New Home League Proposal



  • How about calling it Chingcousy(sp) Hill. :D
  • How about calling it Chingcousy(sp) Hill.   :D

    I think that is a pretty good name
  • Or a play on Chingcousy...

    The Cha-Ching League ;)
  • Hork42 wrote:
    pkrfce9 wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Leave it to you Hork to find the single spelling error I have EVER made!!!!
    umm...2 more in that last post...

    I counted 4... and countless grammar mistakes. ;)

    OMG, I'm back in grade 4 again.
    Miss Carol, May I go to the bathroom please??
    "NO! Not until you learn to spell correctly." :D
  • ElElliott wrote:
    Or a play on Chingcousy...

    The Cha-Ching League ;)

    This one I like!! :D
  • How bout "give the money to jonathan cause he's gonna take it all" league  :D let the trash talkin begin
    can't wait for the league to start! count me in!
  • Only if you win on 82o again!!! :rage:

    Okay, so maybe the name needs some work, but we can discuss that during our first game night.

    I have just sent out the Rules, Regulations, Format, Outline, Blinds Schedule, and directions for the first game on NOVEMBER 3 AT 8PM.

    I ask that all review these sheets and send me an email or PM me with any questions or concerns you may have. These forms are meant to be a living document, meaning open to change as we see fit as time goes on.

    Thanks to everyone who has expressed an interest in joining. There is still room open, and of course, there will be room for those wishing to participate irregularily.

    Let me know if you are IN for the first game by returning my email to my hotmail address.


    Send me an email please. Tried to send the outlines to you, but they were bounced back. Thanks
  • AJ: send me it in a pm here, i get them directly in my email.
    are u goin to the home game tomorro nite?
  • Hey AJ,

    sent you an email....looks like i'm in! let me know if there's any room left! with regards to the league about:

    Ace-Jack poker league....Your initials....can't get it mixed up with any other league out! Just a suggestion....may sound lame to otheres though...ha!

    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
  • Tilt, AC, and Pegasus....I have now emailed all the info to you guys. Please reveiw.

    First League Game is planned for NOVEMBER 3 at 8PM.
  • i mite and mite not be in cuz that much a week is 2 much for me especially if i don't win :'(
    i mite be one of those ppl who came every 2nd week.
  • AJ what is the details of the league.

  • arg.. a bit too far from Cambridge. Let me know how it works, it sounds interesting and I would not mind starting something similar around here.

  • AAKKK, check your PM's.

    All...I have had a request to change the start time from 8pm to 8:30pm. We should still be able to finish around 11 most nights I would think. Anyone have an issue with a later starting time??
  • 8:30 works for me - as long as we start on time ;)
  • Sure. On time should be no issue. Get all commitments by 5pm. AJ can set up the tables and chips and assign seats in advance. Cards in the air at 8:30. If you aren't there you get blinded out. If you commit and don't show, you are out $50. If you show and don't commit, you get to watch. Nice work AJ! (Maybe someone can show up a bit early and help...)
  • Argh. Everything looks good except thursday is no good for me. Ah well, maybe next time.
  • Salar, it would be great if you could make it out. If memory serves, we were chip leaders from the Rack, right? Would have been good to have you in. You're welcome anytime you can fit the game in.

    As far as the 8:30pm start, if no one objects, lets set it up for 8:30 ONTIME, or blinded out. Pkrfce9's suggestion is a good one. Nothing I dislike more than someone commits and ends up as a no show without any kind of contact prior to game time.
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