Two for One Heads Up Challenge with ODDS



  • Wait, since I didnt have the BR for the challenege....does that make me less then a monkey? :)
  • all i gotta say is Lee was out he was gone he was 1.3 seconds away from being knocked out of the car turny , but a guy thats never played with us before fliped my ace that i needed for my straight to bust hes 2 pair to soon so they put the ace back in the deck and re shuffled witch then i new theres no chnace of the ace comming back down so i folded and was left with only 500 chips from my starting amount 2000
  • cole woods wrote:
    all i gotta say is Lee was out he was gone he was 1.3 seconds away from being knocked out of the car turny , but a guy thats never played with us before fliped my ace that i needed for my straight to bust hes 2 pair  to soon so they put the  ace back in the deck and re shuffled witch then i new theres no chnace of the ace comming back down so i folded and was left with only 500 chips from my starting amount 2000

    Not to beat a dead horse but this reminded me of another call he made. Three limpers, pot size was about 90. Flop comes down 2 4 5 rainbow. Cole bets out 300 in the Big Blind, yes huge over-bet. Lee calls with AJ and hits his J on the turn re-raising Cole all-in. 300 call on a gutshot, I know this isn't a great example of a bad play but confirms what BBC et al. had said about a players thoughts when running strong. He 'knew' his Jack, Ace of 4 would hit...they always do when your running hot!
    This is a great thread, can't wait to watch Jeff and Lee duke it out.

  • Odds for the tournament.

    STP asked for odds for this match. If I was a bookie, and I am not, I would purpose something like this.

    One game/match, straight up winner take all:

    Jeff C -2.40

    Lee R +2.20

    I have seen both the players play. Incase you are wondering, why is Jeff C seen as the favorite all you have to know is how a bookie makes money. In this case, the public money would be on Jeff C. There are not many on this board who want to a) see Lee win and b) think he is even a decent player. After the first couple of hours of taking action, those numbers would change. If you understand betting in the NFL you understand what I am talking about.

    Other players would get the following:

    1. CanadaKev -1.90
    2. Graham P -1.90
    3. Teach -2.10
    4. Ming -2.10
    5. Mark R -2.20
    6. STP -1.50
    7. Lamb of John Even
    8. Redington +1.10
    9. Howard L -2500
    10. Phil H -2500

    As of last night, there is only going to be one match. If things change and others get a shot, I will let you know. Mark R. you might get a second chance, I will keep you informed. Thanks for the kind words, I am glad you enjoyed the tournament. We are working out the details and will let everyone know the particulars of when, where and what time.

    Prophet 22
  • Pfff, where's the respect? I take a month off and where am I, -1.50. I thought we were friends Brent? I guess not :'(

    *please note the sarcasm here

  • STP,

    People still have to lay out 150.00 to win 100.00. That means in the public's eye you are the better player.

    Prophet 22
  • No problem Brent, I was totally kidding. Of course, I would have completely different odds here having played against all of the players you listed above minus Phil and Lederer.

    This is assuming we do best 3/5, here are my odds...

    Jeff -2.40
    Kev -2.40
    Teach -2.75
    Ming -1.75
    Graham -1.25
    Mark R. -2.20
    Lamb of John -1.25
    Redington (Tyson) -1.50
    Zithal -2.20
    Jim 'KrazyKanuck' -2.90

    This of course is knowing that Lee is the opponent. The odds aren't as good when looking at a player that is typically super aggressive (Tyson, Graham and John). I know from experience that it's mighty hard to push a calling station off his hand, one of the cardinal rules *don't bluff a calling station. Those players odds would increase playing against a different type of player IMO. Heads up is a totally different game in itself. Would it help my own odds to let you know that I'm undefeated lifetime in Chess? LoL, no seriously I am Brent. You and me heads up in Chess, any time any place!

  • stpboy wrote:
    Would it help my own odds to let you know that I'm undefeated lifetime in Chess?  LoL, no seriously I am Brent.  You and me heads up in Chess, any time any place! 

    Hmm, if you're seriously undefeated in chess (I think you're still joking around here), I'd definitely want to play you.
    Not because I think I could beat you, simply because I want to see how you place/what you do/how good you are :)
  • Wow,

    I am very surprised at the odds on me given recent results.
    However, considering the table I played against on Monday, I really don't mind being the player no one is watching. :D

  • Hey PSI,

    I've only played maybe 25 matches in my life but yes, never been beaten. It's totally flukey, I wouldn't by any means ever say I'm a good chess player. I've only played amatures, much like myself. I have no strategy whatsoever. I think I'll pass on the offer as I'd like to keep my 25-0 record and was really just playing around with Brent. Kind of mocking another poster if you know what I mean.


    The reason I gave you -1.50 is just due to the (bad) luck factor involved. I think in a ring game you are a far superior player. Perhaps my rationale is off a bit but I could very much see you going all in heads up with top pair top kicker, get called by Lee with top pair lesser kicker and get sucked out on. Not to say that wouldn't happen to JEff or Kev but the times I've played with them they seem to get their money in when a much larger favourite. I don't think that an aggressive style of play vs. a player that will call with anything is the one to use. You have an aggressive game for the most part. Again, I could see situations where you could be on a semi-bluff and get all your chips in and he could call you with Ace high. In saying all of this, if I were to give you odds vs. me I would put it at even and I don;t ever think I would put you as an underdog against 99% players we play with. Perhaps you were talking more about the odds Brent gave you......

  • stpboy wrote:
    Zithal -2.20

    How did I get involved in this mess?? :D



    There? That better?
  • Zithal wrote:

    How did I get involved in this mess??  :D



    There?  That better?

    Guilty by association I'd say...
  • I want odds.... lol
  • folded wrote:
    I want odds.... lol

    My money's on Lee. :)
  • ahhh. come on Rob... :'(
  • folded wrote:
    ahhh. come on Rob... :'(


    You're the best. You're gonna win. My money's on you. Blah, blah, blah.
  • From what I am being told. There will be an interesting announcement to be made here tomorrow. Stay tune for more details.

    Prophet 22
  • Brent

    Any hints??
  • folded wrote:

    Any hints??
    Shannon's mom wants to know where her car is.
  • Hahahaha, nice one.
  • By my watch. it's tomorrow. Any announcement? Is there another level of Lee freerolling to get through today?
  • Rob,

    I appreciate the sarcasm. Still waiting on 2 confirmations. When I have it I will make the post.

    Prophet 22
  • How can you be waiting on two confirmations when I havent been contacted yet?
  • Man, I've been holding my breath a looooooong time...
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