Bristol Street Poker - The TV Show!

Hi everyone! Long time no chat!

I've been recently approached by a Producer at Roger's TV asking if I'd like to put together a poker show for our local community TV!

Obviously, I said YES!

The format is still in discussion, but it will be something like 10 episodes of hold'em with a "finale" final game. We're thinking 8-12 players, playing a few 4 player SnG's, with a double-sized finale based on points.

So, now we need to cast! I thought I'd come back here to gauge interest and see if anyone would like to be considered for the show. I'll be reaching out to a few people, but I really would like to see if there's anyone out there that would be interested.

Here are the details...

- You'd need to be available the week of July 13. (Tentative schedule is, production/set-up on the Monday, filming Tues->Thurs (from ~6pm to midnight), and then possibly Friday for the finale/interviews/extra scenes etc. (though, we may try to film all poker from Tues to Thus)
- Obviously, there will be no money on the line, and no prizes, but we will crown a Champion and, if there's a second season, those at the final table will be automatically invited.
- There's also the whole "playing poker on TV thing"! :)
- This is an experiment, but I'm extremely excited to give it a try and I'm looking for some fun people to entertain the masses.

If you're at all interested, please feel free to respond here and I'll get in touch!

(And, yes, this is real, and not another "Legends of Bristol Street" thing.) :D

If you have any question, I'm also happy to ask.


  • In! representing the Rock... AS long as I can wear my fedora.. ;)
  • i am free and interested.
  • With hole card cams?
  • do i need to find my own makeup guy?
  • compuease wrote: »
    In! representing the Rock... AS long as I can wear my fedora.. ;)

    Shouldn't you have to play more than a hand an hour to be entertaining ?

    Oh, An I am definitely in for this and avavilable.
  • This sounds like fun. If we can wear goofy hats and rip on each other, i am in.

    Comp..... You are so old, when you were a kid rainbows were black and white.

  • g2 wrote: »
    With hole card cams?

    Yes. We'll be using GoPro's connected into the studio system. Plan is to display hole cards during the show.
  • Sounds awesome. I'd be in as well if the opportunity comes up.
  • Yes, I am available and interested. Sounds kind of fab!
  • Seems interesting, Im available. Sounds like a fun idea. PFC poker show on rogers.... how can you go wrong.
  • ok, I'm in!
  • First, I'm surprised that I still have an active account here.

    Second, I'm In! Always good to have a fish at the table. (THIS GUY!)

    Keep me posted!
  • Hey Zinthal.... If you haven't filled your quota up.... I could make it down for this. Would be sweet to swoop into the area and steal bragging rights from the locals!!
  • I was thinking the same thing Mickey..... Don't think I could swing the week off work right now.
  • Is there any requirement to be good at poker?
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    Is there any requirement to be good at poker?

    Have you seen the list of volunteers? :D
  • Put me on the list of people interested please Rob. My schedule is quite flexible so I can make it work.
  • If you are still looking for volunteers I'm interested too.

  • Thanks to everyone for the level of interest! I'm currently going through everyone and should be making a decision within the next week for the cast.

  • I may be interested. Would need to know specific dates, times, etc. Although I would likely have total disregard for basic poker rules. Betting out of turn, slowrolling etc. would make the show more entertaining. Will you have white chips?
  • I would make the drive for this
  • haha i cant wait to see this on TV... seems like you have quite the interest already but if you need more id play for sure. This gonna be in Waterloo Area im assuming?
  • I am in 100%. I will tear it up easy wins here. Shoot me an email when I play
  • If your not full yet I'm free and I'll play!
  • Think you need a guy like me!!!
  • Any word on this.... ???.... some of us have to book travel for a large entourage. ... lol
  • Zithal, I am local and definitely interested and available the specified days/times. I have been to Bristol for a few games over the years. I would bring to the show a decent set of poker skills and some serious handsomeness.
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