the 10k raise folded to the 21k all in?

    Rob.... awesome night, I've never had so much fun playing BINGO!! :) Anyways... a great final table, a lot of fun, and nobody was by any means out of it, with like 6k in the pot to steal every hand!!

  • I was going to post the official results, but I forgot them at home this morning, so a BIG congrats to Mark on becomming the Bristol Street Classic XX Champion! The final table started at a blind level where we've been down to three players in the past two tournament. We maxed out the blind levels and it was pretty crazy by the end. Look for official results as well as the updated points standing, tomorrow.

    Also, I wanted to say thanks to everyone for the awesome Xmas presents!! I really appreciated the thought.

    >> A great night all.. though I wonder on Sir Watt's "questionable fold"... probably the 10k raise folded to the 21k all in?

    I think that was the hand, but you were getting some pretty monster odds to call that raise. I think the pot was up to 60k at that point.
  • Yeah the folding 10K into a 45K (I think that was about right) pot when you had 2 live cards geerally isn't recommended. I think you would be better off making smaller raises preflop if you want to be able to fold your hand if someone goes all-in on you. Raising 5 times the big blind instead of say 3 isn't scaring anyone, we all know you have garbage no matter how much you raise :)
  • SirWatts wrote:
    Yeah the folding 10K into a 45K (I think that was about right) pot when you had 2 live cards geerally isn't recommended.  I think you would be better off making smaller raises preflop if you want to be able to fold your hand if someone goes all-in on you.  Raising 5 times the big blind instead of say 3 isn't scaring anyone, we all know you have garbage no matter how much you raise :)

    You're probably right... however, I think I took a page from the book of "Itsame" Mario, and went with my gut.... the math be damned! Maybe Sklansky loves me?

    It worked out in the end however, but I will still admit that it ws a HUGE amount of luck involved at that point with those blinds.... and I definately got all my chips into the middle on the good and bad side of the odds a few times and managed to suck it out (Gow, I SOOO owe you a beer my dealer buddy!)

  • Damn Gow and his aces.
  • Atta boy, Mark. Nice win.

    I'll wait to post my thought(s) on the Officail Results page.

    Thanks Rob!!

  • Yea for Mark!! I guess you've cetainly proven that you aren't under any curse at are now! Hahaha...the infamous Bristol St Winners' Curse!! Trust me, it exists, I know from first hand experience. Congrats again on the win, you deserve it!
  • everyone is happier than pigs in shit that mark won, and i'm one of 'em.

    You deserved this win mark. alot of people give you mass amounts of credit on your "super-agressive" style, but i personally think you have some great poker talent.

    hope that pot was big

  • Congrats Mark.

    Hopefully I make the list for the next tournament. I have not made a Bristol since my own win so many months ago (Damn Rob and his popular tournaments).

    I can still break the curse!
  • Easy wrote:
    Yea for Mark!! I guess you've cetainly proven that you aren't under any curse at are now! Hahaha...the infamous Bristol St Winners' Curse!! Trust me, it exists, I know from first hand experience. Congrats again on the win, you deserve it!

    The Bristol curse may be broken. Tom (XIV Champ) finished in Ninth place, not Nineteenth!!

  • I thought I was 9th.
  • moose04 wrote:
    I thought I was 9th.

    You made the final table. So you finished 8th. Maybe I'm wrong, so let's wait for the Offical Results page..............
  • Easy wrote:
    Yea for Mark!! I guess you've cetainly proven that you aren't under any curse at are now! Hahaha...the infamous Bristol St Winners' Curse!! Trust me, it exists, I know from first hand experience. Congrats again on the win, you deserve it!

    I think that the reason I won is mainly because you weren't there darlin!

  • Allright... seriously...

    I'm getting PM's, I'm getting e-mails, and I'm getting called at work for congratulations.

    You guys fucking rock... so hard...

    I love this poker community.

  • Try asking your boss for a raise now. :D
  • DrTyore wrote:
    Allright... seriously...

    I'm getting PM's, I'm getting e-mails, and I'm getting called at work for congratulations.

    You guys fucking rock... so hard...

    I love this poker community.


    Ah the fame that comes with winning a Bristol Street Title! :) And if you thought you could get famous winning a Bristol Street Classic tournament......!......?
  • Is it a fact that players that were put on the waiting list and did not get to play in the previous Bristol get first cracks at the next one? Does that make sense? I heard a rumour that that was the case.

  • That's correct. It was originally used as a way to help out the 3 or 4 people on the waiting so that they knew they could play in the next tournament. I would hate to see it turn into a "get on the waiting list as a pre-reg to the next tournament" thing.

    Any ideas on how I can improve this? One thing I've tossed around is tweaking the rule to say "If you're on the waiting list and show up, but don't get seated, you're guaranteed a spot at the next tournament." Of course, if I do that, I run the risk of packing 50 people into my home. But, if we use the living room and Tye's chips for a side game...
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