Tonychanman wrote: » What would you do if you won a million dollars?
costanza wrote: » im not chatty tho and my play is nothing like yours lol spiderman.jpg?
costanza wrote: » edited my post
DrTyore wrote: » Thoughts? It's legit, and in a canon issue (Avenging Spider-man Annual #1) Mark
Cerberus wrote: » You never answered this one! Why you no like non-heterosexual Spidey?
Probably all the things I do now.. but I'd own a house.
I'd see myself doing a lot of volunteer work..more then I do now
I don't think so either from what i've seen you play.
But Milo thinks so.. he kept saying loose aggressive.
Well he might have only said it twice but still.
I didn't see the original post...
push it to the limit
You never answered this one! Why you no like non-heterosexual Spidey?
omg wtf spoilers..I haven't read it yet.. I'll need context.