"Casual Friday" at Bristol Street (Waterloo)



  • The ammusing part was that I had 4 tickets left over from making sure everyone had one. One won $3 and two of the them won $6 a piece! :)

    Casual Friday was a blast. (At least, I was blasted.. that's the same thing, right?)

    Game 1: $5 Scratch-and-Win Freezeout.

    1st: "morty" Sean:
    2nd: "Tom"
    3rd: "Zithal" Rob L (though I won 0 bounties... grrrr..)
    4th: "Fallen Angel" Gow?

    A side game of limit broke out as this was going on, and we settled into Duece to Seven Lowball. I have no idea who won this one. I was out pretty early. I think Morty placed in the money. Does anyone recall?

    Last game was a 9 person $10 regular NLHE STT. I remember this one...

    1st: "Zithal" Rob L.
    2nd: "Wolfhound" Dave W.

    This game was also ammusing because of the "deal" struck when it got to final two. Please remember I was loaded at this point and I apologize for offering such a crappy deal. :) The prizes were 1st: $60 2nd: $30. When it came to heads up I think I had slightly better than a 2 to 1 chip lead. Here's the conversation..

    Dave: "Want to make a deal or keep playing all night?"
    Me: "How about I get $50 you get $30 and we play for the last $10"
    Dave: "Ok"

    I'm going to chalk it up to be being drunk and it being about 4 in the morning. At the very least it made playing out the final hand REALLY quick as it was only for $10.

    I'm on vacation starting next week and this week has been booked solid so look for the next Bristol Street to occur the 2nd or 3rd week of October.
  • Hey Rob

    Great night.. I think Gow took down the lowball, with Shawn taking second.. I hit third place for the money, and the "longest lasting" side bet you conveniently neglected to mention!

    Great great night of poker though.. especially Wolffhound's blind raising and checking down the freggin QUADS.

  • Rob,

    It was late enough that I would have conceeded the win regardless, you probably could have said 80/10 and I'd have taken it.

    The hand with the Quad 10's were funny enough on its own without having to take all of Jamal's chips as well...and I was exhausted and i'm weak. 2 hands later I failed to re-raise Sean all in with my flush (8 high) to his straight....I'm weak...you know this DrTyore.

    Pepis' was good as well, but, the most expensive part of the night.

    Mark is right as well, the lowball was Gow, Sean (Morty) and DrTyore

    Great night Rob, thanks again for hosting.
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