Election 2015 . . .



  • looming hyper inflation?
  • Government is good? Really? No thanks . . . we are already far more "socialist in this country than I would like, but that is not going to change any time soon, so whatever . . .

    When you spend more than you earn, that is NEVER a good thing. Doesn't matter if it's your personal finances, or a Nation's . . . sooner or later that "note" is going to get called in.
  • This post has over 22,500 shares on facebook. Amazing (the stupidity and gullibility of some people). Under a very stately picture of Trudeau it reads....
    "Within just four days of welcoming our new prime minister, he has notified Obama that Canada will be pulling out of the bombing campaign in the middle east, he has put forth a motion to remove the ban that prohibits gay men from donating blood, he has motioned to have medical marijuana dispensaries placed in every major Canadian city, which will stimulate the economy, and has launched an official nation-wide search for the missing and murdered First Nations women and girls. Justin Trudeau has accomplished in four days what our former prime minister couldn't do in 10 years.
    For the first time in many years, Canada is in the forefront of international news just in this one week following the election. The world loves him...and for the first time in a long time, I am proud to be a Canadian."

    Of course none of this happened but it's on facebook DAMMIT....LOLz
  • See P.T. Barnum re: gullibility.

    Trudeau has done nothing official yet because HE is not "official" yet. That happens on Nov. 4th.
  • Well exactly. It was hilarious watching the sheeple gloat that the 'saviour of all Canadians' had acted so quickly....yet so very few of them had the brains to even understand that him 'motioning' or 'launching' anything at this point was impossible. A very few people tried to explain it to them....and of course they were bullied, intimidated, and shamed as Conservatives....and even racists I believe. Will be an interesting 4 years to say the least...lol.
  • Oh, I have no doubt that Trudeau the younger will accomplish most of the "low-hanging fruit" sort of promises, like bringing our jets home, etc.
    What I wait to see is how he handles the Finances . . . and how quickly he dips into the EI slush fund, rather than reducing the premiums as he promised, and should do. But, if it worked before, why shouldn't it work again?
  • And now we get to send more tax money to Canada Post.
  • Strange, no outrage about the party with 39% of the popular vote getting such a strong majority this time. Nevermind, I forgot it's just the lefties that always cry foul when it suits their purpose.... ;-)
    Oh yeah...Yay....I get to continue to get junk mail delivered right to my door! Go Justin...it's your birthday!
  • I see Justin is already pre softening the public for when he builds himself a new castle on Sussex dr....LOL
  • 24 Sussex is a dump that has been in need of repair for quite some time. It has NOTHING to do with Liberal or Conservative. It has to do with the same thing we ALL deal with, basic upkeep of your house. In this case it's OUR house, so lets stop with the patchwork fixes and do the job right. I say that as someone who leans to the Right.

    As to the notion of getting a "majority" with 39% of the vote, that is a quirk of our "first past the post" system. Ironically, it is something that the Liberals campaigned to change, so lets hope the boy wonder makes good on that promise (doubtful). Bitching about it has been done by BOTH sides over the years, but I think there have been enough explanations of the reasons behind it that people just shrug their shoulders these days. Most folks understand the difference between a majority of the popular vote versus a majority of the seats in the House.
  • I will say this about 24 Sussex. With an estimate of $10M to repair it properly, I am curious what it would cost to knock it down and rebuild it from the foundations up? Or just abandon it altogether (ie SELL IT) and move the PM's residence to the Rideau Cottage?
  • Wow . . . folks really giddy about the Boy Wonder. Anyone want to make a line on when the Honeymoon ends? Parliament resumes in December, iirc, so I think most of the small stuff gets cleared before the Christmas break.

    Lets call it 15 March, 2016, just for historical perspective.
  • And what would you define as the Honeymoon end oh overseer?
  • TrudeauMetre.ca is keeping track of how he is doing against his campaign promises. So far I like the tone he is setting but we'll see where it goes long-term.
  • Whoever set up that website didn't realize that meter in this context is spelled "er" since it refers to a measuring instrument, not the unit of length. I can only guess it was Conservatives trying to have a 'gotcha' moment on Trudeau, if and when it happens.
  • Milo, why do you call him the "boy wonder?" Is it your condescending attitude towards anything not conservative? He's almost 44 years old, older than Joe Clark when he became PM. No one called Joe Clark a "boy wonder." Harper was 46 when he became PM. Am I to assume that 46 is a whole lot more mature than 44, and therefore doesn't deserve your arrogant and condescending tone when referring to him?
  • compuease wrote: »
    And what would you define as the Honeymoon end oh overseer?

