Bristol St. Classic XX - Wed. Nov. 2nd @ 7pm (Waterloo)



  • Ummmm..... There are 13 people on the waiting list.... congrats on a new Bristol Street record.

    So, while it's unlikey that most of you guys will get in, this means that the next Bristol Street is roughly half full, three weeks before I announce it. How about we all pitch in and buy me a new house? I'll even spring for the extra chips.
  • A sign of how Bristol crazy we all are........there are 2 BSC Champions on the waiting list!!
  • At this pace, we should start getting ready for the waiting list for the next Bristol
  • Anyone withdraw yet? Has the waiting list moved?
  • Not at all. If any drops out it's usually the day of.
  • Zithal wrote:
    Ummmm..... There are 13 people on the waiting list....  congrats on a new Bristol Street record.

    So, while it's unlikey that most of you guys will get in, this means that the next Bristol Street is roughly half full, three weeks before I announce it.  How about we all pitch in and buy me a new house?   I'll even spring for the extra chips.

    Time to start running satellites Rob. :D Prize is entry to the next Bristol and the satellite fees go towards buying out your neighbours so you have more room.
  • or you coudl up the buy-in. i know this is meant to be a low-Limit game, but it would thin the feild a bit. But hey, i dont even know if thats what robs going for....... a paradox i guess.

    although, i woudl still play at bristol for $20 with a $10 re-buy. and i'm sure almost everyone else woudl too.

    bristol is a game everyone takes seriously (not including "dirty whore mark" hahaha) and no matter what the buy-in is, people are still going to want to play there. No one else runs a game so organized and comfortably run. rob has the best blind schedule in town, he moves people from table to table the right way, and he generally just makes everything run smoothly.


  • bristol is a game everyone takes seriously (not including "dirty whore mark" hahaha)



    I take it seriously! I seriously wish that I would place something other than 32nd.

  • I am considering options for upping capacity, but nothing definate yet. I don't think I'll up the buy in because in order to get it to a level where it'll will start to affect numbers, it would alienate a lot of the regulars and take away from the casual atmophere.

    Idea 1:

    Probably the best thing to do is to just up the number of tournaments I run. This past month has been especially busy, but running they more frequently should thin out the numbers.

    Idea 2:

    Was also considering a senario where, if we have > 32 players, we split the tournament into two weeks.

    Week 1: 7-9:30 First half
    Week 1: 9:30-12:00 Second half
    Week 2: 7-? Merge the two groups, play down.

    I'm not sure if this'll work.

    Idea 3:

    I can fit one table in the living room, upping capacity to 40, then change starting chip distribution from 12/12/2 to 8/8/3. I really hate spreading around the tables to multiple rooms, though.

    Idea 4: Buy a new house with a bigger common area. I can dream, can't I?

    Idea 5: Opening a casino in Waterloo, hosting primarilty poker. I can really dream, can't I?
  • Zithal wrote:

    Idea 1:

    Probably the best thing to do is to just up the number of tournaments I run.   This past month has been especially busy, but running they more frequently should thin out the numbers.

    That's the funniest shit i've read all day...

    Run em as often as you want Rob, we'll all be coming out cause you run THE #1 game in town.
  • It doesn't matter what you do Rob, we'll get into your house somehow! :D

    I'm still thinking about moving into Lisa's old room just to have my seated automatically reserved for every Bristol!! How much is the rent? :D

  • I think if you up the number of tournaments, there are some who will still come to all of them, but some of us can't afford that, so it would thin the field a bit. I really don't like "idea 2", because it might be difficult to come to both if you qualify, and I like "idea 3", although it will make for a longer night.

    I also think that while a large portion of the turn-out is due to your exceptional hosting skills, part of it is due to the points system.  To make another suggestion, if you are planning on hosting more often, what about having 2 32-person Bristol's each month, but players can only attend 1 or the other (or 3 every 2 months, and you can only attend 2, etc.).  Each tourney will run about the same length/payout, it will end on the same night, and only allowing attendance at 1 will thin the field.
  • DrTyore wrote:

    bristol is a game everyone takes seriously (not including "dirty whore mark" hahaha)



    I take it seriously! I seriously wish that I would place something other than 32nd.


    Sorry Mark, I think Mario is due for a breakout this week....maybe next time.

