Jian Ghomeshi canned from CBC



  • Milo, this goes wayyyy beyond the normal level of trolling and d-baggery.
    And My tolerance, hell my THIRST, for such things are extremely high...see my friendship with Fed, and defenses of free speech for proof.

    You have crossed a victim-bashing line that I refuse to accept.

    There are no "sides". There are WOMEN. Women that claim to be the victim of heinous sexual assault. You don't stand on the sidelines and say "suffer alone until you prove it"...or worse, accuse three separate women of being vindictive, scorned, cowards.

    Mods, I'm serious as a fucking heart attack here. Get rid of that victim bashing bullshit and start handing out temp bans, or I'm the fuck outta here. You do it for racism, anti-semitism, and just about every other -ism...

    You damn sure should be doing it for women.
  • I am not bashing anyone . . . all I have said is that these allegations might carry more weight if they had been submitted to the Police then to a reporter. I even went so far as to state that they could do so NOW and gain credibility.

    Kristy, I have no vested interest in either Mr. Gomeshi or his accusers. Pray tell me what purpose there would be in me "trolling" this thread.

    There are questions here, to be sure . . . and along the way to a resolution one of them has to be why these women chose the route they did to make these allegations.
  • Where the fuck are the damn Mods?

    Edit: Sorry, Bill/Jeff. You're not 'damn' anything. Those posts are just SOO not Ok. Figures it happens when you're both busy :/
  • Kristy wrote: »
    Milo, this goes wayyyy beyond the normal level of trolling and d-baggery.
    And My tolerance, hell my THIRST, for such things are extremely high...see my friendship with Fed, and defenses of free speech for proof.

    You have crossed a victim-bashing line that I refuse to accept.

    There are no "sides". There are accusers. Accusers that claim to be the victim of heinous sexual assault without a shred of evidence to back up their claims beyond their word. You don't stand on the sidelines and say "suffer alone until you prove it"...or worse, accuse three separate women of being vindictive, scorned, cowards.

    Mods, I'm serious as a fucking heart attack here. Get rid of that victim bashing bullshit and start handing out temp bans, or I'm the fuck outta here. You do it for racism, anti-semitism, and just about every other -ism...

    You damn sure should be doing it for women.

    See bolded . . . and I am not "standing on the sidelines". If these allegations are true, then Mr. Gomeshi deserves to be in jail for a long long time. But that cannot happen if the only avenue these women choose is the press.

    How you cannot see this is beyond me . . .

    As it stands right now, your position seems to be one of, "they said it, so it must be true."

    My position is, "file your complaint with the Cops and lets have a determining of facts."

    Who is the more reasonable?
  • Milo, you're blocked.
    Mods, my blocking him does NOT solve the problem.
  • Kristy wrote: »
    Where the fuck are the damn Mods?

    Edit: Sorry, Bill/Jeff. You're not 'damn' anything. Those posts are just SOO not Ok. Figures it happens when you're both busy :/

    So, you wish to be Judge, jury and executioner? If Bill or Jeff choose to ban me or delete anything I have posted, so be it. I have not made ANY allegations as to the veracity of their claims, only the manner in which they went about presenting them.

    You, on the other hand, are intent on labelling me as some sort of woman hating mysoginist, simply because I find the manner they chose to present their allegations as dubious.

    No where can you point to me saying they are lying, or that Gomeshi is a Saint. Truthfully, when this first came out my first thought was, "I thought he was gay?", not that this would have any bearing on the matter (if the accusers were men).

    I have tried to present my thoughts in as rational a manner as possible, while you flipped your shit at the notion that these women might have motives that are less than pure (the notion, mind you, not the accusation). the fact that none of your usual cadre have piled on thus far is telling, don't you think? (that last bit IS trolling)

    I am off to darts in a minute with my wife, I'll check back and see what the powers that be have decided.
  • whatever . . .

    Actually, no. Moderators, I would like a decision here. If I am judged to have been out of line then I would like you to ban me for whatever period you feel justified in. After which, I will apologize to Kristy.

    If I have not overstepped, then I would like an apology from her. Not that I expect to get one, but I want an answer.

  • Milo wrote: »
    kwsteve . . . what has changed? I skimmed the link, as well as reading the egregious Heather Mallick on the subject today, but what in this case has really changed?

    It still revolves around allegations that these women have made. Allegations which they did not even have the courage to make to the authorities.

