Doe anyone really Care?



  • I'm personally really excited but mainly because my fantasy hockey pool is back!!!!!!!!!
  • Unless Toopy and Binoo are playing for a team this year..I probably won't get to watch a game.

    Not that I would anyway..I really have no care for a game that is no longer for the people. It's about money and spin off revenues.. The owners and players have become so self absorbed with their paychecks that the fans suffer. I don't know that this isn't true of any pro sports league.
    At the arena a few days ago I overheard a parent lecturing their 8 yo? kid about how he wasn't going to make the nhl because he wasn't doing something correctly... FFS...he's a kid...let him enjoy the GAME. blah..
  • DennisG wrote: »
    Unless Toopy and Binoo are playing for a team this year..

    Haha. This I would pay money to watch.
  • People dwell so hard on the negatives "Ermahgerd , there was a lock out, im so pissed! It's greed!"

    Well guess what folks, NHL PROFESSIONAL hockey IS a business and they had to get some shit straight

    If u want hockey that's just for hockey, watch minor hockey... Let the owners and it's employees squabble about dollars and cents and just do your part and support your favorite players and teams.
  • costanza wrote: »
    People dwell so hard on the negatives "Ermahgerd , there was a lock out, im so pissed! It's greed!"

    Well guess what folks, NHL PROFESSIONAL hockey IS a business and they had to get some shit straight

    If u want hockey that's just for hockey, watch minor hockey... Let the owners and it's employees squabble about dollars and cents and just do your part and support your favorite players and teams.

    What Is 'Ermahgerd'? What Does It Mean?
    You change and add to my life every day.

    True enough though. It is a business, just like all professional sport. I think a lot of people just find them all over valued. As evidence in this thread, there are a number of people that are choosing to not participate in the business anymore.
  • i'm excited hockey is back. I will watch a lot, but will not spend any money on merchandise nor probably go to any games.

    I agree 100%, but if the Oilers are playing great hockey, it will be tough for me not to go watch them play.
  • What Is 'Ermahgerd'? What Does It Mean?
    You change and add to my life every day.

    True enough though. It is a business, just like all professional sport. I think a lot of people just find them all over valued. As evidence in this thread, there are a number of people that are choosing to not participate in the business anymore.

    It's a business that only exists because of the fans. When you piss off enough fans, business goes belly up.

    Imagine (and yeah, I will never happen) the fan base if they were to all (ALL..including owners and players) cut their salaries even 30% and give that back to the fans in the form of reduced ticket prices and merchandise..

    A regular family might actually be able to afford to go to a game together, then hockey night in Canada might mean something to families again like it did in the old days..because it was a family thing.

    again..I repeat...Blah.
  • I remember going to a Vancouver game when I lived out there. There was a family sitting in front of us. Mom, Dad and I think three kids. Including the jerseys that appeared to be just purchased at GM place or whatever they call it now, the food they were eating, tickets, drinks, etc., we figured they'd spent close to about a thousand bucks that night.

    We were sitting in nice seats though.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Kinda agree with Mark here, but meh, I will not be watching either.. Finished off whatever interest I had in "pro" hockey.. Much rather go watch the grandkids, in fact ANY kids play...

    Cambridge Winter Hawks

  • I can't wait.

    I think the NHL season should be shorter anyway so this should be good (Not this short though.. thinking around 70 games)
  • Yeah, I'm going to stop watching hockey because the 600 best hockey players in the world and the owners of the teams they play for needed a few months to negotiate the terms of their collectively bargained agreement. Just like I stopped watching TV and movies when the Writers Guild of America went on strike in 2007.

    If you're depriving yourself of something you enjoy because you were annoyed with the process of their negotiations and want to "teach them a lesson"....please get over reality you're really not that important to them.

  • If you're depriving yourself of something you enjoy because you were annoyed with the process of their negotiations and want to "teach them a lesson"....please get over reality you're really not that important to them.