    Rob, could you post the updated points standings? Thanks!
  • This is the best game in town. I have never left unhappy with the tournament (the cards..well that's different, right Johnnie?). As Johnny said, it is the best run tournament around. Have it weekly and the numbers wouldn't change.

    Now who do I slip a twenty to to get my name moved up? Or do I need to slip Rob something else! :D
  • i don't even know why he bothers with the "(If we get less than 20 players, we'll use a 50/25/15/10 split.)" in his posting. ;)
  • Zithal wrote:
    I can fit one table in the living room, upping capacity to 40, then change starting chip distribution from 12/12/2 to 8/8/3. 

    I'm tired. I've been playing poker all day plus running up and down the stairs everytime the bell rings for trick and treaters. I just can't figure out what this means.
  • moose04 wrote:
    Zithal wrote:
    I can fit one table in the living room, upping capacity to 40, then change starting chip distribution
    from 12 green(25)/12 black(100)/2 purple(500) to 8 green/8 black/3 purple. 

    I'm tired. I've been playing poker all day plus running up and down the stairs everytime the bell rings for trick and treaters. I just can't figure out what this means.

    My interpretation in bold - I think just due to physical quantity of each colour of chip
  • beanie42 wrote:
    What about having 2 32-person Bristol's each month, but players can only attend 1 or the other (or 3 every 2 months, and you can only attend 2, etc.). Each tourney will run about the same length/payout, it will end on the same night, and only allowing attendance at 1 will thin the field.

    I think this is a good idea, but realistically difficult even for the best host around to manage and keep everything straight. However, if you do want to go with something like this a website with an on-line signup form or something would be able to manage the complexities of such a system. I would be able to offer my assistance in building such a system if you so choose.
  • However, if you do want to go with something like this a website with an on-line signup form or something would be able to manage the complexities of such a system.  I would be able to offer my assistance in building such a system if you so choose.
    I've created a seperate thread ( related to your comments (just to keep from flooding Zithal's thread). Check it out WaterLooser (and any other lurking programmers :) ).
  • Updated Point Standings (Top 20)

    1. "Redington" Tyson J. - 107
    2. "ItsaMe" Mario - 90
    3. Kevin F. - 89
    4. "Shopsy" Jeff S. - 87
    5. "Slippery" Pete A. - 86
    6. "8Ball" Tye Z. - 85
    7. "beanie" Trevor - 84
    8. "Zithal" Rob L. - 83
    9. "Lamb Of" Johnny A. - 79
    10. "Dirty Whore" Mark B. - 79
    11. "Oragami" Jonathan C. - 75
    12. "Brava" Dave Sel. - 73
    13. "Ineedanick" Dave P. - 69
    14. "Skittlepoker" Bill S. - 65
    15. Johnnie H. - 65
    16. "batmankw" David Sin. - 64
    17. "Wolfhound" Dave - 63
    18. "Comic Book" Dave - 61
    19. "Flint Bones" Andrew - 59
    20. "Ionstorm" Ian. - 59
  • Trevor if you could bring my card cover chip I would appreciate it.

    If anyone has Nevada Jacks could you bring them tonight. I'd like to check them out.
  • Might as well throw me on the list Rob. I might just come and watch the fun and myabe play in a cash game, if there's room. At least this way I might have a shot at getting into the next Bristol.

  • I have to be in two place late tonight, my original plan was to come and play till 10, and then post and fold (for points).
    Given the length of the waiting list though it just doesn't seem like such a good idea anymore.

    Please drop me from the list Rob. I'd ask to be on the waiting list to get into the next one, but, I'll be in the same position on Wednesdays from now till'll see Bristol next in April.

    Good luck all.

  • Can I get on the waiting list? LOL, good luck to everyone tonight. Thought I had to work but now do not have to ...if you end up opening 3 or 4 more tables let me know.

  • There's always side games. :)
  • Good point, perhaps Deuce and myself will show up 20 minutes in. I'm sure Mario and Mark will be on the rail by then....

  • Zithal wrote:
    There's always side games. :)
    Where? In the driveway? :)
  • beanie42 wrote:
    Zithal wrote:
    There's always side games. :)
    Where? In the driveway? :)

    Hey! I'll be there. Besides, its a nice day today.
  • First drop out?
    Ya that's me. :'(
    Can't come tonight.
    BUT, I may come later on for cash games. :ac :as

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