    An objective observer would ask why these women would prefer having their anonymous accusations aired in the media, as opposed to having their anonymous accusations aired in court?

    They will be aired in court. That is if Ghomeshi goes ahead with his lawsuit. I don't think he will though.

    People can be fired for what they do in their private life. Especially famous people who are the face of the brand. Tiger Woods was dropped from endorsements simply because he had an affair. Perfectly legal.

    Considering the amount of due diligence and time spent by the Star investigating the allegations, I'm inclined to believe they are true. Just like they were with Rob Ford. I remember a lot of you dismissed the notion that Ford was a crackhead too. I'm sure they wouldn't have published the allegations if there was any doubt.
  • Milo wrote: »
    There are questions here, to be sure . . . and along the way to a resolution one of them has to be why these women chose the route they did to make these allegations.

    Jimmy Savile, most of his accusers only came forward after he died. Now we know there were hundreds of victims.
    There had been allegations during his lifetime, but they were dismissed and accusers ignored or disbelieved; Savile took legal action against some accusers.

    See Bolded.
  • I'm sure Milo won't be the only one who wonders why I am so upset about this victim bashing or attacking. I hope this pre-emptive post will help.

    There are lots of wonderful, sensitive, men in the world...
    For the most part, even though the "logic" may be sound --it just can't reflect the true depth of the emotional burden attached.

    It is probably like my understanding of what a black person faces with racism. I can empathize, but I'll never truly "get it".

    I have that tough-as-nails, in-your-face constitution and even I have been truly shaken by much less sexual harassment/assault than the abuse these women have likely suffered. Victims feel shame, self-blame, and fear. Fear of the backlash, fear of being called cowards, liars, having to deal with the whole, "look at how she's dressed" world. Most, in my experience, aren't able to pull the Kristy, "fuck that dickwad" mentality, and move onward and upward. They suffer deeply, and all because they were the VICTIM of such a truly heinous violation.

    I'm all for hilarious discussion of Gimp masks, thought provoking conversation about BDSM, the precedent in employment law and possible outcomes, or we could share our safe-words (Mine's Vanilla Ice), or speculate about other poster's (Startles' is probably "logical inconsistency")

    But, I can't stand by if we're gonna kick victims while they're down.
  • I am not taking any side, but offering this bit of info for both Milo's and Kristy's opinion:

    When I was in vet school at Guelph I lived with 3 other guys. This was before cell phones. One Sunday morning the police parked in front of out townhouse and proceeded to take me into the police station...fingerprinting, photos, being audio taped and accused. They aggressively accused me (not questioned me) of stalking a stripper at the Guelph strip club (can't recall the name of it) and making phone calls to her home...I believe they even told me that I had threatened to stab her. All of this on the evidence of her calling my house and hearing my voice then stating to the police that I was the person calling her from the landline.

    It was not me.

    I had and have never been to any strip club in Guelph.

    I had and have never met nor seen/heard of this woman in my life.

    I had and have never spoken to of called the number the police were insisting that I had called repeatedly.

    I had to go through the stress of contacting my father and hiring a criminal lawyer for thousands of dollars to have this thing thrown out after having it hang over my head for months while I was studying for 10-15 or so final exams. Combine with the stress of never becoming a vet after years of study if found guilty. I don't recall exactly, but I think the police even came and pulled me out of class once.

    There is no perfect system when it comes to serious offenses like abuse. Things like this could be handled in a better manner, no?

    I had forgotten about this...sometimes I think I've had too many life experiences:)
  • That is truly awful, Dave. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

    I hope this won't seem argumentative, but not attacking the victim doesn't mean you are attacking the accused.

    If we don't call those women cowards, we aren't sending hate mail to Ghomeshi.

  • Kristy wrote: »
    That is truly awful, Dave. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

    I hope this won't seem argumentative, but not attacking the victim doesn't mean you are attacking the accused.

    If we don't call those women cowards, we aren't sending hate mail to Ghomeshi.


    From a public perspective, possibly.

    But from the legal side someone is always being attacked, no?
  • Not unless PFC is a court of law and we're the jury?
  • Those last two statements are very true.

  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I am not taking any side, but offering this bit of info for both Milo's and Kristy's opinion:

    When I was in vet school at Guelph I lived with 3 other guys. This was before cell phones. One Sunday morning the police parked in front of out townhouse and proceeded to take me into the police station...fingerprinting, photos, being audio taped and accused.

