Movie club -book club style but for movies



  • U have my #, I'd like to join

    If it's controversial or I'm unwanted, just PM me the movie title and hopefully we could talk about it

    I like to think of myself As a movie buff but I know there's lots out there I haven't seen. This would be fun for me.
  • Quick one week bump

    Any of the forumers that were interested, PM me and I'll give my # / address as needed.

  • I'm going to make nachos. My nachos are fucking amazing.

  • so, for the love of christ

    can you just give us a movie title to watch and we can share thoughts itt or maybe another juan?

    i was kinda looking forward to this, but i may have missed the hint that im not welcome...
  • "Beaches". Go watch it.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    "Beaches". Go watch it.

    iz seriouz?
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I'm going to make nachos. My nachos are fucking amazing.


    tell me about them
  • Oh man.

    The current go to is old cheddar mixed with garlic, chicken meatballs, some spices and enjoy deliciously.

    I can honestly say I make the best nachos of my friends and have been pretty creative :)

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Oh man.

    The current go to is old cheddar mixed with garlic, chicken meatballs, some spices and enjoy deliciously.

    I can honestly say I make the best nachos of my friends and have been pretty creative :)


  • Macke wrote: »



  • DrTyore wrote: »



    I think I see a Nacho in the bottom corner
  • Strange with the meatballs....and is that white stuff the garlic?
  • Yea...

    I wasn't sure of the meatballs - and the chicken meatballs is because I'm not supposed to eat red meat (gout - it sucks). They're just the boxed PC blue menu kind, but I've made these 3-4 times now, and they seem to be a crowd pleaser.

  • u gonna give us any fuckin movies to watch or is this just an attention whore thread now?
  • Alright..

    I'll give you a shot at this but I have my doubts that you'll actually follow through.

    "Oldboy" it's a 10 year old flick made in South Korea, and by some fucking weird twist of fate, they're playing it in the Waterloo Galaxy next week (seriously, WTF?)

    Oldeuboi (2003) - IMDb

  • Oh.. and P.S.

    You're out of your fucking mind for accusing anyone else for attention whoreing. Especially when you're the one that keeps bumping this thread.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Oh.. and P.S.

    You're out of your fucking mind for accusing anyone else for attention whoreing. Especially when you're the one that keeps bumping this thread.


    im bumping it because i wanna watch a movie

    ty for finally giving us one after 2 months

  • DrTyore wrote: »

    I'll give you a shot at this but I have my doubts that you'll actually follow through.

    "Oldboy" it's a 10 year old flick made in South Korea, and by some fucking weird twist of fate, they're playing it in the Waterloo Galaxy next week (seriously, WTF?)

    Oldeuboi (2003) - IMDb


    Although your nachos look disgusting, this is a great choice that more people should watch!
  • Just finished Oldboy, not bad. Have you seen City of Lost Children?
  • TheMill wrote: »
    Just finished Oldboy, not bad. Have you seen City of Lost Children?

    Haven't no... I'll check into it

  • DrTyore wrote: »

    I'll give you a shot at this but I have my doubts that you'll actually follow through.

    "Oldboy" it's a 10 year old flick made in South Korea, and by some fucking weird twist of fate, they're playing it in the Waterloo Galaxy next week (seriously, WTF?)

    Oldeuboi (2003) - IMDb


    Starring Choi Min-shik, from "I Saw the Devil" an amazing flick I mentioned in the horror movie thread.

    Great actor.
  • costanza wrote: »
    im bumping it because i wanna watch a movie

    ty for finally giving us one after 2 months


  • Quick reminder!!

    This Thursday is the 2nd movie night! We'll be watching "Leon: The Professional". Doors open at 7, and we'll be aiming to start it at 7:30ish

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Quick reminder!!

    This Thursday is the 2nd movie night! We'll be watching "Leon: The Professional". Doors open at 7, and we'll be aiming to start it at 7:30ish





    2 thumbs way up.
  • I recommend two movies for your movie club, both good flicks:

    Hard Eight
    13 Assassins
  • Appreciated! I'll look into them!

    Last night we met up again and watched "Killing Zoe".. A fun Canadian-directed film about a bank robbery in Paris (produced by Quentin Tarantino). I'm not usually a huge QT fan, but the film was pretty sweet! We're meeting again, last Thursday in April if anyone's interested. Not sure what we're watching yet as "TwoThree" hasn't told me what to download yet.

  • due to my complete laziness i have not been joining in on this. who knows. maybe i'll make it out one day.

    i vote for Brazil. haven't watched that one in a while. such a good flick.
  • Hey!

    You're welcome to get in on it. We've been alternating who picks a movie month by month. Last week we watched "Killing Zoe". A decent little bank heist flick with a lot of Quentin Tarantino influence in it (he produced it). TwoThree has the next pick for April. PM me if you're interested in attending.

  • Watched Killing Zoe. Liked it.
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