Aug. 6th Rake Free Cash Game


going to casino niagara instead.

NL hold'em
$0.25-$0.50 blinds
$60 buy-in - rebuys up to $60 at any time between hands
7pm to midnight-ish

1. trigs
2. djgolfcan
3. Bfillmaff
4. Card Dead (t)


  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    Get a job and go to bed at a sensible hour.

    Damn kids.
  • Card Dead wrote: »
    Get a job and go to bed at a sensible hour.

    Damn kids.

    Umm, it's Saturday, no sane person works on Saturday or Sunday for that matter. Unless you are clergy.
  • Card Dead wrote: »

    Fixed your post...

    Also: In.
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    Umm, it's Saturday, no sane person works on Saturday or Sunday for that matter. Unless you are clergy.

    Spoken like a man with a gambling problem.

    Last I checked, today was FRIDAY.
  • Card Dead wrote: »
    Spoken like a man with a gambling problem.

    Last I checked, today was FRIDAY.

    I thought you were talking about the tournament day.
  • So, after many years of near misses, back and fourths on the computer and personal emails, I finally got to meet the man called trigs!

    I had spent the day in Huntsville at my sisters and my great nephews and nieces were there, (man I feel old). The kids really have a lot of energy and life but after playing with them, my body tells me I can’t do the things I could even 10 years ago.

    I left Huntsville at 3pm in order to be on time for the 7pm start. I was a couple of minutes late and joined the group in the backyard. Besides trigs, there was only one other guy younger than me, I knew I was in for a good time.

    Chester was a man to be respected. He was 90 years old and as sharp as a tack. We had a full table with two others luck boxes from the forum, I mean djgolfcan and Bfillmaff were also there as well.

    The joking around started right away and Chester informed me that Bfillmaff was the big winner last time taking his social security cheque in the process. To which I replied, “He didn’t tell you he was voted into the poker hall of fame and just comes to these games for laughs and allow the common man to play with a hall of famer.”

    It was fun, everyone was laughing, there was tons of food and drinks rake free. There were lots of hands to talk about, but I won’t bore you with the exception of this one hand with Chester. He called my all in and turned over and announces he has a set even though there was a straight, a flush and the board was paired. I think to this day he thinks his set was the best hand. I just folded my flush.
    If you go, you will experience a great time. Lots of money to be made and you will enjoy yourself.
    Wish I could make this game, everyone thinks they are folded and play any two cards, but there is only one Cory.

    Next time I will be ready for djgolfcan and Bfillmaff. Yeah you to trigs!

  • So, after many years of near misses, back and fourths on the computer and personal emails, I finally got to meet the man called trigs!

    I had spent the day in Huntsville at my sisters and my great nephews and nieces were there, (man I feel old). The kids really have a lot of energy and life but after playing with them, my body tells me I can’t do the things I could even 10 years ago.

    I left Huntsville at 3pm in order to be on time for the 7pm start. I was a couple of minutes late and joined the group in the backyard. Besides trigs, there was only one other guy younger than me, I knew I was in for a good time.

    Chester was a man to be respected. He was 90 years old and as sharp as a tack. We had a full table with two others luck boxes from the forum, I mean djgolfcan and Bfillmaff were also there as well.

    The joking around started right away and Chester informed me that Bfillmaff was the big winner last time taking his social security cheque in the process. To which I replied, “He didn’t tell you he was voted into the poker hall of fame and just comes to these games for laughs and allow the common man to play with a hall of famer.”

    It was fun, everyone was laughing, there was tons of food and drinks rake free. There were lots of hands to talk about, but I won’t bore you with the exception of this one hand with Chester. He called my all in and turned over and announces he has a set even though there was a straight, a flush and the board was paired. I think to this day he thinks his set was the best hand. I just folded my flush.
    If you go, you will experience a great time. Lots of money to be made and you will enjoy yourself.
    Wish I could make this game, everyone thinks they are folded and play any two cards, but there is only one Cory.

    Next time I will be ready for djgolfcan and Bfillmaff. Yeah you to trigs!


    Glad you had a good time prophet. Hopefully you can make the next one too.
  • Was there time travel included with this game?

    Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    Was there time travel included with this game?

    Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk

    I think he just posted in wrong thread. He's talking about my last home game
  • Maybe. Maybe not?

    Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    Maybe. Maybe not?

    Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk

    Only one way to find out. I promise to win less money off of you than last time we played together ;)
  • apparentally this weekend is not good for anyone. i'm fine with playing 5 or 6 handed if we can get a few more from the forum to join. i'll wait until thursday night or friday morning but if still less than 5 then i'll cancel.
  • Can probably round up a +1 will let u know
  • We could always head to Casino Niagara and terrorize the regulars
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    We could always head to Casino Niagara and terrorize the regulars

    I'm down for this.
  • yeah count me in either way
  • I promise to make one of your games!
    Just not this one.
    Can't 100% commit, did talk to Comp about going earlier, Bug him and if my schedule clears up, I could come with him
    But don't count on me as a body.

    Milton Slim
  • Think wife wants to go to Niagara this Saturday so if you are going I likely will be there crushing the 1/2 tables.. Could you guys be a victim?
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    I promise to make one of your games!
    Just not this one.
    Can't 100% commit, did talk to Comp about going earlier, Bug him and if my schedule clears up, I could come with him
    But don't count on me as a body.

    Milton Slim

    I'll be hosting at least one more game this summer for sure.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Think wife wants to go to Niagara this Saturday so if you are going I likely will be there crushing the 1/2 tables.. Could you guys be a victim?

    Sounds like a road trip.

    Put me as (t) for Saturday Trigs. Depends on how much I get done at home during the day.
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    We could always head to Casino Niagara and terrorize the regulars

    So are you guys going to Niagara today?
  • compuease wrote: »
    So are you guys going to Niagara today?

    cash game is officially cancelled.

    yeah i'll probably head down to niagara around 7ish.
  • cool, I'll be aiming for 7 ish as well
  • I will be there closer to 8pm
  • Aw man. This sounds like a blast.

    Wish I could make it.
  • Just getting home, dj was still going strong when I left.

    Had a dream table but what a brutal night of suckouts and 2nd best hands. Plus side: saved time on the way out by not having any chips to cash out.

    FU trigs!!!!
  • Bfillmaff wrote: »
    Just getting home, dj was still going strong when I left.

    Had a dream table but what a brutal night of suckouts and 2nd best hands. Plus side: saved time on the way out by not having any chips to cash out.

    FU trigs!!!!

    Holy shit guys! I didn't think you'd play that long! I left way early then. I was pretty tired last night though. Trip report coming soon.
  • TLDR: Then feel free to not read this. Cheers.

    This was the first time I had been at Casino Niagara (not counting when I turned 18 and went to play some slots a long time ago), and first time playing poker there ever. The first challenge was getting there by myself. My GPS almost took me across the border but luckily I recognized the street name and made the correct turn (FU GPS!). I parked in the indoor casino parking lot ($35 for parking! WTF? Luckily, players card took care of the parking fee.) and somehow managed to miss the giant sign for the elevators to the casino, so I wandered down the street a little before finally finding the casino entrance.

    Casino Niagara was bigger than I remembered. The poker area was easy to find but being a newb I was too stupid to remember to call ahead to get put on the wait list. Five tables were open and 32 people were on the wait list just past 7pm. I had to wait little over an hour until they opened a couple more tables. Djgolfcan showed up around 8pm and we ended up on the same table. Bfillmaff came around 8:30 and was a table over.

    Some observations: You can't buy chips from the dealer at the table which I thought was kind of strange but I guess I understand the issues. If you busted, you would have to go upstairs (as there wasn't even a cashier on the entire floor) to buy more chips. I figured I'd buy more chips right away to save me a trip up if I busted. However, the cashier gave me a shit ton of chips instead of giving me some larger denominations so I got to carry around a ton of chips in my pocket. Annoying, but whatever. Also, I had to sign up for their player’s card and I couldn’t find the desk to do so if my life depended on it. I asked three employees before I found it in the back corner of the casino past infinite rows of slot machines. There was no line and it took two seconds to sign up and get my card.
    Heading into it, I was kind of assuming that the action would be something like preflop raise to $10 at a $1-$2 table with 6 callers to the flop, but it was definitely not like that. My table seemed pretty tight in general with probably Djgolfcan and one other guy playing the most loose aggressive and the rest of us mostly nitting it up.

