July Tournaments

Below is a list of the best tournaments in Ontario for this month of July. PartyPoker has no good incentives to play there for yet another month, :( so I will have to continue playing live tournaments instead (then cash games after).

July 7, Sunday, 4:30 PM: $220+$10 Deep Stack @ Georgian Downs. Only 4% rake! PF = 37!

July 8, Monday, 1 PM: $285+$15 @ Casino Rama. Only 5% rake. PF = 14.

July 18, Thursday, 7:30 PM: $220+$10 Deep Stack @ Georgian Downs. Only 4% rake. PF = 37.

July 22, Monday
1 PM: $285+$15 @ Casino Rama. Only 5% rake. PF = 14.
7 PM: $110+$20 Super Satellite @ Casino Brantford for the $550 Deep Stack. Rake = 15%. 10,000 chips; PF = 8.

July 25, Thursday, 11 AM: $200+$30 Deep Stack @ Casino Brantford. Rake = 13%. PF = 21.

July 28, Sunday
4:30 PM: $530+$20 Deep Stack @ Georgian Downs. Only 3.6% rake! PF = 59!
11 AM: $500+$50 Deep Stack @ Casino Brantford. Rake = 9%. PF = 31.
12:00 PM: $220+$10 Deep Stack @ Western Fair. Only 4% rake. PF = 37.

As good as Brantford $500+$50 Deep Stack is, Georgian Down's has much lower rake and higher PF. Based on 30 players, Georgian Down's prize pool will be $15,900 compared to $15K for Brantford. However, live poker is a very inefficient market, and many players won't know or won't like playing the better electronic tournament at Georgian Downs.


  • Very nice summary Buddy.. The way it's laid out live electronic is sure the way to go although from a "fun" perspective I still prefer it with a dealer... I guess it depends what your motives are...
  • Arent these electronic tournaments generally getting less than 2 tables?
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Below is a list of the best tournaments in Ontario for this month of July. PartyPoker has no good incentives to play there for yet another month, :( so I will have to continue playing live tournaments instead (then cash games after).

    July 7, Sunday, 4:30 PM: $220+$10 Deep Stack @ Georgian Downs. Only 4% rake! PF = 37!

    July 8, Monday, 1 PM: $285+$15 @ Casino Rama. Only 5% rake. PF = 14.

    July 18, Thursday, 7:30 PM: $220+$10 Deep Stack @ Georgian Downs. Only 4% rake. PF = 37.

    July 22, Monday
    1 PM: $285+$15 @ Casino Rama. Only 5% rake. PF = 14.
    7 PM: $110+$20 Super Satellite @ Casino Brantford for the $550 Deep Stack. Rake = 15%. 10,000 chips; PF = 8.

    July 25, Thursday, 11 AM: $200+$30 Deep Stack @ Casino Brantford. Rake = 13%. PF = 21.

    July 28, Sunday
    4:30 PM: $530+$20 Deep Stack @ Georgian Downs. Only 3.6% rake! PF = 59!
    11 AM: $500+$50 Deep Stack @ Casino Brantford. Rake = 9%. PF = 31.
    12:00 PM: $220+$10 Deep Stack @ Western Fair. Only 4% rake. PF = 37.

    As good as Brantford $500+$50 Deep Stack is, Georgian Down's has much lower rake and higher PF. Based on 30 players, Georgian Down's prize pool will be $15,900 compared to $15K for Brantford. However, live poker is a very inefficient market, and many players won't know or won't like playing the better electronic tournament at Georgian Downs.

    I'd be weary about the Georgian Down's weekday deep stacks, as the one I showed up to didn't run. I suppose a Sunday tourney there would have a better chance of running.

    I may do one of the Rama dates...
  • Are the Brantford Deepstacks electronic or with live dealers? How large are the fields usually?

    Please excuse the ignorance, I've been out of the Ontario live seen for several years.
  • Might be up for the July 22nd tournament at Rama. Haven't been to Rama in ages.
  • Are the Brantford Deepstacks electronic or with live dealers? How large are the fields usually?

