Official Fatboy 2015 Weight In Thread Challenge 2



  • Keep going Brent. You are making progress.

    Use myfitnesspal religiously. With that you will figure out what you are doing wrong and need to do. I already have a pretty good idea...
  • I've used my fitnesspal before and it is fine. The two things you might want to consider if you haven't. If you have cut back on table salt to reduce sodium, try using powdered kelp instead. It gives you the salty flavour and iodine you get in the table salt without poisoning yourself. Try to eat more raw foods like carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes with a little hummous. Eat a salad at every meal. I have been trying to eat at least 50% raw and been striving for 65% or better. Good luck Brent, with a little persistence I am sure you'll break that barrier and continue on your way.
  • Stepped on the scale today. Only 6 lbs since April 6. Time to step up the game for the home stretch.
  • >-20%
    With 5 weeks to go, might hit 25%.
    How's everyone else doing?
  • I discovered on Thursday that if you replace the Mac sauce on a Double Big Mac with McChicken sauce instead, and then add tomato, you end up with an amazingly close replica of the old school Big Xtra. Quite good.

    That was the only real slip up though. Running good and coming in at 183.6 at last check in. Still out on the bike lots, hockey at least once per week. Nuts and yogurt in the morning, salads and chicken in the evening.

    Will decide in Vegas if I can catch you or not. Probably not. I'm in good position to ship the challenge at work though, which will give me more than enough to cover the $100 I'm going to owe on this one!

    Keep it going gentlemen!
  • I'm right there with ya Greg. Shooting for the 25% mark..... because that's what I think it will take to win this.
  • I guess it is time to do less. Scale is only down a few pounds this month, yet my belt has gone in another notch. Building muscle losing fat but scale not really budging. While good, not good for this contest.
  • Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • Shipped the work weigh in for $140 this morning. Wasn't even close!
  • Congrats..... great breakeven play LOL
  • Ok everyone T minus 7 days to final weigh in...... Good Luck to everyone and even more to me.....
  • Are we PMing Jeff like last time?
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    Are we PMing Jeff like last time?

    No you can PM me. I am 352 lbs and know that is not enough. Send your weigh in anytime Saturday before midnight.

  • You will get my weight first thing Saturday morning.....
  • Weight shipped.....
  • And the waiting begins... :)
  • I had to reship it, because I didn't see his text that said to text it. I PMed here.
  • Everyone has passed their results on to Brent.

    I finished at 219.2. From what I understand Joe did better. I worked my ass off to get to that point so I figure Joe's results are truly remarkable. Kudos to you Joe on this amazing accomplishment.

    Joe, can I ship some US cash to you on Stars?
  • congrats both you guys, and yeah especially joe.

    I sent my weight to Brent but would have had to get into the 160's to have a shot, and that would be ridiculous. Let me know where to ship the EMT.

    This was a great idea and having money on the line 100% made it easier to stay disciplined. There is no other way I would have eaten healthy for 6 months straight like I did. Thanks to all 3 of you.

    Here's some results from my end. Orange line is the actual and blue was the target. The spike upwards towards the end is just the result of Vegas. Plan on sticking with it and stay around 180-185.

  • I finished at 214.5. I did a 10 day juice fast to finish the contest. Trying to get back to solid food today. Joined a gym and I have been at the pool every day since moving to Halifax. Twice a week aquafit and one a week hydro rider plus exercising every day mostly in the pool. Sauna every day for the last 3 months. I busted it huge.
  • Greg, I will PM you the info. Coming in second at the March weigh in gave me the determination to ensure it didn't happen again. Thanks for the competition.

    The charity is Muscular Dystrophy to be donated to. Website is
  • Bfillmaff wrote: »
    congrats both you guys, and yeah especially joe.

    I sent my weight to Brent but would have had to get into the 160's to have a shot, and that would be ridiculous. Let me know where to ship the EMT.

    This was a great idea and having money on the line 100% made it easier to stay disciplined. There is no other way I would have eaten healthy for 6 months straight like I did. Thanks to all 3 of you.