    "Honeymoon over" would be the first time the Star, or similarly fawning publication (at least for the moment), starts to objectively criticize an action that the new Parliament takes.
    kwsteve wrote: »
    Milo, why do you call him the "boy wonder?" Is it your condescending attitude towards anything not conservative? He's almost 44 years old, older than Joe Clark when he became PM. No one called Joe Clark a "boy wonder." Harper was 46 when he became PM. Am I to assume that 46 is a whole lot more mature than 44, and therefore doesn't deserve your arrogant and condescending tone when referring to him?

    Sheesh, you won, try to enjoy it a little . . . "Boy Wonder" because, much like Robin in the Batman TV series, he IS a lot older than is being portrayed. So, lighten up a little. I actually LIKE some of the things he has done, in particular his appointments of Minister of Defence and Finance.
    As for any perceived arrogance or condescension, guilty to the first, but not the second. I am no less or more arrogant than others who post their opinions hereabouts. But I am certainly not condescending to ANYONE who would stand for political office. Not easy to have your life and actions scrutinized so minutely . . . I certainly would not subject myself to it. So I actually respect all of our newly elected MPS for stepping up.

    Not that said respect will prevent me from criticizing when the time comes.
  • I will say that I find some of what is being reported to be "a bit much". Things like civil servants crowding round with the press in order to get selfies with the new PM. I mean, I get the "relief" that Sauron has been defeated, but don't those people have jobs? As I said, not a huge deal, and it will die down rather quickly, but still . . . he's the PM, not the Messiah.
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    Milo, why do you call him the "boy wonder?" Is it your condescending attitude towards anything not conservative? He's almost 44 years old, older than Joe Clark when he became PM. No one called Joe Clark a "boy wonder." Harper was 46 when he became PM. Am I to assume that 46 is a whole lot more mature than 44, and therefore doesn't deserve your arrogant and condescending tone when referring to him?

    Don't even waste your time. Milo will never change his mind on anything ever. He already knows that his opinion is always right in every regard. I'm actually kind of jealous. I wish I could be believe in anything as certain as Milo believes in everything.
  • Pretty sceptical so far.
    His gender equal cabinet is because it's 2015?
    Never once did I hear read that he chose the best for the job.

    Appoints 5 women to junior roles and then makes those roles full ministers to trumpet equality.

    He's the social media prime minister so far.

    I hope I'm proved wrong and he has more substance to him.
  • trigs wrote: »
    Don't even waste your time. Milo will never change his mind on anything ever. He already knows that his opinion is always right in every regard. I'm actually kind of jealous. I wish I could be believe in anything as certain as Milo believes in everything.

    Not true, I have altered my stance on firearms control over time, to name just one. As for certain issues, no, I will not change my opinion. Neither will Mark. So what? It is a pretty weak belief system that will change with the shifting sands of popular opinion. Show me hard facts, and we will talk. Come to me with "feel-good" sophistry and I will dismiss you out of hand.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I will say that I find some of what is being reported to be "a bit much". Things like civil servants crowding round with the press in order to get selfies with the new PM. I mean, I get the "relief" that Sauron has been defeated, but don't those people have jobs? As I said, not a huge deal, and it will die down rather quickly, but still . . . he's the PM, not the Messiah.

    You still don't get it. That was the result of Harper being such a dick and an asshole to everybody that he dealt with, not because Trudeau is anything special. Trudeau treats people with respect, that's all it is. People react favourably when they are treated with respect. You should try it sometime.

    You think calling people names is 'criticizing' them? Wow. You, Milo, are condescending and smug as well. No wonder you love Harper so much.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Pretty sceptical so far.
    His gender equal cabinet is because it's 2015?
    Never once did I hear read that he chose the best for the job.

    Appoints 5 women to junior roles and then makes those roles full ministers to trumpet equality.

    He's the social media prime minister so far.

    I hope I'm proved wrong and he has more substance to him.

