
CT school shooting

this is outrageous.

Now reports of 30 dead.

I feel sick


  • Tell me again why it's good to have guns so accessible?

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Tell me again why it's good to have guns so accessible?


    Come on Mark. This is not the time for talk of gun control.

    Even when I try to play devils advocate it makes me incredibly sick to my stomach that statements like that will be the prevailing thought for the next few days. There is nothing but sympathy for the victims and their families in my heart right now and an amazing hope that I never have to experience anything like this, hell I hope no one ever has to experience it again, but that should in no way preclude anyone from speaking out about the fact that guns are too easily accessible in the US, at any time, but especially when tragic events like this occur at an ever increasing rate.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Tell me again why it's good to have guns so accessible?


    I am shaking my head at this comment..and don't really have time to get back into this debate...especially with someone who is never wrong...nor would admit it if they were.

    Quit blaming the fucking tools. Blame the people. These people are sick..if it wasn't one tool, it would be another...plain and simple.

    Oh yeah, spoons made me fat.
  • Don't think this is the right place for gun control talk.

    Also learning that the guy CNN claimed the shooter was, wasn't.. lol CNN



    how anyone can go after small children is still bothering me

    Had to turn of CNN until the real facts come out

    All the speculation and uncertainty and accusations make my head hurt, and tilt me to no end
  • Alright, I'll meet you all halfway...

    The gun comment could be seen as insensitive, but believe me, I'm feeling for the victims and their families. Anyone that knows me knows I have no desire to have kids, and I joke that I don't like kids and such. Truth be told, at least part of it is the fact that this kind of thing, and the sheer terror I can only imagine a parent hearing their kid's school being named on the radio? I couldn't ever pretend to hold it together in that moment... I get panic attacks if I don't immediately find my phone when I'm in public - suddenly my kid may be dead? I'm not that strong, and kudos to the people who have kids.

  • apparently he shot his father before going to the school to shot his mother, who was a teacher there. Someone shots my kid, I'm in jail serving life.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Alright, I'll meet you all halfway...

    The gun comment could be seen as insensitive, but believe me, I'm feeling for the victims and their families. Anyone that knows me knows I have no desire to have kids, and I joke that I don't like kids and such. Truth be told, at least part of it is the fact that this kind of thing, and the sheer terror I can only imagine a parent hearing their kid's school being named on the radio? I couldn't ever pretend to hold it together in that moment... I get panic attacks if I don't immediately find my phone when I'm in public - suddenly my kid may be dead? I'm not that strong, and kudos to the people who have kids.


    I hope you didn't take my comment the wrong way. This bullshit about a right and wrong time to discuss stricter gun control has got to stop. The way it's going now there's not enough time between shootings for the "cooling off period " to happen.

    Also, is the US the only place with crazy people that snap and kill people or is it just that it's the easiest place for them to kill people because of the gun laws?

    What would be the harm in eliminating guns? When people start taking out classrooms of kids with bow and arrow or ninja stars we'll cross that bridge.
  • unfucking real....who shoots children?.......FUCKING COWARDS... thats who
  • TheMill wrote: »
    unfucking real....who shoots children?.......FUCKING COWARDS WITH GUNS... thats who

  • Let us all wait until the investigation concludes, and we have a better idea about the motivation behind this terrible act. Hopefully his brother can shed some light. Until then, I suggest a few words to the God of your choice on behalf of those families who have been devastated by today's events. You might also want to hold your loved ones a little closer tonight, too. This is so sad, and so senseless.
  • For the record . . . I have gone over to the dark side. There needs to be a change. Firearms OWNERSHIP should remain legal. Possession of same, outside of VERY NARROW circumstances and locations should be BANNED. You want to hunt? Fine . . . pick up your weapon at the secure facility and go kill Bambi. Just be sure to return your weapon promptly when you're done. Pistol practice? Pick it up at the range, and leave it there when you go home.

    I know people who have children in that school. Newtown, CT is near Waterbury, where my employer has a facility. The city is about 20 clicks from where these folks work. I guess I will find out next week if anybody I know lost a loved one.
  • not really the place for gun debate milo

    mark started that thread ages ago iirc.. someone rebump that if you feel the need to discuss that bullshit.

    this is such a sin
  • costanza wrote: »
    not really the place for gun debate milo

    mark started that thread ages ago iirc.. someone rebump that if you feel the need to discuss that bullshit.

    this is such a sin

    Fuck that. Every place is the place for the discussion and it should have been since these massacres started springing up years ago.
  • Fuck that. Every place is the place for the discussion and it should have been since these massacres started springing up years ago.

    Fuck that.

    Gun debate is such horse shit.. no one's views is right or wrong and doesnt change anything at all, we just go around in circles. Yes, its in the constitution to bear arms, yes guns are easily accessible, etc, etc.

    that discussion ONLY comes up after tragic events, and it doesn't change anything because lives have already been lost.

