Brampton Home Game...with a TWIST!!



  • just count me out for this one

    i'll come 2 ur next home freeze out :D
  • Sorry about that but my server was down...
    I have not heard from Marlin but he will most likely be there. I'll try to catch him right now.

    K :c:
  • 1)  Sal
    2)  Esool
    3) NOW OPEN
    4)  Pegasus Kid
    5)  AC/DC
    6)  Big Chris E
    7)  Big Chris E's Missus
    8-  Long Vu
    9)  Tilt
    10)  Taso
    11)  Andreas
    12)  Hork42
    13)  Rob
    14) Tracey

    With Johnathan out, that opens up at total of 5 seats still.  I know Esool is trying to get a couple more players too, but if anyone else can russel up another player, let me know ASAP.  I would like to fill both tables as much as possible to send two winners to Witch Doctors' event in's a great cause and a very good deal indeed.

  • Marlin is out too...
    He is too scared to play such a "big" tournament.

    See Ya'll at 7:00,
    K :c:
  • Nothing to be afraid of really...just a bunch of crazy people trying to take your hard earned money away from you. Just like on Finch St in Toronto!!!

  • Brandon has tentatively signed on for tonight as well. That brings the total back up to 14 so far.

    Last minute registration still available. Looking for 2 or 3 more players. PM me or send me an email or post here for directions and contact numbers.

    Shuffle Up and Deal for game ONE starts at 7:30pm SHARP!!!

  • 1) Sal
    2) Esool
    3) Enzo
    4) Pegasus Kid
    5) AC/DC
    6) Big Chris E
    7) Big Chris E's Missus
    8- Long Vu
    9) Tilt
    10) Taso
    11) Andreas
    12) Hork42
    13) Rob
    14) Tracey
    15) Jeff
    16) Brandon

  • Not my best night by any means but a great time nonetheless. Big props to AJ for hosting such a large group at his home.

    - I didn't see an Ace the entire first game.

    - The wall of Andreas.

    - Chris 1's near breaking down the Wall Of Andreas

    - AJ Busts out first AGAIN!

    - Tracy looks to take me outside and lay a beating for my shit dealing

    - Great meeting Andreas, Jeff, Tracy, AJ's brother who I don't know, that guy with the moustache and glasses I don't know, Elenore, Big Chris and yeah... I know everyone else one way or another.

    GG's to all and I hope to play you guys again soon.
  • GG ppl came in 8th o well :D i'll take it all next time no worries :)
  • It's 1:30 am, and the second game ended about a half an hour ago. Games went abit longer than I thought they would. Next time, start earlier, shorter blinds.

    They are headed to Witch Doctor's game in October.

    Congradulations to all the winners tonight from both games. I throughly enjoyed having everyone over. Any recommendations for improving such a large gathering would be appreciated.

    Special thanks to Escool and Pegasus Kid for the loan of the the extra chairs and chips.

    Thanks to everyone who came out tonight. I will post more about the games later on. Right now, I hear my pillow talking to me.


    I need sleep...
  • Thanks for hosting STR82ACE. Good games, all.

  • Thanks for the game AJ,

    Both Eleanor had a great time.
  • Hey, I really enjoyed organizing this little satellite, and a BIG THANKS to everyone for coming out to support a great cause. I'm eagar to hear feedback on how we can make this kind of thing better for future games. Tell me what worked, what didn't work, and thoughts on how to improve the tourney.

    Okay, now lets talk about the games.

    Yea, I busted out first in the first game. Pocket 5's in LP when you're short stacked against the chip leader MAY look inviting, but you just know you'll get your ass kicked hard. And I did. FIRST GAME CHUMP, became the Beer Bitch!!! Felt like forever before I could get a side game going, but when it finally got underway, I did okay and pulled off a nice second place pot. The action on the main table was absolutely riveting, and everyone was more interested in watching that game. HORK42 and Andreas went HeadsUp, both with impressive chip stacks in front of them, but with blinds at 500/1000 it wasn't long before Andreas bled HORK42 dry. Very good game all in all. Andreas became chip leader early in the game and only continued to get good cards, dominating the table.

    Second game, the random seating placed me right between HORK42 to my left and Andreas to my right. OMG!!! I was doomed!! With help from the others at the table though, both Andreas and HORK42 got busted out as Chump2 and Chump3. Talk about a sigh of relief. After merging the tables, we tossed the blinds around for awhile before we finally starting playing and pretty soon we were down to five. TOP FOUR PAY, with 1st and 2nd going to the charity event, so the battle for fouth place was crucial. I finally mangage to cripple AC/DC and he was soon out of the game, and that's when I annouced that the remaining two players, Tracy and Taso would go the Oct 2 game, and AC/DC and I split the rest of the pot.

