Brampton Home Game...with a TWIST!!

:c:Hey all. Mark this date on your calendars: Friday Sept 9/05 - cards are dealt at 7:30pm SHARP!!

Running two games minimum. But with a bit of twist. First game will be my standard $20buyin freezeout, blinds start at 10/20 and increase every 20mins. If we get a full table (8 players), the pot will be split 1st $100 2nd $40 and 3rd $20.

Now here's the twist for the second game:

Buyins remain at $20, freezeout, same blind structure, HOWEVER winner will receive BUYIN TO WITCH DOCTORS' CHARITY GAME IN MARKHAM ON OCT 2/05!!! That's a $95 value. Rest of the pot will be awarded to second and third place.

I will volunteer to deal the second game, so I won't be playing. I already won a seat so I want to return the priviledge given to me by offering this game.

Registration is limited to a max of 8 players for the second game, and each seat will be awarded on a FIRST TO REGISTER, FIRST TO PLAY basis. I will post all those registered as a reply to this notification. I will post the location details later on in the coming days.

If you haven't checked out WITCH DOCTOR'S game, do yourself a favour are read through his post at the top of the Home Games section. It's a very worthwhile cause indeed. For every buyin, $30 is donated to the family, the rest is in the pot. There are also tons of other stuff that are being set up as prizes and giveaways. It's sure to be an amazing event.

Thanks everyone. Lets help make WITCH DOCTOR'S game a HUGE SUCCESS!!!!

STR82ACE :c:


  • ey , its Jonathan :) the guy who never gets a hand except wen he has to go all in and styll loses cuz he's been an unlucky guy :D if i dun work ill be hitting this so hopefully there is room for me

    p.s nice job @ the pub on tuesday ;)
  • I'm in.

    AJ; find me on MSN. I need to touch base on something.
  • Okay, here's the list of players so far for the second game:

    1)  Sal
    2)  Esool
    3)  Johnathan
    4)  Pegasus Kid

    There is another player (Bobby) who would like to join game 1 but can't stay for the second game.  That leaves 4 seats available for the satellite game.

  • Great, we have 5 now because I wouldn't miss it!!! (six with you AJ)

    Anything going on this weekend? I'm staying in TO to help my friend renovate his condo, so I'm hoping to get in on a game perhaps saturday or sunday evening.

    See you guys next week,
  • Thanks AC/DC, I knew you wouldn't let me down. :D

    Looks great so far guys, only a couple more seats available. I'm sure we can make this happen for a worthy cause.

  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Thanks AC/DC, I knew you wouldn't let me down.  :D

    Looks great so far guys, only a couple more seats available.  I'm sure we can make this happen for a worthy cause.


    I just sent you an e-mail asking for myself and wife to get in on this.
  • You're both IN!!! Thanks for signing up so quickly.

    This is going better than I had hoped for. Thanks to everyone for pitching in. If more interest is out there, I will start a Waiting List for those who miss out. IF we get another 6-8 on the list, what does everyone think about setting up 2 tables, and the top 2 players get buyins for WITCH DOCTOR'S game? Just a thought.


    Okay, here's the list of players so far for the second game (Charity Satellite game):

    1) Sal
    2) Esool
    3) Johnathan
    4) Pegasus Kid
    5) AC/DC
    6) Big Chris E
    7) Big Chris E's Missus
    8) Long Vu

    Okay, Table 1 is now full for the satellite game, which is the second game...DON'T FORGET THAT PART!!! It's the second game!!!

    I will now start a Waiting List. In case anyone from the list above cannot make it, I will take the first name from the Waiting list and sub you in.

    IF I get a waiting list of 6 or more players, I will arrange for a second table and find another dealer somewhere, and we will send TWO finalists to the charity game in Markham. The remainder of the pot will be split between third and fourth place.

    Thanks guys for committing so quickly. Great to see the interest and involvement.
  • STR82ACE wrote:

    Okay, here's the list of players so far for the second game (Charity Satellite game):

    1)  Sal
    2)  Esool
    3)  Johnathan
    4)  Pegasus Kid
    5)  AC/DC
    6)  Big Chris E
    7)  Big Chris E's Missus
    8)  Long Vu

    Okay, Table 1 is now full for the satellite game, which is the second game...DON'T FORGET THAT PART!!!  It's the second game!!!

    I will now start a Waiting List.  In case anyone from the list above cannot make it, I will take the first name from the Waiting list and sub you in. 

    IF I get a waiting list of 6 or more players, I will arrange for a second table and find another dealer somewhere, and we will send TWO finalists to the charity game in Markham.  The remainder of the pot will be split between third and fourth place. 

    Thanks guys for committing so quickly.  Great to see the interest and involvement.

    What about the standard $20buyin freezeout, cause the Misses and I would like to be in on that one as well?
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    What about the standard $20buyin freezeout, cause the Misses and I would like to be in on that one as well?
    Yeah I want to make sure that's clarified as well. I'm in for both games, not just the satellite.
  • Yes, you're all in for both games. I just wanted to make sure everyone was registered for the satellite game.
    See you all then.
  • Hi AJ,

    put me on the waiting list for the satelite (second) game.....what time would it start?

