New Home League Proposal

I would like to propose a new home league for players in the Brampton area.

The league would consist of approximately 12 to 15 regular players each week (or biweekly, whichever is more convenient) on a regular night during the week. It would be a NLHE freezeout format. Here's the outline...

Each night, players would meet at my place in Brampton, and pay a certain amount ( I was thinking $35, of which, $10 each would be immediately put aside for the final tournament of champions, but this is NOT set in stone yet). The rest of the buyin would be awarded each game on a 50/30/20 split. Points would be awarded based on the position you get knocked out on. For example, first place would get 120 (based on 12 people), second would get 110, third 100...all the way to the last place who would get 10 points. Also, the winner of each night would receive the Weekly Bracelet (to be purchased from the money in the Tournament of Champions event), which they can proudly show off until the next game night, at which time they would have to defend it or pass it on to the new winner. So each night, we would play for a decent size pot ($300 or so if my math works out), as well as a bragging rights bracelet, and work towards increasing their point position.

At the end of the season, we will play the Tournament of Champions. There will be no buyin for this tournament, and whatever points you accumulate during the season will dictate your starting chip count for the tournament. Payout for this event would again be 50/30/20 split, and I am estimating a prize pool of approximately $3000!! Also, we will get trophies for the winners of this event.

I've been monkeying around with a spreadsheet design to keep track of players, points, and money won, and have had someone who already runs a league volunteer whatever he can to help us out (thanks Bill). I'm still working out the finer details of the league, and will send out a copy of the rules and structure to whosoever signs up. This will not be a closed league, and anyone who wants to play will be allowed to join in from time to time, provided they ensure they will return the Bracelet should they happen to win it one night.

Right now, I'm looking to see what kind of interest there is for this league. If you have attended any of my monthly home games, you will know that I try to run a fun night of poker with good people and skills mix. The league would reflect that as well. BTW, this league will NOT be taking the place of the home games I run, which I fully intend to continue with, just allow a bunch of us to meet regularly to play in a league setting.

If you're interested, please respond with your name, and email address. I'm looking for about 10 to 15 regular participants to start things off with. Thanks.



  • Hey AJ,

    Sounds niiiiiiiiiice! I would be interested, given the right night, start time, etc - but since you are close it's a lot easier for me to make it most nights. Probably Fridays or Saturdays around 8pm are best for me. This would be non-smoking, right?

    My math tells me the 'season' you are planning is 25 weeks? I'd recommend shorter - maybe 12. Not too long, just long enough to accumulate a bit of cash for the final tourney. Too long and people will be afraid of missing too many or that the group will fall apart before the final. Too short and you don't have much to shoot for at the final.

    How to calculate the chips for the final should be discussed. This forum uses a different formula for leaderboard points. I'm sure there is a good reason why - I just don't know. We can ask!!! I'd also allow an add-on for the final but not a cheap one. This boosts the pot, gives late joiners a fair chance at the tourney and also those who didn't do as well during the season a chance to catch up.

    I would be interested in something around $50 for each tourney -$40 to the weekly prize and $10 to the final tourney. I don't think you should go above 25% being devoted to something a ways down the road. If you can get 12 guys out, that would be almost $500 in weekly prizes and around $1300 at the final (assuming a 12-week season and some costs for prizes and a couple of missed weeks here and there).

    Nice work, AJ. Thanks. I hope you can get at least 10 willing to commit. Good luck.

    Have your home games been building up? Sorry, I haven't been out in a long time.
  • Some great suggestions, Pkrfc9. Like I said earlier, nothing is in stone yet, I'm just trying to find out how much interest there is for this kind of league. I like the 12 week season though...not to far out to be uninteresting, not too short to be not worthwhile. And you're the second person to make mention of the 25% cut off the buyin too, so that may be reconsidered as well. Like I said, I don't want this to be too far out of reach for people, but still make it a hell of nice league $$$ wise.

    Any other suggestions? All will be considered and I will put together a formal format as well as league Rules.

    Yes, this will be a smoke free league...but if you want a puff, I have a semi enclosed veranda for those who wish to indulge like myself.
  • AJ,

    I'd probably be interested. Preference would be for mon-thursday evenings if possible.

  • Great Salar. Glad you could make it out.

    When I finalize the details, I will send it out to you to get your opinions/comments.
  • Tuesday or Thursday night would be nice.