    Here's some results from my end. Orange line is the actual and blue was the target. The spike upwards towards the end is just the result of Vegas. Plan on sticking with it and stay around 180-185.

    I LOVE those desperation dips in the blue leading up to weigh in dates. I did that too!

    Congrats on getting yourself to a very healthy place. I hope you keep it up. I'll be sure to bug you if it looks like you are not[emoji2]
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    I finished at 214.5. I did a 10 day juice fast to finish the contest. Trying to get back to solid food today. Joined a gym and I have been at the pool every day since moving to Halifax. Twice a week aquafit and one a week hydro rider plus exercising every day mostly in the pool. Sauna every day for the last 3 months. I busted it huge.
    You busted it all over me.

    How much weight did you lose on the juice fast? I'm curious if you think that is mostly fat, muscle or water weight? I did look into that a year or two ago but couldn't get into it.

    Fantastic result! Congratulations. I hope you will keep up the routine and the net result is a much healthier you.

    I will wait for Brent to publish the official results but also prepare for the donation and stars transfer.
  • For myself, I've been on Atkins, which has been great for my blood sugar. I generally walk or jog 7 to 10 miles per day. Plus weights at least 3x per week.

    I was doing high intensity interval training a couple times per week but found it was slowing my weight loss. So I dropped that for the past couple of months. It was great for my conditioning though so I'll add that back into my routine now.

    I've found that my weight has hit a plateau recently. It was an extreme push to drop those last 10 pounds. I'd like to end up at about 210 so I'll be looking to mix things up a bit.

    Feel free to bug me if you see me eating any snickers bars or too much pizza...
  • Just like to congratulate all you guys, and no I'm not trolling.

    Good job on the motivational techniques..
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    For myself, I've been on Atkins, which has been great for my blood sugar. I generally walk or jog 7 to 10 miles per day. Plus weights at least 3x per week.

    I was doing high intensity interval training a couple times per week but found it was slowing my weight loss. So I dropped that for the past couple of months. It was great for my conditioning though so I'll add that back into my routine now.

    I've found that my weight has hit a plateau recently. It was an extreme push to drop those last 10 pounds. I'd like to end up at about 210 so I'll be looking to mix things up a bit.

    Feel free to bug me if you see me eating any snickers bars or too much pizza...

    I did two juice fasts since the March weigh in. The first one around Easter I lost 5 lbs. This one I lost 6 lbs. I felt really weak during the one that I ended this morning. I mixed some protein powder Wednesday into my juice to try and help. Some muscle definitely went and I was drinking 2 L of water a day as well. I felt like I was peeing every hour. Given what come out of me during the juice fasts I'm sure that I eliminated a banquet burger that was stuck since the 1980's from my system. I followed the 10 day reboot, from the Reboot with Joe site and for diet, followed an almost Vegan alkaline diet as promoted by Dr. Robert Young. I did that in 2006 with an almost identical result, however ended up going back to an horrible weight over the years since then. I checked the original fat boy from 2006 and I was 208 lbs. Sad that I could almost end up at almost 300 lbs in 9 years. I thought for sure I would want a drink once this was done but actually have no desire for one.
    With the bursitis in my hips, almost all exercise has been in a pool. Prior to this happening I walked about 3 miles a day and sat around 255 to 260. Once I stopped walking and with the meds for that I went to up over 290. I still need to build a lot more strength in my legs and hips but not lugging around an extra 75 lbs has been a tremendous help.

    you won't see me with a snickers or a pizza, but I really want a 90% cacao chocolate bar.
  • Go get yourself a cacao bar. Just not $400 worth!

    Are you at your target weight now, Joe?
  • It is below the target I set for the challenge which was 225. After the March weigh in, I didn't think 225 wouldn't win it and set a new target of 218 or lower. The 218 was based on my feelings that it would take 25% plus to win. Right now, I plan on ignoring weight for a while and try and eliminate fat and build muscle. If I can do that and sit around 210 I'll be very happy. I had to slow down on the training I did because I lost inches but my weight plateaued at one point. I think I even posted here I had to slow down on that but generally kept up cardio in the pool. I plan on starting P90X again once July hits on top of my swimming to build some muscle up.
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