    You're just picking up the Sun News narratives and running with them. No one complained about merit when Jason Kenney was named Defense minister, or any of the other handful of ministries he headed up. Why not? The guy is a college dropout and never accomplished anything in his life, let alone along military lines. And he was supposedly the 'star' of the Conservative cabinet. LOL Point is, the only people complaining are the bitter right wingers and people actually believe their rubbish.

    Why don't you go through the ministers and point out which ones aren't qualified for the job, and suggest better candidates? Better yet, compare them to the Conservative cabinet and see who is more qualified for their jobs.
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    You, Milo, are condescending and smug as well. No wonder you love Harper so much.

    You must have missed the bits about not being able to even hold my nose an vote for the Party rather than the man. The ONLY really favourable quality I have ever ascribed to Harper was his "policy wonk" nature. I have never liked the "isolationist" nature that creeped ever more firmly into the PMO during his time in office.
    As for the Prime Minister treating people "with respect", that is easy to do when they are predisposed to liking you. Most of his media events since the election have been of the "TMZ" kind of aspect, which is fine, He was not yet sworn in, and the euphoria of winning is bound to have it's effect. Go for it. But, now that he IS the PM, there is a certain amount of decorum that is part and parcel of the job. Diving headlong into crowds of well-wishers will get old quickly . . . for BOTH sides. When it does, people are going to start looking for substance from their Prime Minister and, more importantly, from his Government. I hope he can deliver.

    One thing to his advantage is that, unlike Harper in his latter years, Trudeau DOES have an abundance of talent on hand to staff his cabinet. It is quite possible that he is actually the LEAST impressive of his cabinet (in terms of background for the task), but that did not stop Reagan from being beloved in the USA. Maybe Trudeau will be like Reagan or Eisenhower in that sense . . . namely, able to articulate a "vision" or direction for the Government, while others handle the technical details. If he can pull that off, he might even earn my vote in four years.

    As for being bitter, the only bitterness I have has nothing to do with the result of the election, but with the horrendous campaign that was run by the Party which, up until this campaign, has been my natural home.
  • Yeah, right. Funny you never called any one of the Conservatives any names though. You call the PM "boy wonder" then proceed to talk about having respect for the office. Even I never called Harper anything but Harper. Certainly you can see the hypocrisy, no? Your words sound hollow like Rona Ambrose saying she now supports an inquiry into MMIW. So obviously fake it's laughable.

    As for the functioning of government, Harper set the bar pretty low. In fact, the bar is buried in the dirt. Del Mastro went to jail for election fraud, Duffy on trial, numerous unconstitutional laws smacked down by the Supreme Court. It is impossible for Trudeau to do worse than this. I'm sure that won't stop you from criticizing him at every opportunity though. So, enjoy.
  • Why should it? Criticized Harper for legislation that was bound to fail a Constitutional challenge as well. So, I used the phrase "Boy Wonder" in reference to our new Prime Minister . . . I suspect that if I had just asked, "How long before the honeymoon with our new PM is over", you would have been equally vexed. There is the difference between us . . . you cannot tolerate an obvious attempt at humour with respect to your chosen candidate, and his current portrayal in the press, whereas I am perfectly willing to acknowledge the flaws in the former Prime Minister, and actually did so DURING the election campaign.
    IF/when Trudeau's halo slips, will you be so eager to call him out? Somehow, I doubt it. I expect we will read equivocation that starts with, "Still better than the other guy . . ."
  • You call your condescending insult an "attempt at humour." You don't get it and you never will. Tone deaf just like your party.
  • Not a member, so not "my" Party. It IS my country, however, so I do take an interest.

    And if "Boy Wonder" is the worst thing ever said in relation to the new PM, consider him lucky. Harper has been vilified before taking office (remember the "secret agenda" ads?), during his time in office, and even since being defeated. So, cry me a river if my name calling offends you. "Your" Party, and it's supporters are no angels, even if you might be.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Not true, I have altered my stance on firearms control over time, to name just one. As for certain issues, no, I will not change my opinion. Neither will Mark. So what? It is a pretty weak belief system that will change with the shifting sands of popular opinion. Show me hard facts, and we will talk. Come to me with "feel-good" sophistry and I will dismiss you out of hand.


    Given evidence based arguments that seem to outweigh any current stance I hold, I have been known to change positions on things. However, the ones I bring up here have not been the case.

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