    This isn't quite the same situation though. Ghomeshi hasn't been charged with a crime and might never be charged with a crime. Unless the accusers agree to testify, even in a closed court, I don't see how he will be.

    But that doesn't mean the CBC can't sever ties with him. They have the right to not be associated with someone who has these rumours swirling around them. And the rumours have been swirling for years; that's why the Star did the investigation in the first place.
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    This isn't quite the same situation though. Ghomeshi hasn't been charged with a crime and might never be charged with a crime. Unless the accusers agree to testify, even in a closed court, I don't see how he will be.

    But that doesn't mean the CBC can't sever ties with him. They have the right to not be associated with someone who has these rumours swirling around them. And the rumours have been swirling for years; that's why the Star did the investigation in the first place.

    So what is the legal status of all this? The woman still has not filed charges?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    So what is the legal status of all this? The woman still has not filed charges?

    Not to my knowledge. He has only been fired by CBC. No charges yet; I'm not even sure that police are even involved.
  • The womEn. Three of them, as far as I know.
  • Marv Albert was not fired until after he was proven guilty. This will never go to court and instead we will be on the hook for millions in an out of court settlement because the CBC will never win without this becoming a criminal case.
  • Also, I'm losing the battle to keep calm now that Compuease has logged in twice.

    Wtf is this? Milo's allowed to call victims of rape and assault cowards, and infer that their veracity would "have more weight" if they told their stories in the way he thinks they should? Where they would have to be subject to more questioning, scrutiny, exposure...

    And all for naught...since it will never make them UN-raped.
    This is fucking sick.
  • I sent my reply to you via PM as you may not like it. However aren't we jumping the gun a little here.

    Oh and I have a life other than here... :mad:
  • Jeff, I'm truly disappointed in you.
    Having a life is fine.
    Logging in twice and reading T8's thread instead of responding to the reported posts is not doing your job as mod.

    And PMing me to tell me that you want to wait and see if the women seek financial remuneration is offensive on the HIGHEST level.

    Since women can't be taken at their word. Here is the excerpt.
    compuease wrote:
    For heavens sakes, I would like to know why none of the 3? of them ever reported anything wrong before he was "outed". There has to me more to this from what I see, do you really believe that all 3, or any of the 3 were innocent victims.
    Before "blaming" anyone I would prefer to have more info before jumping to conclusions. If the women start looking for financial renumeration we will have our answer.
    It could be that all 3 women are completely innocent but we just don't know at this point.

    And I did not ask for your take on the situation. I demanded you remove something that is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable.
    This forum can have me, or victim blaming. NOT both.
  • What I think happened (and I'm speculating based on the information that's been released so far) is that the women agreed to some sort of 'rough play' beforehand in text message or email. This is the evidence that Ghomeshi possesses.

    When they got there he punched them in the face and went way further than they had expected. This is why they wish to remain anonymous.

    Ghomeshi was probably careful to have some sort of consent in writing beforehand
  • Kristy wrote: »
    Jeff, I'm truly disappointed in you.Having a life is fine.
    Logging in twice and reading T8's thread instead of responding to the reported posts is not doing your job as mod.

    And PMing me to tell me that you want to wait and see if the women seek financial remuneration is offensive on the HIGHEST level.

    Since women can't be taken at their word. Here is the excerpt.

    And I did not ask for your take on the situation. I demanded you remove something that is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable.
    This forum can have me, or victim blaming. NOT both.

    As I am in you... Get off your damn high horse and think a little. No one here is anti woman, especially not me.. And there is a reason why they call it a PM you know. You took just an excerpt from my PM to you and posted it, not kosher by any stretch of the imagination.
    As for having victim blaming or you, well that's your choice but I don't see it as victim blaming, only keeping an open mind which I will and usually do.
    Your choice, you have left before, likely will again, the forum survives ad infinitum... I like having you here but sometimes you are a bit of a .....

    Here is my entire PM to Kristy, since she posted just an excerpt I will post it in it's entirety for balance... P.S. I have had 2 aquaintenances accused of sexual assault in years past who were both proven innocent and in one of them the women was charged with something, can't recall the exact wording but she eventually plead to a lesser charge and received probation. It does happen you know.. All I'm saying is wait for the evidence to come out.
    First of all some of us have business's to run and hadn't really read the thread until now, I might not of even read it at all other than you reporting Milo again and pm'ing me. I have no idea even who this guy is at all. Not my kind of show.