    KUDOS TO THE LADIES IN ATTENDANCE!!! Both Tracy ang BigChrisE's Wife made it the final table for both games and were threatening participants throughout. I know Tracy can put the fear of GOD into normal mortal men, just ask my brother!!! I have never played my brother and his wife before and was very surprised at how well she played. I think Pegasus Kid was truly fearing for his life a couple of times against her. How did she beat you again??? Wish I had it on film, dude.

    I believe Tracy will be offering her newly won seat to her husband, and last time I saw them, AC/DC and Taso were bargaining for his seat. I have already notified Witch Doctor and will be meeting up with him on Tuesday to get the Tshirts.

    Oh yea, Escool and Andreas both get a lovely parting gift of a limited edition Tshirt for being the first to bust out in the second game. Also, AC/DC gets the other consolation prize of a tshirt for taking 4th position.

    Great night all. Hope everyone had a good time. Like I said before, any suggestions on how we can improve it would be greatly appreciated.

  • Thanks, AJ, for hosting - it really was a great night!

    It would have been greater if I hadn't busted out on the bubble during the second game....but I still had a fun time ;)

    Eleanor aka "the missus"
  • Eleanor, you played great all night long. I know what you mean about playing on the bubble though.

    Great seeing you and BigChrisE. I host games usually on a monthly basis, and both of you are more than welcome to come out again. :D
  • Great Tourney AJ!!!!
    Andreas and Taso are not signed up on this board so on their behalf as well as mine I say Big Thanks for hosting.
    It was very nicely done and I finished in the money both time, which is not bad but I did not meat the objective of getting into the charity tourney. Next time.
    As for suggestions of improving the game. I'd have to say that paying attention to the game, less talking about BS and in consequence NOT screwing other people's hands would be nice. This of course relates directly to I, me and myself only. I want to officially apologize to Enzo for F..king up his hand. MY BAD, SORRY MAN.

    Hope to see you all next time,
    AC/DC (aka Kris #2)
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    I think Pegasus Kid was truly fearing for his life a couple of times against her. How did she beat you again??? Wish I had it on film, dude.
    I basically have this game in my head so I'll bring the story.

    I've got QS 8H and limp in.

    Flop comes 5S 4S 3S

    I bet into it, Jonathan goes out, your brother calls and Tracy calls.

    Turn comes 2S making an open ended Straight Flush Draw.

    Now as everyone noticed, I was talking a lot of shit last night so as a means of gauging the other two I push out a card and say something like "yeah that's the card that's going to take it." AJ's brother reacts exactly as I figured, he shoves out a card and I know that no one with either of the straight flush cards is going to be so bold. So he's not a facotr (I had him on a JS or 10S). What I didn't see coming was Tracy going all in. Of course there are three cards over me (the king high flush and either ace or six for the straight flush) so I worry. Hindsight and pot odds dictate I should have called (it was only 360 on top of my already committed 100 on the turn). Unfortunately I'm stupid and fold up as does AJ's brother. Tracy shows 10S and AJ's brother had JS just like I thought. OH MY GOD! Props to Tracy. I had a bad night, I should have read that a lot better and thought things over more logically.

    Taso busting me out was just one of those things I didn't see coming. I had top pair and ace kicker and he had rockets. GGPO!

    Thanks again for hosting AJ, great time.
  • I would never fear my brother either, for anything.

    BUT HIS WIFE?!?!?!? I would sooner stroll down Finch Ave after midnight during a power failure. It would be safer!!! :D If its' any consolation, PegasusKid, it was the highlight of her night as well.

  • Inquring minds want to know:

    Did any pocket aces hold up?
  • Yes... I was busted out of the 2nd game by Taso's Rockets.
  • Oh yea, that was the best part. Aces held up for everyone, including me. :D

    When I got dealt rockets early in the second game, I told myself not to do anything stupid, like fold them or go all in with them. I decided to slow play them this time. Another ace on the flop, I checked, the only other player in the pot bet minimum, I reraised after a short time. He folded after a minute. Never showed my hand.

    I think it's safe to say THE POCKET ROCKET CURSE HAS BEEN BROKEN!! :D

  • Now as everyone noticed, I was talking a lot of shit last night so as a means of gauging the other two I push out a card and say something like "yeah that's the card that's going to take it."   

      I should have read that a lot better and thought things over more logically.

    Perhaps it is time to go back to the basics and leave the Hollywood crap for when you are on "Celebrity Poker", eh playa? ;)
  • esool wrote:
    Perhaps it is time to go back to the basics and leave the Hollywood crap for when you are on "Celebrity Poker", eh playa? ;)
    Maybe... like I said though, I should have just read it better. I could have talked the shit and taken the chips if my head was in the right place.
  • Hey AJ,

    sorry i called you late to tell ya i couldn't come, i was needed at work due to the toronto film festival.......i was anticipating all day to go to your tourney.

    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
  • thx for the bday thingy AJ :D turned 20 :)
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