    You know I'll do whatever I can to help you out bud.
  • I don't think you should go above 25% being devoted to something a ways down the road. If you can get 12 guys out, that would be almost $500 in weekly prizes and around $1300 at the final (assuming a 12-week season and some costs for prizes and a couple of missed weeks here and there).

    Word up.

    I am in, except for Mondays and most Wednesdays... Oh and some Tuesdays too. :)
  • STR82ACE wrote:

    Points would be awarded based on the position you get knocked out on.  For example,
    first place would get 120 (based on 12 people),
    second would get 110,
    third 100...
    all the way to the last place who would get 10 points. 

    Wouldn't it be easier to just track the Money won to crown a leader?
    It would also be more accurate imo.
    Ex: game 1, 12 players with a $500 pot
    1st place gets $250 and 120 points
    2nd gets $150 and 110 points
    3rd gets $100 and 100 points.
    4th gets 90 points.... and so on.

    Game 2: 12 players and same $500 pot.
    Last weeks 1st place guy busts out first and gets 10 points for a total of 130 points.
    Last weeks 2nd and 3rd place finishers finish right behind him and both now have 130 points.
    Last weeks bubble boy busts on the bubble again and now has 180 points and takes the lead, but has not won a penny!

    What is the point of tracking points/$ anyway if the side money and trophies goes toward the "Champions game"?

    I think you want to make this as easy as possible on yourself in terms of extra paper work and math.
    I would start by deleting the term "league". It should become simpler immediately. :)
  • The points would have used to dictate the starting chip count for the Tournament of Champions only, but I see what you mean about a player who consistently doesn't make the money becoming the chip leader at the final game.  Then again, you could always argue that a consistent player deserves a healthy chip count....hmmmmmm.  We will talk more about it later.

    What does everyone else think?  Money or Points dictate the final game???

    Also, still lots of room left for other interested players. Sign up below.
  • I think how you calculate the points would determine this. Like I mentioned, the way they do it for the leaderboard here definitely skews it in favour of the top finishers. I think you gotta consider someone who bubbles every week vs someone who happens to get lucky and win 1 week but goes out first frequently. Who should be rewarded? The aggressive player or the more cautious one? I don't know.

    In the end, I would just as soon take this out of the equation. The cash each week is more than enough reward for me, assuming I can actually win some. I'm happy to start with the same chips as everyone else for the finale. Having a huge disparity in chips at the end would be a strong disincentive for those at the bottom end of the standings in the last few weeks. You might find them dropping out if they don't have much hope of a decent chance in the finale. I think you gotta give them points for contributing to the pot vs someone who misses half the games. I'd go with something like 10 points for each week played and up to 10 points for the finish each week. That way no one will have more than double the stack of any regular player at the finale.
  • Hey AJ,

    I know I'd be interested - and I'm pretty sure hubby Chris would be in too.

    We know you run a great home tourney, and I like the idea of a regular weekly game.

  • Yeah...I'm interested too....most of the week should be good for us except for Sundays.
  • Simple.
    Money talks, bullshit walks..
  • esool wrote:
    Money talks, bullshit walks..
    I'm not quite sure I understand the context of this but it would appear we have 7 people interested within 2 days of the original post. That is encouraging Can we get a few more? Thursdays seem to work?
  • Yes, I'm encouraged by the response so far as well. Some I expected to hear from haven't commented yet, so I will PM them individually and see what's holding them back. Thanks Chris and Eleanor for participating. Would be great to see you guys again, especially you Eleanor, you've got a solid game!!! (No offense Chris) :D

    I will also PM the forum administrators and get some details on the point system they use as well and how it works in conjunction with the money leader boards.

    Thursdays seem to be getting popular too. Works for me as well. After more consulation with those more skilled at this than me, I will send out the Rules and Regulations to everyone and set up the first game night in the near future.

    Thanks to everyone who has expressed an interest so far. Lets' keep in going. Looking for as many as 10 more players to join in.
  • Can't say I read past the 1st five lines.  Just from reading the subject line, I'm interested.  Unfortunately no day of the week is good for me, but if you set the date, I will try to force it into my schedule to make it fit.