    Please excuse the ignorance, I've been out of the Ontario live seen for several years.
    Brantford is live dealers.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Might be up for the July 22nd tournament at Rama. Haven't been to Rama in ages.

    In the same boat...
  • Are the Brantford Deepstacks electronic or with live dealers? How large are the fields usually?
    Please excuse the ignorance, I've been out of the Ontario live seen for several years.
    I've also been out of the live scene for ~4 years, but after doing my research including talking to poker room managers, I'm pleasantly surprised that there are even more good tournaments now than when I played a lot of the local tournaments in 2008-09. I'm not even tempted to buy-in to any US tournament (-EV) when there are so many +EV tournaments in Ontario.

    Brantford has live dealers, and the $300+$30 had almost 60 players. See my Deep Stack trip report for a comparison with the electronic format.
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Below is a list of the best tournaments in Ontario for this month of July. PartyPoker has no good incentives to play there for yet another month, :( so I will have to continue playing live tournaments instead (then cash games after).

    July 7, Sunday, 4:30 PM: $220+$10 Deep Stack @ Georgian Downs. Only 4% rake! PF = 37!

    July 8, Monday, 1 PM: $285+$15 @ Casino Rama. Only 5% rake. PF = 14.

    July 18, Thursday, 7:30 PM: $220+$10 Deep Stack @ Georgian Downs. Only 4% rake. PF = 37.

    July 22, Monday
    1 PM: $285+$15 @ Casino Rama. Only 5% rake. PF = 14.
    7 PM: $110+$20 Super Satellite @ Casino Brantford for the $550 Deep Stack. Rake = 15%. 10,000 chips; PF = 8.

    July 25, Thursday, 11 AM: $200+$30 Deep Stack @ Casino Brantford. Rake = 13%. PF = 21.

    July 28, Sunday
    4:30 PM: $530+$20 Deep Stack @ Georgian Downs. Only 3.6% rake! PF = 59!
    11 AM: $500+$50 Deep Stack @ Casino Brantford. Rake = 9%. PF = 31.
    12:00 PM: $220+$10 Deep Stack @ Western Fair. Only 4% rake. PF = 37.

    As good as Brantford $500+$50 Deep Stack is, Georgian Down's has much lower rake and higher PF. Based on 30 players, Georgian Down's prize pool will be $15,900 compared to $15K for Brantford. However, live poker is a very inefficient market, and many players won't know or won't like playing the better electronic tournament at Georgian Downs.

    According to Rama poker room staff yesterday tournament sales are ahead of previous weeks at this point. 17 seats left for Monday's tournament.
  • According to Rama poker room staff yesterday tournament sales are ahead of previous weeks at this point. 17 seats left for Monday's tournament.

    I would also add that the air conditioning unit in the Rama poker room was down and the room was almost as hot as the weather has been outside.

    Hopefully they fix it for Monday's tournament.
  • According to Rama poker room staff yesterday tournament sales are ahead of previous weeks at this point. 17 seats left for Monday's tournament.

    Looks like it may be sold out now, just checked ticketmaster and no seats avail.

    Word must be spreading about these as this is the earliest it's sold out yet... expecting this trend to continue through the summer and if they continue through the fall/winter I can only imagine it getting worse.
  • Wow, that's an early sell-out. It's good that more players are getting interested in tournaments, at least in Rama. I wonder why not more of those 60+ players play the other good-value tournaments at Georgian Downs, Brantford, etc.
    AAAsWILD wrote: »
    Looks like it may be sold out now, just checked ticketmaster and no seats avail.
    Word must be spreading about these as this is the earliest it's sold out yet...
  • Who be poker tournamenting it up at Rama tomorrow?
  • Looks like it's just you & me. Last time on the long lonely round-trip drive, I got to listen to most of the Game of Thrones audiobook CD. Maybe I will listen to some poker strategy audio today to keep me awake during the long drive.
    Who be poker tournamenting it up at Rama tomorrow?
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Looks like it's just you & me. Last time on the long lonely round-trip drive, I got to listen to most of the Game of Thrones audiobook CD. Maybe I will listen to some poker strategy audio today to keep me awake during the long drive.