    Now for my quick assessment. My opinon, albeit after a quick read, is that this is just Milo being macho and Milo being Milo. I do see a little of the anti feminism in his response but certainly not victim blaming. For heavens sakes, I would like to know why none of the 3? of them ever reported anything wrong before he was "outed". There has to me more to this from what I see, do you really believe that all 3, or any of the 3 were innocent victims.
    Before "blaming" anyone I would prefer to have more info before jumping to conclusions. If the women start looking for financial renumeration we will have our answer.
    It could be that all 3 women are completely innocent but we just don't know at this point.

    PFC does not have to have a position and I am not in position to give it in any case.
  • FYI the threat of leaving only works if anyone cares that you stay.
  • Milo wrote: »
    kwsteve . . . what has changed? I skimmed the link, as well as reading the egregious Heather Mallick on the subject today, but what in this case has really changed?

    It still revolves around allegations that these women have made. Allegations which they did not even have the courage to make to the authorities.

    An objective observer would ask why these women would prefer having their anonymous accusations aired in the media, as opposed to having their anonymous accusations aired in court?

    Here's a significant problem I see...

    You write in the last part that "an objective observer would..." and that part's fine. But literally the sentence just before it, you cite a lack of courage in choosing to go to the media vs. the police. That's not only a judgement filled statement, it's also silly. Perhaps their POV was that this needed to put the word out for women, that it needs to be talked about loudly and publicly. I don't know the facts, nor do you. You did however reveal your opinion.

    Words have power Milo, and for someone that talks so much you should be more aware.

  • After the initial shock, dismay and obligatory satirizing this whole story is becoming fascinatinger and fascinatinger.

    Current thoughts include but are not limited to...

    - Blaming the victims (even alleged victims) for not handling it the way you think it should be, is a non starter. Sorry Milo.

    - Blaming the perp just because he's a man in a position of power is also not advisable. He was in fact the first to come out with anything more tangible than back alley whispers. Although unless it is put through a court proceeding no one will know the veracity of his version of events.

    - Is there any precedent set as far as the legal limits of consent in BDSM? If I agree to something in which a "safe word" is applied for me to limit my exposure to untoward experiences, does that not mean that anything done before the utterance of such word is done with implied consensuality?

    - If Ghomeshi does indeed have "proof", as he mentions, of the consensual nature of the relationship, what are the limits of that? What if he has a signed document that shows the complaintant as being open to rape scenarios? Could a person legally accept a "crime" against them? Could it actually exonerate someone of that crime in a court of law?

    - Is the point above perhaps the reason that the victims have not come forward legally? Do they know that their previous actions in some way would undermine their own case against him?

    - Taking a side at this point seems ridiculous. The only thing we KNOW is that CBC has severed ties. They haven't even stated that the series of unfortunate events that Ghomeshi has copped too is in fact the reason for dismissal.

    I'm not usually one that gets any pleasure from watching public figures go down in flames but this particular case has some amazing possibilities. I'm thinking of starting a BAP to secure the movie rights.
  • - Taking a side at this point seems ridiculous. The only thing we KNOW is that CBC has severed ties. They haven't even stated that the series of unfortunate events that Ghomeshi has copped too is in fact the reason for dismissal.

    Most important point presented up to now.
  • Kristy wrote: »
    Wtf is this? Milo's allowed to call victims of rape and assault cowards, and infer that their veracity would "have more weight" if they told their stories in the way he thinks they should? Where they would have to be subject to more questioning, scrutiny, exposure...

    And all for naught...since it will never make them UN-raped.
    This is fucking sick.

    Polled the ladies on my dart team tonight, just for the hell of it. All of them think the notion of going to the papers BEFORE the cops is shady. I suppose they are self-hating mysoginists?

    And I did not call these three women "cowards". I questioned their courage, which is different, albeit by a matter of degrees. you spoke earlier of the trauma of coming forward to report this kind of incident. how is that trauma different if you are doing it with a reporter as opposed to a Cop?

    As for Ghomeshi being fired, I could care less. As kwsteve has already pointed out, the CBC has the Right to protect their "brand" in any manner they see fit, including firing Ghomeshi simply for the hint of a scandal. As he is part of a Union, I doubt his lawsuit even goes to court, as the Collective Agreement usually replaces that option for members.

    I would still like to see these women file charges, as it is the only way for the truth to come out. But that is entirely up to them.
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