Question Week: JohnnieH

I guess I'm up.

Ask away!


  • morning Sky-King . . . Mile high Club yet?
    Seriously, though . . . what are your hours up to?
    Have you ever missed a City you were aiming for in the air? I'll tell you about it at the Royal . . .
    Favourite food?
    How do you take your coffee?
  • if you could fly any plane that was ever made, which one would it be and why (pics help)?
  • What gives you so much time to be on this forum 24/7?
  • Milo wrote: »
    morning Sky-King . . . Mile high Club yet?
    Seriously, though . . . what are your hours up to?
    Have you ever missed a City you were aiming for in the air? I'll tell you about it at the Royal . . .
    Favourite food?
    How do you take your coffee?

    Good morning to you, sir!

    No Mile High Club.....yet.

    Not quite sure on the exact number of hours, but it's around 94 total and 22ish as PIC.

    Funny you should mention missing a city. I took a friend up around Guelph on Tuesday and on the way back I had a hard time finding Stratford. In the end I found it after circling around for a minute.

    Favourite food. That's a tough one. I'd have to say sandwiches. So versatile and easy to improvise around.

    I take my coffee with 1 or 2 milks, depending on the type and strength of coffee.
  • trigs wrote: »
    if you could fly any plane that was ever made, which one would it be and why (pics help)?

    Great question!

    My top 2 choices would be a P-51 Mustang or an F-16 Fighting Falcon. Those were always my favourites as a kid.

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  • Dead Money wrote: »
    What gives you so much time to be on this forum 24/7? wife asks the same question.

    Mostly it's a combination of my boring ass job that allows me free time (I'm custodian with little to do late in the shift) and the of my iPhone. As I write this, I am at work on break. I also check Twitter and Facebook fairly regularly during the day.
  • Favourite childhood memory?

    How cool is it being a dad?

    First time... y'know... Where'd it happen?

    Weirdest place you ever... y'know?

    Favourite sport you've never played?
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Favourite childhood memory?

    How cool is it being a dad?

    First time... y'know... Where'd it happen?

    Weirdest place you ever... y'know?

    Favourite sport you've never played?

    Favourite childhood memory was when I was in Grade 5, our class got to sing the National Anthems at Exhibition Stadium before the Jays took on the Brewers. It was my first time at a game too! The Jays won but I don't remember the score. I should look it up.

    I know it's pretty cliché to say that being a Dad I the most amazing thing ever, but it's so true! Every day is an adventure.

    Wow, getting personal aren't we? You're lucky that your question week is over already! Ok my first time was when the girlfriend and her mother were in the process of moving. We both lied to our parents about sleeping over a at friends house and 'slept' over at her old place with sleeping bags. No, her mother didn't join us.

    Weird places...hmm....I'm not actually that adventurous really, I'd have to say at the school playground at Mackenzie King PS. Same girlfriend as above.

    I've tried/played most sports that I like, although I've played very few in an organized league. Is waterskiing a sport? I'd like to give that a shot someday.
  • How did you meet your wife ?

    How did you get into playing poker ?

    How much do you play poker (online, live) ?

    Where did you go to school ? (highschool, post-highschool) and for what ?
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    How did you meet your wife ?

    How did you get into playing poker ?

    How much do you play poker (online, live) ?

    Where did you go to school ? (highschool, post-highschool) and for what ?

    I met Wraych in '95 at one of those legendary house parties that people write songs about. She was brought to the party by one of my buddies, who she was dating at the time. We didn't officially meet until she noticed me puking my guts out into the laundry sink. She pointed me out to the host who said said 'That 's just Johnnie. It's OK' I popped my head up, introduced myself then promptly resumed vomiting. Over the next few weeks we chatted, nothing huge as she was dating my friend. Then suddenly, her mother died. Unfortunately, my buddy had just lost his brother the previous summer and was in no emotional state to deal with Wraych so he broke it off. A few weeks after the funeral I was going to hang out downtown with some other friends and on a whim I invited her along. We've been together ever since.

    Got into poker after watching Star Trek: TNG. The writers would often write a poker game (usually Stud, my favourite game) into the show. I went to Walmart and bought one of those nasty cheap Bicycle poker chip sets and started playing (rather horribly) for pennies.
    When I met Drtyore in '04 he naturally mentioned poker and I joined the KW poker scene.

    Haven't played much poker at all this year since I've been busy with my flight training. When I do play, I prefer live.

    I attended Grand River Colligate I'm Kitchener. Afterwards I went straight to work and didn't go to university or college. Although when I pursue my commercial pilots licence (hopefully soon) Stratford Air Services is a career college, so I think that counts :)
  • I'd like to take the opportunity to apologize for my poor grammar and spelling. I suck at iPhone typing!
  • Ever had a Johnny Rockets burger?

    Will you let your daughter date the teenage version of you when she gets older?

    Who's going to look better in a dress, myself or Wetts?

    Dream job? (besides pilot)

    Any plans for more kids? if so, do you want a boy or another girl?

    Can live anywhere, where would it be?

    You have 1 million $, you have to give it away to charity, but can only pick one charity, This charity will never be allowed to except any other donation ever again, which charity is it?
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Ever had a Johnny Rockets burger?

    Will you let your daughter date the teenage version of you when she gets older?

    Who's going to look better in a dress, myself or Wetts?

    Dream job? (besides pilot)

    Any plans for more kids? if so, do you want a boy or another girl?

    Can live anywhere, where would it be?

    You have 1 million $, you have to give it away to charity, but can only pick one charity, This charity will never be allowed to except any other donation ever again, which charity is it?

    One of the best burgers I've ever had was from a place called Johnny's just off of Victoria Park Road in Toronto. I will say that I was drunk at the time, so I may not have the name or location 100% correct. Is that the place?