    This thread is in place to discuss the shooting and the story following the tragedy, you guys wanna discuss guns in general, I rebumped that trainwreck from before.

    go nuts.
  • I was not debating, just putting some thoughts down on a page. I grew up and play poker with a guy who was shot by Michael Slobodian back in the 70's (fuck you, google it), and back then, it WAS an isolated thing. But Mole is right . . . People talk about "prayers for the families", but the truth is this incident just pushes back the prayers for the families in that mall shooting, which pushed back the prayers for the theatre victims, and on and on and on . . . all I am doing is drawing my line in the sand.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I was not debating, just putting some thoughts down on a page. I grew up and play poker with a guy who was shot by Michael Slobodian back in the 70's (fuck you, google it), and back then, it WAS an isolated thing. But Mole is right . . . People talk about "prayers for the families", but the truth is this incident just pushes back the prayers for the families in that mall shooting, which pushed back the prayers for the theatre victims, and on and on and on . . . all I am doing is drawing my line in the sand.

    fair enough
  • costanza wrote: »
    fair enough

    I am supposed to give a fuck what you think? Screw you . . .
  • costanza wrote: »
    Fuck that.

    Gun debate is such horse shit.. no one's views is right or wrong and doesnt change anything at all, we just go around in circles. Yes, its in the constitution to bear arms, yes guns are easily accessible, etc, etc.

    that discussion ONLY comes up after tragic events, and it doesn't change anything because lives have already been lost.

    This thread is in place to discuss the shooting and the story following the tragedy, you guys wanna discuss guns in general, I rebumped that trainwreck from before.

    go nuts.

    And what the FUCK does the discussion you want to have here change about this incident?
  • Milo wrote: »
    I am supposed to give a fuck what you think? Screw you . . .

    Stay classy sir. . .
    And what the FUCK does the discussion you want to have here change about this incident?

    It doesn't change anything at all, that my whole fucking point.

    I thought the point of threads was to discuss the event at hand and share news as it develops, so that we can share thoughts and feelings on specific events or topic, no?

    Gun debate is a whole other can of worms is all I'm saying.
  • costanza wrote: »

    Gun debate is a whole other can of worms is all I'm saying.

    If you really believe that you're raising the bar of ignorance.

    Since one guy tried a shoe bomb everyone has had to remove their shoes at an airport. Since Columbine there have been 30+ school shootings...what will it take to get some change?
  • Ya.. fuck it

    This is the perfect time to talk gun accessibility / control. If not now, when? The next tragedy?

    Don't give me that "stop blaming the tools" bullshit too, if there wasn't any guns, sure there would still be some sick individual going out and killing people, but 27 in the span of a few minutes with a knife? Unlikely... harm reduction at the very least.

    Costanza, I get you don't want this thread politicized, but everything goes OT here, and if anything guns are a directly related topic. It's going to happen.

    Humanity needs an intervention... anyone that now says it's not because of guns, and gun ownership needs to be protected is no better than some of the other zealots out there. Stop it. All the pro-gun people would very likely change their tune if it was one of theirs that were killed. And I'm not always right, but I'm right more often than not, and this is one of those times.

  • Look guys, this whole thing is sickening.. I can't believe that anyone would do that to anybody, never mind all those 5-10 yr olds...
    Please stop with the arguing amongst each other over something which should imo be a separate topic. If the lack of class continues I'll just lock it..

    Hug a kid this weekend and spend time with loved ones... This is completely senseless...:(
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    And I'm not always right, but I'm right more often than not, and this is one of those times. Mark

    Maybe, but do you care to admit that our country should reinstate Capital Punishment?

    I am pretty sure the cops were taking this guy out whether or not he tried to surrender and people wouldn't lose a seconds sleep over it! Because life in prison would have been to good for this guy.

  • Maybe, but do you care to admit that our country should reinstate Capital Punishment?


    Umm... no, it most definitely shouldn't. That's another one I'm right about if you want to look at, you know, science.

  • Its going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Wait till people start walking around with home made bombs in public places. Its only a matter of time.

    There is too much greed and hate in the world right now and the people who can make change don't act fast enough as their children are locked up tight with 24hr security etc.

    Once one of these loonies hits someone important there will be change. Until then we are all collateral damage waiting to happen. Stay safe
  • compuease wrote: »
    Look guys, this whole thing is sickening.. I can't believe that anyone would do that to anybody, never mind all those 5-10 yr olds...
    Please stop with the arguing amongst each other over something which should imo be a separate topic. If the lack of class continues I'll just lock it..

    Hug a kid this weekend and spend time with loved ones... This is completely senseless...:(

    Bingo. Let's at least have 24hrs before we start a shit storm.

    Have at it after that. We just changed the channel, because my wife couldn't stop crying. The media is descending like vultures. There'll be lots of time to discuss the relevant issues in a few days.
  • idiots gonna idiot
  • A guy in china stabbed 22 kids this morning, just saying.
  • Maybe, but do you care to admit that our country should reinstate Capital Punishment?

    I am pretty sure the cops were taking this guy out whether or not he tried to surrender and people wouldn't lose a seconds sleep over it! Because life in prison would have been to good for this guy.


    Good god I'm slow today...

    I just realized that you think this wouldn't have happened if we had the death penalty!!! WOW is that ever wrong. Not only does the majority of research show that deterrent don't mean shit, but the dude ended up shooting himself.. hardly someone that likely cares about death penalty.

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