Moose - Ho Ho Holdem Holiday Deepstack - Mon. Dec. 28 - Cambridge

Ho Ho Holdem 30k Holiday Deepstack

*** $80 ***

Monday Dec. 28 - 1 pm
Doors open 12:30pm

All players paid by 12:50 pm, will receive 30k
Late players will receive, 27k - for an optional $5 bounty on your head, you will receive a full 30k stack

30 min blinds

Late players will not be admitted to the tourney after the first blind level, 1:30 pm, unless prior arrangements are made with the host.

There will be a 45 min dinner break

30 max

1. moose
2. seekthegrail
3. bfillmaff
4. carddead
5. djgolfcan
6. drtyore
7. EdtheTed
8. Carddead+1
9. G2
10. anteriver
11. rbrother
12. RangerMike
13. ana
14. redwinetom
15. JTBass
16. Trigs
17. Prophet
18. Minimoose
19. Getem t pd
20. Drtyore +1
21. Blazin72


Reindeer Games - dealer's choice cash game to follow, $80 max, .50/.50 blinds for nl/pl games, $2/4, with full kill, .25 ante for all limit/stud games, tourney players have priority for cash game seats.


  • In, please.
  • I'm in

  • in please...Joel W.
  • In, fer sure!
  • I have a +1 to add. It'll be either Karine or Dave.
  • In please - will need you to PM address.
  • who do I talk to, I would like to play as well
  • where is the location in Cambridge?
  • near southwood hs. i will put you on the list.
  • Tentatively in but won't know for sure until the 26th.
  • +1 please

  • compuease wrote: »
    Tentatively in but won't know for sure until the 26th.
    You can ride with me if you're worried about getting sleepy on the drive home. All that turkey and red wine will do that to you, just ask Jerry's girlfriend.
  • sounds good I live in Guelph
  • Redwinetom wrote: »
    sounds good I live in Guelph
    Alright then, be standing on the 401/HWY 6 cutoff at 11:15 wearing nothing but a Santa hat so we know who you are. We won't have time to stop, but I'll have my 4-ways on and i'll slow down so you can dive in the open door.


  • Hey Moose Brent and Cameron will be there.
  • Been a while since I've been able to make a local tourney. I'm in!

    Moose can you PM me your address? Pretty sure I have it but just in case I have the wrong info I don't want to go on a wild moose chase. See you Monday.
  • Sorry Moose, I can't make it, plans my wife had didn't fall through..... :(
  • Directions sent.
  • Twas the night before the Christmas tourney, when all through the caboose
    Not a creature was stirring, not even a moose
    The chip stacks were laid out on the table with care
    In hopes that tourney players soon would be there
    The beers were nestled all snug in the cooler
    With visions of AA and not one loser
    When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
    I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
    Away to the window I flew like a flash,
    Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash,
    When what my wondering eyes did see
    But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny donkey
    With a little old driver so lively and quick,
    I knew in a moment he must be St. Nick.
    I hope I'm not late, my schedule is free
    Is there possibly room for me?
    A wink of his eye and a twist of his head
    Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
    He spoke not a word, but went right to his hand
    He filled all the straights and definitely jammed.
    All his chips were in the center, the room fell into a hush
    I rolled over my cards, showing the flush
    And laying a finger aside of his nose
    And giving a nod, up from the table he rose;
    He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle.
    But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight-
    "If not for luckboxes, I would win every night!"
  • Nice. I'd be there if not for yet another family event.

    Brent, want to sell 20% of your action?
  • Safe travels to all involved.
  • May I have a seat please?
  • Sorry can't make it.
  • You can have marios. Will still take last minute entries up to 24.
  • Can you at least drop off your bounty? WR that is.....
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