"Casual Friday" at Bristol Street (Waterloo)

It's been a while since I've hosted a casual night of poker, so grab your beer, grab your chips and grab your five dollar bills and head on over to my place for a Casual Friday at Bristol Street.

On tap for the night are an endless** supply of low buy-in MTT's, STT's and ring games. While most games will be of the NLHE variety, we always seem to play one classic variant, so at some point in the evening, we'll break into a tournament of "Triple-Draw Lowball", "Razz", "Pinapple" or something similar. (Requests taken!)

Buy-ins for most of the games will be in the $5-$10 range, and we'll start off with one big freeze-out for those that show up on time.

The fun begins at 8pm this Friday (the 23rd) and I'll post more details as they're asked!

Hope to see you out! (If you could reply to this to give me a rough idea of numbers, that'd be fabulous!)

** Where endless = a number probably greater than 3.


  • Oh, BTW...

    If anyone was actually planning on having a real tournament on Friday, I don't mind postponing this.
  • Email sent!!!
    See you on Friday, Rob!!

  • Currently sitting at 7-10. (depending on a few confirmations), so there's still room.
  • Sweet, Jamal and I will be there.
  • I believe I replied to the email, but, just in case. I'm in.

    I'm looking forward to the Triple Draw or Razz etc game. It'll be fun to mix it up a bit.
  • if there is still room i wud like in too :)
  • Sorry Rob... can't make it... Stag and Doe... However, maybe I'll swing by later
  • I'll be there too.

    My SO is out of town this weekend, so I was going to stay home and play online. I'd rather play with real people.

  • This sounds like a good tourney
  • Hello,

    You can add Mandy and I to the list if there is still room. See you on Friday!

    :as :ah
  • Hey Rob:

    Let me know if you still have room...thanks..tom
  • Still room, so come on down!
  • Hi,

    You can add on two more for me, Dave and Tracy.

    :as :ah
  • Hey Rob,

    I think I might just show up.
  • count me in for atleast a late game, but i might not be able to get to the early one, have to pick the wife up at 9. As long as i can find a driver i will come to the earlier one
  • Hi,

    Cancel Tracy and Dave.

    :as :ah
  • Just a reminder that we've got some casual poker tonight! We're up to about 13-16 people, which is very nice number. The first game of the evening has changed a tad , thanks to an excellent idea from my roommate.

    $5 No-Limit Hold'em Scratch-n-Win Bounty Hunt!!

    Players get 1,500 chips for their buy-in and their "Bounty Hunt" token is one of the Texas Hold'em scratch and win tickets. If you bust a player out you recieve (and obviously can use) their scratch and win ticket. So, bust a player out at Bristol Street and you could win a trip to the WPT event of your choice!!!

    I'll buy a few extra tickets for those that won't be reading this message in time.

    After that we'll break into side games and tournaments. Once enough interest is shown, the alternate tournament we'll break into for the evening is a $5 2-7 Lowball tournament. Summary of the game is as follows..

    - Blinds are posted and players get a 5-card hand. Betting occurs as in NHLE.
    - Players still in the hand may replace 0 to 5 cards.
    - A second round of betting occurs.
    - The player with the worst convential poker hand wins!

    The fiddly rules are...

    - The best (ie. worst) hand is "75432" (not of the same suit) as flushes and straights count against you.
    - Aces are always high, so "5432A" is not a straight, but Ace-high with a five kicker.
    - You're not allowed to draw 5 cards in a row. You get your 5th card once everyone is dealt their draws. (Wierd rule, but there it is!)
    - Award to the wierdest rule goes to: If the dealer accidentally exposes a dealt card, it is immediately replaced unless it's a 2,3,4,5 or 7 (no 6), in which you get to keep it.

    That's about it! See you at 8! BYOB, BYOS!
  • I believe it was me who threw that idea out at your last tourney Rob. Sorry I can't make it tonight to see how it works.
  • Big E and I were discussing it at our table too!! (Rob was also there) I think it's a great idea. After you lay a bad beat on someone, you can take one yourself from their scratch ticket!!!! Bad beats for everyone!!! Woohoo!!!

    And hey, maybe someone will win a WPT seat or a boatload of cash.

    See ya soon everybody!!

  • Awesome idea with the scratch tickets...even though I do hate those games lol

    Looks like I should brush up on my triple draw game. See you tonight!
  • I might show up for this tonight if there's room. Not sure yet.

    If you could send off an email with the address that would be great.

    email: eratik at gmail dot com

  • Damn... I wish I lived closer....

    Very cool idea for the "scratch ticket bounty".... however, I find it ironic that you're supporting government lottery tickets... the very institution that contributed to the "crackdown" that cancelled some little event you were planning!!

    Damn... I wish I lived closer....
  • Thanks for hosting a great casual friday Rob! Great times.
  • Rob,

    Thanks for a great Friday and Saturday of poker.

    The lowball was a blast.

  • Thanks Rob, good times all around.
  • Great time as always. Lowball was a lot of fun.
  • Lowball was a real blast, but really difficult to get used to. I should've left after that though, since I faded so fast around 2:30. I guess I'm not 18 anymore :) . Thanks for another really fun night.

    Andrew - I haven't seen a beating like that since Rodney King - I hope you're recovering ok
  • Thanks for everything Rob,

    To top it all off, I came home and won $11 in scratch-and-win prizes.

    No trip to the WPT though...

  • morty wrote:
    Thanks for everything Rob,

    To top it all off, I came home and won $11 in scratch-and-win prizes.

    No trip to the WPT though...


    Holy Crap!! How many tickets did you win on? I've bought at least 10 of those stupid things and havn't won yet.
  • JohnnieH wrote:

    Holy Crap!!  How many tickets did you win on?  I've bought at least 10 of those stupid things and havn't won yet.

    I had 6 of them, but only the first one I scratched paid off.
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