Things That I have Seen

I’m bored and thought this might make for an interesting thread.

What are some of the coolest, weirdest, scariest, funniest things you have seen over the course of your life.

1. I have seen the birth of both of my children by C-section. Have literally watched both children pulled through a 4 inch hole cut into my wife’s abdomen.
2. I have seen a man commit suicide by jumping of the roof of a building
3. I have seen the barrel of a gun pointed at me in a night club
4. I have seen the last breath of a dying man
5. I have seen Ronnie Hawkins ask everyone if they want to go smoke a joint at my great aunts funeral

Will add more as I think of them. What are yours?


  • I've seen the leafs in the playoffs.
  • 1. I've seen the birth of my daughter in 1995. An amazing experience
    2. I've seen the rings of Saturn on a warm summer's night July 27th while camping
    3. I watched a man's last breath as a result of a bullet to the back chest, and despite my best efforts, couldn't revive him
    4. I've seen my father cry
    5. I've seen my father drunk (which was actually pretty funny at the time, as he vowed he would never have his kids see him drunk, but he was hilarious)
    6. I've seen a 14yr autistic boy lift a 500lb slab of rock, with ease, in search of worms to go fishing with, then when asked to do it again, said he couldn't

    No doubt there's more, but that's off the top of my head.
  • I've looked down the hole of a Glock pistol pointed at me during a hold up in the pizza place I worked at as a teenager.

    I stared at a computer screen in disbelief after I took down an online poker tournament that started with 12,000 players

    I sat and watched my father in law as he took leave of this world. Strangest feeling I've ever experienced watching someone's chest stop moving forever.

    I saw a deer at the very last milisecond before she and my car collided on the I-90.

    I've seen my son pass two belt tests in Tae Kwon Do so far. Being a proud parent feels awesome.

    I foolishly watched a video of one of the Al-Quaeda beheadings when they were posting them online a decade ago

    I watched a friend solve a Rubik's cube in under 2 minutes.

    As a teenager, I watched my cousin and I on a surveillance camera as we were shoplifting cologne. After all the paperwork and charges were completed, I then watched my Mom crumble into a policeman's arms, an emotional wreck after we all got to the car I was driving and discovered the rest of the stolen clothes we'd lifted and stashed earlier.

    I seen the Grateful Dead 22 times and it still wasn't enough.
  • I have seen the birth of my daughter,
    I have witnessed the passing of my Father-in-Law, which allowed me to realize that my Mom was slipping away when her time came. It allowed me to call the family back to her room, so we could all be with her, but most importantly my Father, when she went to meet her Maker. It is the last gift he gave me, and I did not even know it at the time.
    I have not had a gun waved in my face but have stared down blades on two separate occasions. One time the guy sized up myself and the rest of our group (our Militia unit was in a bar) and sobered up enough to realize it would not go well, the other time it just did not go well, period.
    Like AJ, I have seen the rings of Saturn, but I have also seen the Mars, Jupiter, and Venus through a friends telescope while we were in Kee River, ON. The wonders you can see in the night sky are amazing. With the naked eye, I have seen satellites overhead (the military ones go N/S, most everything else goes E/W). i have seen the ISS pass over head, both at night and one time during daylight, when the sun and the station aligned just so.
    I have witnessed my daughter win a Championship in soccer, despite my coaching skils.
    I was in the Zanzibar Tavern basement lounge both times the Jays won the Series, and took pitchers of draft with me out onto Yonge St. to celebrate . . . good times.
    I have seen "too much" at times, but know that I will never see "enough" of this world before I, too, go to meet my Maker.
  • [QUOTE=; I have seen the rings of Saturn, but I have also seen the Mars, Jupiter, and Venus.[/QUOTE]

    Butt.. have you seen Uranus?
  • No . . . it is either too small for his scope, or vice versa.
  • Jacen299 wrote: »
    I've seen the leafs in the playoffs.

    OMG, are you Comp's dad?

    Great thread starter Greg.

    Only thing I can think of right now...