    Game of Thrones is pretty good. Yeah, you've got a good 2 hour drive ahead of you if you're in Oakville. I lived out that way a few years ago. I'll PM you later to see how you've done. I have a $40 food credit for the new backyard pub place or whatever it's called if you want to grab food after. If you take it down food can be on you...haha

    Are you going to play cash afterwards?

    Good luck!
  • You still in blondefish?
  • Went out 9th. Just heading home. Let me know how you did.
  • Went out 9th. Just heading home. Let me know how you did.

    Was he there? How many runners? Trip report?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Was he there? How many runners? Trip report?

    I didn't meet up with the infamous Blondefish but he said he bought a ticket.

    I ran very well up until first break. Had pocket AA and pocket KK and got them through. On the KK hand I was 2 off from under the gun. Did a standard 4x raise pre-flop. Had one caller 1 off the button. Flop came rainbow AK7. Bet 2/3's pot and got called. Turn was a Q. Put villian on a weak ace and bet 2/3's pot again. He called. River came Q. Made a small weak looking value bet for 1/3 of pot and got paid again.

    Ran stack up to 26k at first break. Immediately after break lost about 6k trying to make some moves on shorter stacks and got my hand stuck in the mouse trap two times. Till the next break I went card dead and saw more 3-8 2-6's then I care to ever see again.

    After 2nd break it became a shove fest for the shorter stacks. Had an avgerage stack of 28k and took out a 5k stack who shoved Q-8 off under the gun. My A-Q boated.

    A few hands after this when it was my bb short stack to my immediate left shoves 7k with QJ off. I end up being the only caller with A9 off. We both straighten out with him taking the higher.

    Have to run...will finish this later
  • After this point I had decent cards a couple of times and won the blinds, which were 1k-2k with 200 ante.

    My next bb the smal blind raised me to 10 k and later claimed to have mid pair. I shoved 32k to take it down with suited ace.

    Won a coupke more blinds and hit the final table with 56k, which was middle to low end ofthe pack. Chip leader had around 120k and there was 600k on the table. Three hand in shortest stack got taken out in 10th. I call a couple blinds with decent starting cards but nothing eventful takes place until my BB. I have 44kish left and blinds were 2k-4k with 300 ante. 2 off the button and tight regular raises my bb to 10k. He has me well covered, but I have 10-J off and take a shot and call the 6k to see if I can do something with it.

    Flop comes KQx rainbow. Being that he had position and I suspect he migjt of hit I check. He in turn check. Turn is a low heart, making there two on the board. I check because I still put him om a K or Q. River comes 9 of hearts, giving me the straight. I lead out 10 k into the 23k pot thinking I'm good and that he has a K or Q and will call. Buddy shoves and I decide to call the remainder of my 34 still thinking he has a K or Q, but sadly find out he has A-4 of hearts.

    I played pretty well up until that last hand. If only I had bet the flop I would have done better than 9th.

    Top 6 get paid at Rama, with 6th getting $800ish and 1st gettimg just under 6k.

    Overall, it was a well rum tournament and I would play it again. I felt the field was stronger than the Brantford tournaments I've played in the 100ish-$230ish range. There were a lot of regular 2-5 players in it whom I've never played against seeing as though I've only ever played 1-2 @ Rama.
  • Last tourney I played at Rama was 2 years ago or so, was $500. Was a pretty bad structure for the cost, havnt played one since. Hopefully its a bit better now ill check it out, also the price seems better regardless of structure change or not. I guess the Venetian/Palazzo DSEs spoiled me with the sick amazing tourneys.

