Aug. 6th Rake Free Cash Game



  • Card Dead wrote: »
    Nice TR.

    FYI, your hand didn't qualify for the BBJ so if the other guy had AA you'd have been pretty pissed and maybe a little embarrassed if you celebrated prematurely.

    Also, where was my river Q when I had AQ vs 44 on an AQ4 board last Sunday!?!

    FU Trigs!

    Oh yeah you're right. It's AAAQQ. Oh well. Corrected.
  • I ended up staying until 8am. The night started out well when i stacked a guy with KK vs his Q-Q.
    Then it was a bit of a roller coaster, never going below $150 never above $300.
    When my table broke, i sat to the left of bfillmaff and managed to run it up to $400. I took a few pots off Andrew, I think with two pair each time. But he was not running well. He'd flop top / top and get rivered so often it wasn't funny.
    When Andrew left the real fun started. I had just under $400 and a new guy sits to my left with $200. He's under the gun and raises to $12. Three callers and i see 3s-5s - I call and the flop is A-2-4 rainbow.
    Utg checks, it checks to me and i bet $25, and utg flats everyone else folds. Turn is a ten, utg leads out for $50, i call praying the board doesn't pair, river is a 9 and buddy shoves, i insta call and flip over my hand and he starts to freak out. How can you call $12 with 5-3 ? I give him the old , they were suited. He didn't like that much. Oh and he had AA of course.
    He went on to lose another buy in fairly quickly and left. I cashed out for $800 which was a nice change as my last two sessions there were losing ones.
  • The only hand trigs and i played against one another, sort of was he was utg and raised to $6, a bunch of players called and i called in the BB with T-7 off suit. Flop came 8-9-J all spades. There was $30 in the pot and I led out for $20. Trigs insta folded, only got one caller who called me down with a set of 8s and i scooped a nice pot.
  • Nice win dj!
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