Team Canuck BLOG Sep 24

A play-by-play of tonight's tournament for those who want to take part...

I advertised tomorrow's sit-n-go as a buy-in to the $600 Masters IV.

Well, the Masters IV is actually $1000. But... Paradise will STILL honour the deal! So, the final table meet tomorrow to play for one $1K seat in Masters IV on Jan 15.

Good luck all. There is now $1200 added dollars from Paradise. Thank you!


  • Awesome! Good luck all.
  • None of the bounties are at me table.
  • Have Das-Das on my right,,,woohoo. Would hate if it was the left.
  • In the early going, Bob turniptruck Jarrett has double through to lead the team. It looks like he will, as usual, not be buying the Banana's Foster.
  • Would hate if it was the left.

    I have learned... with a $50 bounty on my head, don't bluff.
  • That sounds familiar, like I've heard it recently as a piece of advice given to me.

    On another note, Dave has pointed out that so far, I'm doing worse than I usually do in these tournaments, blinding off. Someone gets $50 faster? Hmmm...
  • The next Team Canuck will be Oct 29
  • Bounty or not, still want you on my right, left bad, very bad........

    Of course I will now get Bob, Devin on my right soon.
  • I'm doing worse than I usually do in these tournaments, blinding off.

    Your clever blinding off strategy had you finish ahead of me in 2 of 3 previous attempts.
  • JJ as an overpair picked up 1000 from bigbrew's traight draw

    AA v 99. I lose 2200 chips.
  • Seems like the forum went "Connection refused" for about 8 minutes there.

    Apparently, this Blog is so popular, it's bogging down the server. :)

  • I am 67th of 68... sigh.

    Oh yeah, don't give up the ship. Chip and a chair. Right right.
  • iluvtheflop busts all_aces.

    Apparently, the blinding off strategy previously deployed by aces is better than actually attending.
  • I'm out.

    cowboybill55 gets me.

    He raise pre-flop. I announce "I am going to execute the stop-n-go play"

    I have AK in the BB.

    Flop K-9-x.

    cowboy has 99.

  • As you mentioned so tactfully, I'm out too.

    I have 800 at 25/50

    I am UTG with JJ and raise to 180, I believe.  Folded to MP, big stack, who makes it 3000.  Folded back to me, I say "since we're headed to 50/100, I gotta call"

    He has AA, IGHN.

    Before that, I called a couple of preflop raises and raised a couple of times myself, missing and folding. 

    As a side note, the player who knocked me out chanted 'USA USA USA' after he won.  And, I believe he called someone at the table a 'cheerleader bitch' after he or she was basically wishing me luck.

  • I'm out. Short stacked looking for a double belly straight draw and a flush draw. Never came.  Thanks Dave, I had fun.
  • Amazing the crap people will say over the net. Just wish they had more class
  • With 50 players left, Bob is in 1st place.

    Could it be? It is possible that a member of Team Canuck will FINALLY make the money?

    Ralph still in too.
  • No cashes for TCP yet, huh. Reminds me of Vegas when it took three days or so before any of us booked any kind of a win. Bob eventually broke the cold streak by cashing in a SNG.

    GL Bob and Ralph.
  • NewsFlash NewsFlash NewsFlash NewsFlash NewsFlash NewsFlash NewsFlash NewsFlash NewsFlash

    Online poker player from the United States is observed acting like an American.

    Film at 11.

  • I have seen two "classless" events... both from U.S. players. Sigh.

    I am mostly amazed when I see this kind of crap in $11 tournaments. I mean, is $11 THAT stressful to you that you freak out and talk smack?
  • It's like what 1.5 gallons of gas, well maybe
  • I mean, is $11 THAT stressful to you that you freak out and talk smack?

    No. You'll find people who received to little attention from their parents at all kinds of buy-in levels.

  • At the first break,

    TurnipTruck in 1st place with 8215
    bemore (Buddy Ashmore) in 2nd with 7872
    witchdrpoker (Of withc doctor poker apparel... I am wearing my shirt right now) in 4th

    ScottyZ in 13th

    FastWilly hanging on with 1765 in 33rd

    45 are left
  • scotty nh with the AA againts the KK. BTW I am playing as CND Beaver. gl
  • Great username Rob. GL 2 all.
  • Dead Money wrote:
    scotty nh with the AA againts the KK. BTW I am playing as CND Beaver. gl


    Nice trip 3's on the hand when I was trying to make a move on the maniac to my right. :)

    My face has been smashing into the deck so far. AA twice, QQ, and AK all in the first hour.

  • I just can talk about my experience with AA right now.

    GL SZ.
  • ScottyZ wrote:
    Dead Money wrote:
    scotty nh with the AA againts the KK. BTW I am playing as CND Beaver. gl

    Nice trip 3's on the hand when I was trying to make a move on the maniac to my right. :)


    Had to move in, my kicker was a 8 . BB special!
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