    Granted I do play here like once a week at 2/5nl lol, i just prefer the cash games. I really love how they have a "call-in" service now at the front desk like at fallsview.

    Anyway....Ive got 2 nights at rama, 24th/25th, im going to be getting really drunk and grinding the 2/5nl cash games! If you see a guy with long hair drinking many stella artois its meeeeeeeeeeee :) gl all
  • Monoxide wrote: »
    Last tourney I played at Rama was 2 years ago or so, was $500. Was a pretty bad structure for the cost, havnt played one since. Hopefully its a bit better now ill check it out, also the price seems better regardless of structure change or not. I guess the Venetian/Palazzo DSEs spoiled me with the sick amazing tourneys.

    Granted I do play here like once a week at 2/5nl lol, i just prefer the cash games. I really love how they have a "call-in" service now at the front desk like at fallsview.

    Anyway....Ive got 2 nights at rama, 24th/25th, im going to be getting really drunk and grinding the 2/5nl cash games! If you see a guy with long hair drinking many stella artois its meeeeeeeeeeee :) gl all

    How did the trip go Monoxide? Many Stellas and chips consumed?
  • Aside from Flopped_Nuts and I, is anybody else playing any of the four excellent Deep Stacks today, including the super-secret Summer Sizzler at Caesars Windsor? I think Brantford is sold out at 80 players, but they were advertising a $50,000 prize pool. At least it looks like the tournament season is back!

    It's wabbit season.
    No, it's duck season.
    No, the tournament season :fish: is baacckk!

    Off to the Deep Stack....
    July 28, Sunday
    4:30 PM: $530+$20 Deep Stack @ Georgian Downs. Only 3.6% rake! PF = 59!
    11 AM: $500+$50 Deep Stack @ Casino Brantford. Rake = 9%. .
    12:00 PM: $220+$10 Deep Stack @ Western Fair. Only 4% rake. PF = 37.

    As good as Brantford $500+$50 Deep Stack is, Georgian Down's has much lower rake and higher PF. Based on 30 players, Georgian Down's prize pool will be $15,900 compared to $15K for Brantford. However, live poker is a very inefficient market, and many players won't know or won't like playing the better electronic tournament at Georgian Downs.
  • Anyone know if the DS@GD happened? ..i know they've had trouble getting enough runners for regular/cheaper ones so would be pleasantly surprised if it did.
  • I plan to play at least eight juicy tournaments this month. I guess there's not much point in updating the list for August.
  • My next bb the smal blind raised me to 10 k and later claimed to have mid pair. I shoved 32k to take it down with suited ace.

    lol donkaments
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Aside from Flopped_Nuts and I, is anybody else playing any of the four excellent Deep Stacks today, including the super-secret Summer Sizzler at Caesars Windsor? I think Brantford is sold out at 80 players, but they were advertising a $50,000 prize pool. At least it looks like the tournament season is back!

    It's wabbit season.
    No, it's duck season.
    No, the tournament season :fish: is baacckk!

    Off to the Deep Stack....

    80 player max fields?? Wat?

  • That is one disadvantage of Ontario casinos. The tournaments are almost always held in the small poker room so there is usually of limit <= 100 players, which is perfectly fine for non-pros. I don't know if Caesars Windsor has big events, but I think only Fallsview uses a separate ballroom that has 500+ fields every year. Pros will go to FPC, but it's great that I don't see them in the 80-player highly +EV tournaments.
    GTA Poker wrote: »
    80 player max fields??
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    That is one disadvantage of Ontario casinos. The tournaments are almost always held in the small poker room so there is usually of limit <= 100 players, which is perfectly fine for non-pros. I don't know if Caesars Windsor has big events, but I think only Fallsview uses a separate ballroom that has 500+ fields every year. Pros will go to FPC, but it's great that I don't see them in the 80-player highly +EV tournaments.

    Did you play Sundays deepstack @Brantford?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    80 player max fields?? Wat?


    Yeah, some hefty 8-12 hour sng's...
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