    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
  • Done Tilt. Might also have a couple more for the waiting list. If three or more others are interested, I will set up a second table, and we will send the top two to Markham next month. If not, Tilt, you will be the first person to take the first available seat. I am expected the second game to start around 9pm, maybe a bit later, depending on the first game.

    Hope to see everyone there
  • Tilt, you're IN. Ecool has graciously volunteered a 10 man table, this opens up at least 2 more seats, and you are now registered for the game!!!! Just confirm if you are able to come to the first game as well as the second please.

    I'm still taking names for another seat, as well as a waiting list. Like before, if we get enough people for the second table, we will open it up and send 2 to the game in October. We can also use the second table for a side game if you guys want.
  • Just incase i won't be playin the 1st game @ 7:30 cuz i am @ work but ill be comming to the 2nd game (the witch doctor game). :)
  • If we get enough for the second table for the satellite to my Fundraising tourney in October, I will try and make it out Friday night with some giveaways for the participants!!!!
  • WOW!!!! Thanks Doc...Okay, so lets get some more interest generated in this...once again, it's this coming Friday night at 7:30pm. We already have one full table, lets get the second one filled too. This a great cause.

    Who else is IN????
  • AJ; no dice on Yuhin. He can't get a ride up. I'll talk to Jason (guy I brought the first week we met) as he'll be back from Chicago by then to see if he's interested.
  • No problem Justin, just let me know if he can make it, or have him contact me directly.

    Still have some seats open on the second table, so I'm again taking names to fill it. Maximum number of players on two tables is 18, and we have room for about 5 or 6 more at this time. Can't beat this deal...$20 buyin, 2 winners go to Witch Doctor's charity game in Markham valued at $95 each!!! Plus with all the great prizes and a silent auction on some great stuff, it will make for a great day for everyone. I know Witch Doctor has had donations from some BIG names, including Doyle Brunson, Daniel Negraneau, Toronto Argos, just to name a few, so get in while you can.

  • Good morning everyone,
    I hope you all had a great long weekend. Mine was truly LABOUR DAYS weekend.
    AJ it looks like I might have 3 or 4 people who would like to attend your tourney. I've asked them to confirm no later then tomorrow and as soon as they do I'll give you the proper count and names.

    See you tonight at the Pearson Pub?

    K :c:
  • Sounds great, AC!! Thanks. Let me know how many and the names tonight at Peason's. As far as I know, I'm going to be there.
  • Hey AJ,

    I'm in the second game (9pm?) can't make it to the first! can you list the players so far to confirm which players are in for which game?

  • I will do that by tomorrow (Wednesday), Tilt. Should be getting a bunch of names tonight, and I will see how much room we have left. Thanks again to everyone who is participating.
  • Okay, here's the list as of 11pm Tuesday September 6/05

    1) Sal
    2) Esool
    3) Johnathan
    4) Pegasus Kid
    5) AC/DC
    6) Big Chris E
    7) Big Chris E's Missus
    8- Long Vu
    9) Tilt
    10) Taso
    11) Andreas
    12) Hork42

    Yet to confirm
    a) Marlin
    b) Rob
    c) Tracy

    If the three to confirm do confirm, that will leave only 3 more seats open. Justin, let me know if Jason can make it as soon as possible. The first game also has some open seats, as a couple of players can't make the 7:30 start time.

    Esool, mind if borrow some chairs and a folding table?

    Witch Doctor, looks like we will have two satellite winners for your game. PM me for more details.

    Thanks guys.
  • Jason can't make it. Girlfriend > Poker.
  • STR82ACE wrote:

    Esool, mind if borrow some chairs and a folding table?

    No prob, anything u need..
  • looks like we might have the second table, so it looks like I will be showing up with some goodies to giveaway!!!! If anyone would like to provide there deposit for the event you can give it to me at the satellite. Thanks to everyone...and good luck!!!
  • hey AJ its Jonathan

    i really don't wanna hold up the witch doctor ticket game if i don't get there on time so i guess u can give my seat away :'(

    i'll styll drop by 2 see if i can get in on a random side game if one is goin on and maybe get a free poker chip set from the witch doctor guy ;) lol
  • What I will do instead Johnathan is blind you out if you wish until you get here. That way you can pay and play when you get here and still have a seat for yourself. How does that sound? Let me know.

    Here is the confirmed list as of 8pm Thursday.
    1) Sal
    2) Esool
    3) Johnathan
    4) Pegasus Kid
    5) AC/DC
    6) Big Chris E
    7) Big Chris E's Missus
    8- Long Vu
    9) Tilt
    10) Taso
    11) Andreas
    12) Hork42
    13) Rob
    14) Tracey

    Yet to confirm
    a) Marlin

    AC/DC, can you please confirm Marlin coming or not?

    As it stands right now, there are still 3 or 4 seats open for both games, so if you know of anyone interested in joining in, let me know and I will add them on the list.

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