Moose - Ho Ho Holdem Holiday Deepstack - Mon. Dec. 28 - Cambridge



  • Cam left his card protector behind
  • moose wrote: »
    Cam left his card protector behind
    That is one helluva TR!
  • Cash game is running.
  • Hope everyone drives home safe tonight. Almost fucking killed myself on the 403 and I left early.
  • Award winning whiskey, cappuccino machine, good times, great structure, and I wound up chopping with Jason! I even scraped off my son's 2000 Accent and navigated the icy roads home to Kitchener. Thanks for hosting!
  • Thanks to all for coming. It good to see some old friends and meet some new ones. FU Trigs.

    1. edtheted $510
    1. Jason $510
    3. JTBass $240
    4. Anteriver $180
    5. Karine $80

    New names on the Wall of Fame

  • made my first trip out to moose's place for his xmas tournament. i got to meet some more forum members who happily told me off to my face for the first time ;) great game and great host. moose was more than happy to let me check out his massive chip collection and sign his wall of fame.

    the deep stack tournament was well run and had a great structure. too bad this night was going to be a spectacle of my idiocy.

    stupid move #1: had chipped up a bit early and had an above average stack until this hand. can't remember opponent but i think it was edtheted. i think i played the hand fine until the river where i decided to go for a check raise with TT second pair on a A high board. however, when opponent bets out something like 2000 and you raise to 2500 because you fucked up counting your chips that means you just called. luckily for me, opponent had flopped a set and slow played the A turn and my check raised river would easily have been reraised. so in this first case, my stupidity did end up saving me some chips. it was all downhill from there though.

    stupid move #2: again i had built up some more chips. knocked out one short stack calling his push with 99 versus his ATo and held for the flip. however, being an idiot and facing edtheted (again?) was not a good combination. i was utg with AsTs and min raised to 1000. however, this does not work well when blinds are 400-800 so it was correctly ruled a call. folds around to edtheted who raises knowing that i had wanted to raise. i call and it goes two to a flop of AT5. i'm pretty sure the action went he cbet, i raised, and he reraised me all in. i tanked and pretty much talked myself into calling but looking back i think it was an easy fold. his action preflop was very strong since he knew i had wanted to raise and raised anyway. the only hands i'm afraid of are AA, TT, 55 but i can't see 55 raising preflop. i don't see him pushing all in with AK or AQ. maybe A5 but again that hand is probably not raising preflop. knowing he needed AA or TT only and me having blockers i called and saw the bad news as he flipped over AA. i did not hit the running TT.

    stupid move #3: since there was a big storm on the way, i decided to not stay for the cash game. i hoped i could leave early and miss the storm, but i was wrong. by the time i got onto the 403 it was pretty snowy and windy. the plows and salt trucks weren't out yet and the roads were crazy slippery as i found out by fishtailing it off the highway and into a group of barrels in the ditch. it was kind of crazy as i wasn't driving fast nor was i even turning or changing lanes. $6000 estimate to fix the damages and it looks like i'll be buying a new car instead.

    plus a sore shoulder, it was quite the expensive poker game, but i would definitely go back to play at moose's again. maybe i'll wait for spring though :(
  • Yes, it was me both times and I appreciated your chips! I normally would just have called your raise in the second hand but there was a flush draw and I though I would just take it down right there with my all in.

    Very sorry to hear about your car but mainly you are ok and your sore shoulder will get better soon we hope.
  • trigs wrote: »
    made my first trip out to moose's place for his xmas tournament. i got to meet some more forum members who happily told me off to my face for the first time ;) great game and great host. moose was more than happy to let me check out his massive chip collection and sign his wall of fame.

    the deep stack tournament was well run and had a great structure. too bad this night was going to be a spectacle of my idiocy.

    stupid move #1: had chipped up a bit early and had an above average stack until this hand. can't remember opponent but i think it was edtheted. i think i played the hand fine until the river where i decided to go for a check raise with TT second pair on a A high board. however, when opponent bets out something like 2000 and you raise to 2500 because you fucked up counting your chips that means you just called. luckily for me, opponent had flopped a set and slow played the A turn and my check raised river would easily have been reraised. so in this first case, my stupidity did end up saving me some chips. it was all downhill from there though.

    stupid move #2: again i had built up some more chips. knocked out one short stack calling his push with 99 versus his ATo and held for the flip. however, being an idiot and facing edtheted (again?) was not a good combination. i was utg with AsTs and min raised to 1000. however, this does not work well when blinds are 400-800 so it was correctly ruled a call. folds around to edtheted who raises knowing that i had wanted to raise. i call and it goes two to a flop of AT5. i'm pretty sure the action went he cbet, i raised, and he reraised me all in. i tanked and pretty much talked myself into calling but looking back i think it was an easy fold. his action preflop was very strong since he knew i had wanted to raise and raised anyway. the only hands i'm afraid of are AA, TT, 55 but i can't see 55 raising preflop. i don't see him pushing all in with AK or AQ. maybe A5 but again that hand is probably not raising preflop. knowing he needed AA or TT only and me having blockers i called and saw the bad news as he flipped over AA. i did not hit the running TT.

    stupid move #3: since there was a big storm on the way, i decided to not stay for the cash game. i hoped i could leave early and miss the storm, but i was wrong. by the time i got onto the 403 it was pretty snowy and windy. the plows and salt trucks weren't out yet and the roads were crazy slippery as i found out by fishtailing it off the highway and into a group of barrels in the ditch. it was kind of crazy as i wasn't driving fast nor was i even turning or changing lanes. $6000 estimate to fix the damages and it looks like i'll be buying a new car instead.

    plus a sore shoulder, it was quite the expensive poker game, but i would definitely go back to play at moose's again. maybe i'll wait for spring though :(
    Ouch! In all instances. Nice report tho...

    PS. I'll forego the usual sign off. Just this once.
  • Sorry about your car.
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    PS. I'll forego the usual sign off. Just this once.
    I wouldn't.... At least not completely... P U Trigs....

    Translation P = Poor..>:D

    That was sure a rough day for you...
  • amwmeb.jpg

    (glad you are OK, and hey good excuse for a new ride!)
  • Yeah, that really sucks, Trigs. I almost lost it on the 401 a couple times as well, but managed to keep it on the road. Glad you're ok tho.

    Oh yeah, great game as usual Moose - even tho I was third one out.
  • Fun time as usual. I think we take these forum home games for granted but the hosts really open themselves and their homes to us degens, just for the love of the game, I for one am grateful.

    Trigs, that sucks about your accident. If you need any advice or help, make sure to call or PM me. I was an auto adjuster for 10+ years and am currently an Insurance Broker.
  • Thanks everyone for the kind words. Obviously it sucks but it could have been much worse if I was seriously injured so I am a little lucky.

    @Bfillmaff: lol thanks for the gif
  • Lost and found: one Sahara silver strike card protector.
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