    First hour and a half was pretty uneventful. I won a couple small pots and lost a few more small pots. Biggest won pot was for maybe $30 when I was just like fuck it, I’m taking this one down. I was in the cutoff with 6To and raised a few limpers and got called 4 ways (although I said above players were generally tight, it seemed that when I would raise preflop I would get multiple callers a lot of the time). I cbet the A high board and took it down easy.

    Around this time, there was a guy at the table who had ordered a coffee. It arrived and sat in front of him for about a minute without him even taking a sip before he busted and didn’t come back. The table joked about him providing a free coffee for anyone who wanted it but the guy who took his seat chose to move it away.

    I really only had two big hands all night. One was against a newer player to the table, a skinny Asian guy who was joking and laughing a lot (although it was mostly only him laughing at his jokes). He hadn’t been at the table long but he seemed like his play was a bit crazy and erratic as in he’d just shove chips in there at any time just to make a play. At least, that’s what he did with me. I was in EP with QQ and raised. He was the only caller to a flop of something like 743 all diamonds. He then donk bet about half his stack (which was only around $80 I think) to overbet the pot. I didn’t even have a queen of diamonds but I just couldn’t believe him having a better hand. I put him all in and he reluctantly called. I think I had some fold equity there but maybe not. Anyway, turn and river brick and I flip over my QQ. He stares it down and mucks and a few people at the table seemed pretty surprised.

    While I was there, I had a couple entertaining guys to my direct left. First guy was this skinny kid who was constantly singing along to the songs playing in the casino. Fuck it was annoying but I decided to keep my mouth shut. This guy was hilarious. He was limping a lot and playing a decent amount of hands. Also, he was min betting throughout the hand almost always. One hand he was against DJ in a limped pot. Kid min bet flop and turn with DJ calling. Kid then bet $5 on river and DJ called. Kid flips over the absolute full house nuts and everyone starts laughing. The dealer looks at DJ and says, “I guess you lost the minimum there.” Another player at the table says, “No, he could have bet $2 on the river also.” The whole table cracks up except for the kid who I assume didn’t get it.

    The second guy to my direct left (after the kid above took off) was this skinny, little black guy who would not stop complaining that he couldn’t hit a draw all night, and he was chasing everything. His best hand was with 78 suited I think. He was heads up on the river with action complete and his opponent flips over an overpair of jacks. So this guy immediately starts complaining saying he needed a jack to make his straight. As he says this he flips his cards over and the dealer hesitates for a second and says “You have a straight”. Guy shuts up quickly and is just like “Oh, sweet.”

    My other big hand of the night came against a passive nit two to my left. He rarely raised and was pretty tight. I was EP with AQo and raised and got four callers. Flop came AQ4 rainbow. I cbet, skinny black guy to my left called (he later said he was chasing a straight yet again) and the nit raised all in. It folded back to me and I reluctantly pushed all in kind of hoping this guy had AQ too but obviously I can’t fold there with only three possible hands that beat me. Skinny guy folds (while complaining). Turn is a blank, river is a queen! I show my rivered boat and guy starts fuming and flips over 44. I apologize and drag my biggest pot of the night.

    The rest of the night was pretty uneventful. My stack was over $400 at one point and ended up cashing out $380 for a $180 profit, not too shabby. It was only 11:30 but I was really tired and decided to head home. DJ and Bfill pretty much laughed at me when I said my goodbyes as they had other plans in mind (i.e. staying all fucking night lol). I was going to suggest we carpool to the casino but it was probably a good idea that we didn’t because I would not have made it that long. Next time I go though I’ll be prepared for a long night.

    Fuck this got long. And where the hell were you Compuease!?
  • Nice TR.

    FYI, your hand didn't qualify for the BBJ so if the other guy had AA you'd have been pretty pissed and maybe a little embarrassed if you celebrated prematurely.

    Also, where was my river Q when I had AQ vs 44 on an AQ4 board last Sunday!?!

    FU Trigs!
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