    I have seen the blur of a baseball coming at my head at about 90 mph right before impact.
    Can't remember much else. ;)
  • ive seen/held 300K+ CDN cash before (yes poker related)

    ive seen 5 keys of yayo + 2000 pills of oxy before, right before me

    ive seen the birth of my buddies kid (not my own)

    ive seen me fuck a stripper before lol
  • costanza wrote: »

    ive seen
    pics, or none of it happened.... And when are you going to learn...:bs:
  • compuease wrote: »
    pics, or none of it happened.... And when are you going to learn...:bs:

    lol what, who shares pics like that?

    go bug someone else, u didnt ask anyone else for pics, im just sharing along with the thread. run along old man...

    not like the money or drugs was mine, its just things ive seen IRL

  • costanza wrote: »
    lol what, who shares pics like that?

    go bug someone else, u didnt ask anyone else for pics, im just sharing along with the thread. run along old man...

    not like the money or drugs was mine, its just things ive seen IRL


    you are not long for here... obviously have not learned much..

    why the constant need to be something your not? Others are quite believable..
  • Can't claim the baby thing, wasn't done when my kids were born. :(

    Let's see, watched a transport come head on at me travelling the wrong way on the I90, think I froze for a few seconds before reacting... He missed me by a few feet before going back into the median before overturning and sliding to a stop behind me... I pulled over and backed down the shoulder about a 1/2 km to the transport. Turns out he had blacked out and didn't remember a thing.. No one was hurt other than he had a few bruises as I recall... I don't think it hit me till next day how close I came. May have never made it to be a mod here..:(
  • I've had guns pointed at myself and my two brothers by a bunch of drunk US marines. There's a weird theme in this thread among forum members. What's our problem that people point guns at us?

    I've seen my boy Bob (my dog) die in my arms on my living room floor. Worst experience of my life.

    I've found dead bodies that were murdered.

    I've seen the Las Vegas strip from the 108th floor of the Stratosphere before I jumped off of it.

    That's all for now.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Can't claim the baby thing, wasn't done when my kids were born. :(

    Let's see, watched a transport come head on at me travelling the wrong way on the I90, think I froze for a few seconds before reacting... He missed me by a few feet before going back into the median before overturning and sliding to a stop behind me... I pulled over and backed down the shoulder about a 1/2 km to the transport. Turns out he had blacked out and didn't remember a thing.. No one was hurt other than he had a few bruises as I recall... I don't think it hit me till next day how close I came. May have never made it to be a mod here..:(

    That was a movie...take ur meds sir

    Going the Wrong Way - Planes, Trains & Automobiles (5/10) Movie CLIP (1987) HD - YouTube
  • Somehow I am one of the few forum members who has never had a gun pointed at him


  • Great thread...

    I'm also surprised at the number of gun incidents. I have to add my hat there too, guy at a house party pulled one out and pointed at me. Not really as scary as you'd think so much as surprising IMO.

    I've seen a schoolmate nearly sever his finger off in a grinder (blood and bone clearly visible - as well as a gnarly mix of pain fear and worry on his face).

    I've seen one of my own limbs nearly destroyed by an industrial machine.

    I've seen numerous, significant car crashes.

    I'm guessing we're not crediting internet views much (so much for Costanza's contributions).

    I've seen an outstanding collision at home plate no further than 30 feet away that resulted in a game-ending play, and significant bleeding.

    I've seen many dead bodies, as they die, before application of the mortician's skills, and after (good and bad jobs).

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I've seen many dead bodies, as they die, before application of the mortician's skills, and after (good and bad jobs).


    There HAS to be a story here....
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    That was a movie...take ur meds sir
    Maybe it was a plane... memory not as good as it used to be...^-^
  • Man, I have lived a sheltered life (that's a good thing), but I will throw in my .02c

    I have been shot in the face with a BB gun that really, really looked like a handgun. Scared the shit out of me. It didn't hurt but it missed my eye by half an inch. The dumbass that shot me was later arrested for trying to hold up a gas station with the same weapon. (Interesting side note: this happened at his house, which is very close to Buzzzard's place)

    I have also hit a deer with my car. She actually ran into the side of us, any earlier and I'm sure we would have been seriously hurt by running directly into her.

    Watched my wife deliver our daughter NATURALLY in our living room, (upstairs, no where close to the poker table :D ) although I will admit that I didn't go anywhere near the business end.

    Here's how boring I am: I've never broken a bone in my body, taken any illegal drugs and I've never once been in a strip bar. I have no interest in any of these things.
  • compuease wrote: »
    There HAS to be a story here....

    Not really..

    Just seen a lot of people die, my grandmother died in the house I grew up in so I watched her die. I've seen some people dead in the hospital, before any "work" was done. And I've been to any number of funerals.

    I also once saw a guy who stole a backhoe try to make a getaway after exploding through a telelphone pole with the front scoop.

    I saw a very drunk driver pass the front of my old car, missing by mere inches after slamming into a concrete divider, the car in front of me, jump the sidewalk (blowing out a tire and destroying the front passenger section of the car) before trying to go up a side street when he saw the cop two cars behind me.