    Ok, I read all the post now, and it seems to be allot of debate over point structure. Without even looking at this forums point system, I’ll just say that I get the impression that STR82ACE primary motivation behind this is fun for all skill levels. So the question of rewarding a one time winner more than a consistent solid player shouldn’t be a factor. The point system should reflect what the organizer is trying to achieve. Who should you reward, the people who make it fun, and who’s that, the people who will be showing up week after week regardless of skill level or success. So my suggestion is make it 10 points just for showing up. 4 extra points for finishing first, 3 for second, 2 for third, and 1 for the bubble boy each week. This way no one goes into the final with a mountain of chips. Like someone noted earlier, just winning the cash in the weekly game is reward enough. The players who show up all the time, (who essential make the tournaments a success) will be in fair chip position regardless of performance. Also if everyone shows up every week, and performs statistically equally, everyone will have equal chips in the final event. To account for players who may participate only once or at the tail end of the events, you might give them an option to only pay for the weekly prize, and wave the percentage going to the final event.
  • I'm definately in!!!! And, I will help our as much as possible AJ. That is, if you do need any help from me. But, as I said I'm in!!!

    K :c:
  • Bus Driver, welcome to the forum. And thanks for your interest and comments

    ACDC, I knew I could count on you bud!!! You were going to be one of the guys I PM'd and blast for not responding yet.

    Keep them coming guys, all input/suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated and will dictate the direction of the league/tournaments. Thanks.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    esool wrote:
    Money talks, bullshit walks..
    I'm not quite sure I understand the context of this...

    I was reffering to the point system. My feeling is that money is the only true way to gauge a poker player's status on a leader board, or otherwise for that matter.

    Enough about that though, I will play with any format. The point system could even be more fun which I guess is really the point of this. I tend to let money over shadow the funability at times. :)

    Hehe hehe funability.. :D
  • Sounds good Happy's all-in
    Keep me posted free any nights but tues thurs
  • i'd be up for it :D (Tuesdays are good for me) but let me know a date and ill see.
  • Man you are going to have to do a matrix with everyone's free nights and optimize it.

    Hork might be interested. I'm not sure if he's back from Vegas yet.
  • Right, I forgot he went to Vegas. I'm sure he would be interested too.

    I'll come up with a night schedule within the next day or so, or better yet, maybe we can rotate the days abit...Tues one week, Thursday the next...just to give everyone a chance to come out. How does that sound?

    Getting some great interest now, and I will compile the Rules and Schedules in the next day or two and set up the first game for as soon as possible. I like pkrfce9's idea on keeping to a 12 week schedule, then the final Tournament will take place.

    Thanks to everyone who has signed on to date. Still room left open for a few more.
  • If going with a 12 week schedule you might want to have a few weeks break around Christmas as a lot of people go on vacationsm have parties and such.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    If going with a 12 week schedule you might want to have a few weeks break around  Christmas as a lot of people go on vacationsm have parties and such.

    YOU SAID THE 'C' WORD!!!!!!! That'll be a penalty of 1 big blind!!! :D

    I will schedule AROUND the holidays, no worries.
  • Just heard from Hork. He won't be able to committ to a weekly game at this time, but would like to keep in touch for future rounds. Something about being busy with new additions or something.

    Anyway, I was thinking that maybe we should name this league/club/gettogether/social event...something that we can put on the trophies and bracelet as well as the Money Leader Plague I'm thinking about getting for the one who leads the money board at the end. Any suggestions??
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Money Leader Plague

    How about The Bubonic Poker Championship? Man, i hope the money leader doesn't breathe on me...
  • Leave it to you Hork to find the single spelling error I have EVER made!!!!

    PLAGUE?? PLAQUE?? PLAKE??? Hey, did you guys know there's a spell check feature?? COOL!!
  • First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has expressed an interest in this home league. To date, I have a total of 15 people who have told me they are interested in playing regularily. Thanks everyone.

    Secondly, I want to particularily thank escool and pkrfce9 for all their advise and recommendations thus far. Your assistance has been greatly appreciated in helping me get this off the ground.

    Finally, I want to tell everyone that the league structure is almost complete and I will be forwarding it to everyone who has expressed an interest no later than Monday Oct 24. Bus Driver and Johnathan, I couldn't find your email address, so please PM it to me before the weekend.

    There's still abit of room left for more interested players. You can either PM me, post to this thread, or send me an email, it's public.

    As of right now, it looks like the first regular game will be either November 3 or November 10 (Thrusday nights seem to work for most everyone, but if it doesn't, I apologize. Had to go with the majority)

    Again, thanks to everyone for everything so far.

    PS-still looking for a good name for this league/club whatever. For trophies and what not.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Leave it to you Hork to find the single spelling error I have EVER made!!!!
    umm...2 more in that last post...
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Leave it to you Hork to find the single spelling error I have EVER made!!!!
    umm...2 more in that last post...

    I counted 4... and countless grammar mistakes. ;)
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