    You aren't self employed are you? It is that exact attitude that keeps them going....The fans are the customers. Keep pissing them off..see what happens. With the whole 99% movement, the Harper govt., and a shitty economy at the top of every newspaper over the course of the last year, fans are only going to stand for the owners and players squabbling over how many millions they get to make for so long...the average joe is saying fuck you to many extra curricular expenditures..I see hockey becoming one of those.
  • DennisG wrote: »
    You aren't self employed are you? It is that exact attitude that keeps them going....The fans are the customers. Keep pissing them off..see what happens. With the whole 99% movement, the Harper govt., and a shitty economy at the top of every newspaper over the course of the last year, fans are only going to stand for the owners and players squabbling over how many millions they get to make for so long...the average joe is saying fuck you to many extra curricular expenditures..I see hockey becoming one of those.

    Hmmm, I didn't notice too many empty seats at the NFL playoff games over the weekend. Didn't they just have a labour dispute? Are NBA ticket sales way down....another pro sports league with a recent disruption. In fact, the average joe is such a minute source in the grand scheme of revenue of these leagues. Corporate sponsors, advertisers and TV contracts is where the money comes from.

    By all means go ahead and boycott, do all you can to organize as many like minded individuals to do the same...I'll be sitting at home and watching it on my TV, and I'll have the exact same effect on the next negotiations as you.
  • Interesting dot plot poll from Globe and Mail. Make your voice heard for what it's worth.

    Vote: With the lockout over, has the NHL won you back? - The Globe and Mail
  • In fact, the average joe is such a minute source in the grand scheme of revenue of these leagues. Corporate sponsors, advertisers and TV contracts is where the money comes from.

    I agree with everything in your post and the one that you posted afterwards except for this.
    The NHL is largely a gate driven league. There is some TV revenue but is small in comparison to the other 3 big sports.
    I really couldnt care less if they settled or not TBH but now that its back, im on least from the comfort of my living room.
  • My opinion of this remains unchanged.

    If you care enough about the game to post that youre never going to support them again, you will be watching within a week.

    I laugh at all the idiots that call into Fan 590 and say theyre never watching again. Like people who listen to sports talk radio will just walk away, right.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    My opinion of this remains unchanged.

    If you care enough about the game to post that youre never going to support them again, you will be watching within a week.

    I laugh at all the idiots that call into Fan 590 and say theyre never watching again. Like people who listen to sports talk radio will just walk away, right.

    No, it's just woodbridge that wont be watching.
  • No, it's just woodbridge that wont be watching.

  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    My opinion of this remains unchanged.

    If you care enough about the game to post that youre never going to support them again, you will be watching within a week.

    I laugh at all the idiots that call into Fan 590 and say theyre never watching again. Like people who listen to sports talk radio will just walk away, right.

    I listen to the fan everyday when I lived there and I walked away from hockey in 1994 and haven't watched again since. I walked away from the Olympics in 2008 after the "Powers to Be" gave the games to Beijing, and I can't tell you the last time I watched a basketball game.

    Nadal and Roddick are talk about forming a union to give them strike powers and I will walk away from tennis if they every strike, at least for a while anyway.

    Does my decision affect these sports in anyway? Absolutely not. But I did fine time to go back to school, read more, and play more golf.

    I posted the question to find out what other thought now that the strike was over. With all the games that had been canceled they filled that time with something else other than watching NHL and I was curious to see if they would stop and go back to watching.
  • I listen to the fan everyday when I lived there and I walked away from hockey in 1994 and haven't watched again since. I walked away from the Olympics in 2008 after the "Powers to Be" gave the games to Beijing, and I can't tell you the last time I watched a basketball game.

    Nadal and Roddick are talk about forming a union to give them strike powers and I will walk away from tennis if they every strike, at least for a while anyway.

    Does my decision affect these sports in anyway? Absolutely not. But I did fine time to go back to school, read more, and play more golf.

    I posted the question to find out what other thought now that the strike was over. With all the games that had been canceled they filled that time with something else other than watching NHL and I was curious to see if they would stop and go back to watching.

    But youre a huge baseball fan?