    I'll add as I remember them.

  • Great Thread.

    I've sky dived out of a helicopter in the Swiss Alps back in 2005. Part of a 5 week Europe Trip with my bro.
    I won my grade 6 volleyball championship - winning point - still brag about it ;)
    I witnessed 3 hole-in-ones in a single season. None of which were mine.
    However, I got my first and only one the year before. Drunk off my face in a charity tournament. 6 beers in, 6 iron, 186yards - 1 hop - roll and dissappeared. Still have the golf ball. Will provide pics if required ;)
    Since guns has been the main theme. My only contribution is on the Vegas Strip Gun Store. Shot a bunch of different guns. First casing, shoots out lands right inbetween my face and the safety glasses. And then I was the one pointing the gun at others. Jumping around trying to get the hot casing off my eyelid.
  • Rez's helicopter gig brings out one I can add . . . I have jumped out of a helicopter without a chute, and walked away (ran actually). If you have ever seen rappelling in the movies, you know what I am talking about. It is called fast-roping, and our Reserve Regiment trained on it one summer. It is quite the experience to fly so close to the ground in an open helicopter, only to have it rise up as you pitch the ropes out. Almost before it stops moving you are out the door. you have to really jump to make sure you do not swing back and smash into the landing skid.
  • - Never had a gun pointed at me, but when I was 17 I was at the Eatons Centre before a leaf game and a group of punks surrounded myself and my buddy and demanded all our money and purchases or else they would take us outside and shoot us as he pulled up his jacket and shirt to flash his gun he had in his pants.

    - Witnessed cops busting hookers on the Las Vegas Strip for the show COPS. At least I thought it was was that show as there was a couple of cameras filming it.

    - Came in 2nd at the 10pm Caesars Daily poker tournament in Vegas, drunk out of my mind, and don't remember walking from Caesars to IP where I was staying at like 5am. I woke up in my room by myself with a bunch of money on the table and text messages on my phone to Wetts and crazykoby letting them know I finished 2nd.

    - Went to a well known strip club with a few well known poker pros, and free rolled the whole night as every round, cab ride, door charge, was a game to see who paid for everyone.

    - Can't remember to much of when I was a lot younger and in my party days, probably due to too many drugs and too much alcohol, but we did used to have an annual summer party and at about midnight'ish the underwear volleyball tournament would start in the backyard.

    Maybe more to add later as I try to remember things.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    - Witnessed cops busting hookers on the Las Vegas Strip for the show COPS. At least I thought it was was that show as there was a couple of cameras filming it.

    Ha, this just reminded me that I did see myself on that Canadian version of cops at one point. I was doing the graveyard at the halfway house I was working at in Surrey just hanging in the office looking out the window and watched a car crash into a post and flip. Driver and passengers got out laughing, then puking and grabbing booze from vehicle and walking away.

    I called cops and gave directions they were wandering in.

    Cops showed up with film crew and panned to me in the window. Cop yelled up and asked questions. I ended up looking like Mr. Clean wearing blue jeans, white Tshirt and bald head on tv.. Boo.
  • Ha, this just reminded me that I did see myself on that Canadian version of cops at one point. I was doing the graveyard at the halfway house I was working at in Surrey just hanging in the office looking out the window and watched a car crash into a post and flip. Driver and passengers got out laughing, then puking and grabbing booze from vehicle and walking away.

    I called cops and gave directions they were wandering in.

    Cops showed up with film crew and panned to me in the window. Cop yelled up and asked questions. I ended up looking like Mr. Clean wearing blue jeans, white Tshirt and bald head on tv.. Boo.

  • I'm liking this thread more and more... If only I could remember stuff.:D
  • I was in Florida on a school trip in Jan 1986 and saw the Challenger blow up live. We were in Orlando so it was far away, but we could see the exhaust trail and where it divided into pieces from the explosion. Coincidentally I was on my way to Florida when the Columbia disintegrated. And I was on an airplane flying past the Sears Tower in Chicago on 9/11 almost exactly when the second plane was hitting the WTC in NYC. I really shouldn't travel, it just seems to cause problems for others!

    Other than that I've had it pretty boring compared to most of you (I'm about on par with Johnnie!).
  • Wow, some pretty incredible things that some of you have seen. I know of one that Stevekerr forgot to say.
    Having seen a good friend win a wsop bracelet. Sadly I had to leave to catch a plane when they were down to four players so did not get to see it.

    I have seen the ground from 4000 feet up in a free fall jump from an airplane
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