    Didnt they strike in 94? Why do you still follow mlb?
  • Hmmm, do people boycott cars when there is a work stoppage in the auto industry? Not that I've heard. Don't you want to show those auto workers that you do not support them if they strike? Only in professional sports is this notion that the customer must somehow punish the industry if there is a work stoppage. I think it is due to jealousy that pro athletes make the big bucks, and people think they should be happy with what they have, no matter how they are treated by owners. To me that's bullshit.

    And it bugs me when people don't understand the difference between strike and lockout. So many people blame the players thinking they initiated a strike action when in fact it was the owners that locked out the players three times in a row now. Yet most people still blame both sides or worse side solely with the owners.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    But youre a huge baseball fan?

    Didnt they strike in 94? Why do you still follow mlb?

    And the only major North American sport that doesn't have a salary cap to help keep those "greedy players" in check.

    EDIT: I wish I could "like" your post X1000 KWSteve.
  • A lot of people also don't think about the players near the bottom of the barrel. They were fighting for pension for all players, some of the bottom wrung guys are only pro for a couple of years. It's not just the millionaire players that were putting up a fight.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    But youre a huge baseball fan?

    Didnt they strike in 94? Why do you still follow mlb?

    True on both accounts.

    I guess I still follow baseball because of my love for the game. Do I follow it with the same intensity as the past? No. Do I know every great pitcher in both leagues like I used too? No and now for the most part I am really just a Jays fan now and excited about the upcoming season.

    Steve, it isn't jealousy at all. It is a matter of doing with my time as I see fit. The auto industry doesn't fill my spare time the way sports has the last 35 years. I am finding as I get older I don't need their distractions in my life like I use too, I have found other things. You can blame the owners all u want about it being a lock out, (and it is their fault) but some of the players still chose to take job away from other players in the KHL at a 1/3 of the salary of the NHL salary. I have more respect for the players who sat by or worked to get a deal done then those who chose to take jobs from others.
  • If you care enough about the game to post that youre never going to support them again, you will be watching within a week.

    Not true.

    I may have watched 6 pro sports games (televised) in the past 10 years. They were almost all simply to watch the Canucks
  • You can blame the owners all u want about it being a lock out, (and it is their fault) but some of the players still chose to take job away from other players in the KHL at a 1/3 of the salary of the NHL salary. I have more respect for the players who sat by or worked to get a deal done then those who chose to take jobs from others.

    There is a free market for labour, just as there is a free market for goods and services. If there is a better player available who wants to play, why wouldn't a team sign him? And if he takes the place of an inferior player, then I would say that player should upgrade his skills so that it doesn't happen in the future.

    If some guy off the street walks on and makes an NHL team, would you be against him taking a spot from the guy who is already in the NHL?

    What about in a factory? If a good worker is hired to replace an inferior worker, would you support the inferior worker keeping his job? Same principle. I believe this attitude is wrong.
  • I too do not know how someone could walk away from the NHL and still follow MLB or NBA.

    If Da leafs find themselves on a 8 game winning streak come April and are in the playoffs I guarantee everyone will be watching... you'll be in front of the TV in May listening to Bob Cole.

    I don't see this hurting the NHL at all in fact I'll go on the record and say right now next year the league will have record revenues.. and the year after that they'll once again have record revenues.
  • The strike in baseball turned me off the game. I am not as deep into the game as I used to be (fantasy league stuff, etc.). Pretty much the same with hockey, now. I think it is pretty much down to the fact that, like KWSteve said, most pro sports are akin to the auto industry (for example). Namely, they are big business first and foremost. That business angle, as opposed to the sporting one, is of no interest to me, and the talking heads who try and make it so in order to justify their existence turn me off further. It's not like there has been no sports to deal with in the interim, but every day the lead on TSN and SportsNet has been about the strike.

    I will probably start to watch a little of the playoffs, but not a lot. I prefer sport, as opposed to business.
  • I watch ufc

  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I watch ufc
    I didn't like it at first, but when GSP won the belt that got me more into it. It's great having a champion from Canada.
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