    A teenage version of myself? No, since I had a terrible problem controlling my anger until I was almost 30. I'm still not sure how the wife put up with me. Otherwise my daughter is free to date whomever she wishes.

    That depends on the dress, obviously. But I think Wetts will look really nice.

    My dream job would be something in comedic writing. I've always loved making people laugh and I wish I had taken the time to study more and gone to college for writing. I think I would have made a pretty good joke writer.

    No more plans for kids. I'm 36 now and pretty tired from chasing our daughter around. But if we have a 'surprise' child, I would hope for a boy.

    I would like to live somewhere in Europe, preferably Germany. Great country to reside in, when they aren't at war with everybody else.

    That $1M question is a doozy. Since my donation would be their last I'm having trouble picking one. How do I decide who gets cut off? The terminally ill? The poor? Single mothers? I really don't know. PETA drives me a little nuts, so I'll say them, I guess.
  • Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?

    How many of your friends would you trust with your life?

    What have you done that you are not proud of?

    What's the number one change you want to make in your life within the next year?

    Can you cry underwater?

    Why does a round pizza come in a square box?

    What is the best TV theme song ever?

    If you got selected to be on a reality show which would it be, and why?
  • Proudest moment? not family related.

    most embarassing moment?

    3 best personal traits?

    1 worst?
  • I would definitely call waterskiing a sport, as my definition of a sport is anything that takes athletic ability to do and, if you possess little to none of that, you end up looking very foolish/hurting yourself while attempting it.

    Favourite Blue Jays memory?

    Do you think baseball should have instant replay, similar to football where you get X number of challenges on outs?

    Do you think baseball should get some sort of computerized strike/ball system rather than a home plate umpire?

    Favourite cartoon as a kid?

    Most despised kids show that you have to watch because your daughter is too adorable to say no to?
  • I'm bored today Johnnie, so lots of time to ask questions.

    you and six others are kidnapped, and the kidnapper somehow persuades you that if you shoot dead one of the other hostages, he will set the remaining five free, whereas if you do not, he will shoot all six. (Either way, he'll release you.) What do you do?

    Supreme Being.. Real or not?

    If a turtle doesn’t have a shell, is he homeless or naked?

    What if there were no hypothetical questions?
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?

    How many of your friends would you trust with your life?

    What have you done that you are not proud of?

    What's the number one change you want to make in your life within the next year?

    Can you cry underwater?

    Why does a round pizza come in a square box?

    What is the best TV theme song ever?

    If you got selected to be on a reality show which would it be, and why?

    Bees since I'd have a greater chance of survival.

    Least proudest moment is when I punch my best friend in the face at a concert. It took 5 years before he forgave me, but we did work it out.

    Biggest change in my life for the next year is to drop 20 pounds.

    I've never been sad enough to cry under water, but I imagine it's possible.

    I'm sure it's easier and cheaper to produce square boxes for delivery, thus why they have them. Square pizzas are nice, but you don't get to do that cool trick of spinning the dough.

    Best TV show theme:

    Cheers - Intro / Theme Song - 1980s & 1990s TV Show Nostalgia - YouTube

    I hate 'Reality' shows, but I would take a spot on The Amazing Race since I love to travel.
  • Jacen299 wrote: »
    Proudest moment? not family related.

    most embarassing moment?

    3 best personal traits?

    1 worst?

    My proudest moment came exactly 3 weeks ago today when I (finally) passed my Private Pilots Exam.

    My sense of humour, friendliness and my ability to see something good in everyone.

    My worst trait is easily my issues with anger and frustration. I've put in a lot of work to getting better. I must say that I'm much more patient and forgiving now, but with an abundance of alcohol and/or fatigue, my issues resurface. But I'm still working on it :)
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    I would definitely call waterskiing a sport, as my definition of a sport is anything that takes athletic ability to do and, if you possess little to none of that, you end up looking very foolish/hurting yourself while attempting it.

    Favourite Blue Jays memory?

    Do you think baseball should have instant replay, similar to football where you get X number of challenges on outs?

    Do you think baseball should get some sort of computerized strike/ball system rather than a home plate umpire?

    Favourite cartoon as a kid?

    Most despised kids show that you have to watch because your daughter is too adorable to say no to?

    My favourite Jays memory also came at Exhibition Stadium during the last game played there. George Bell hit a walk-off home run in the 10th. My 12 year old mind was blown!

    Yes to instant replay, but not on balls and strikes. Every close play should be reviewed without the Manager having to request a challenge to a certain call.

    That being said, I do like the idea of an Ump calling strikes and balls. Every Ump has a different strike zone, so it keeps the pitcher and the batter always in a state of war with each other AND the Ump.

    I could cheat with the cartoon question and say 'The Simpsons' since I was a kid when it debuted, but I think you mean something like Ghostbusters or Transformers, which were my favourite.

    Ask any parent of a young child about the worst kids show ever. It's either Barney & Friends or mother-facking Caillou. Great for kids, but a form of torture for adults.

    Thanks for you PM by the way. Your story is way more interesting than mine ^-^
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    I'm bored today Johnnie, so lots of time to ask questions.

    you and six others are kidnapped, and the kidnapper somehow persuades you that if you shoot dead one of the other hostages, he will set the remaining five free, whereas if you do not, he will shoot all six. (Either way, he'll release you.) What do you do?

    Supreme Being.. Real or not?

    If a turtle doesn’t have a shell, is he homeless or naked?

    What if there were no hypothetical questions?

    No problem, I was bored at work so I answered a bunch of questions!

    I shoot the oldest person in the room. Or, why would I not just shoot the kidnapper? D'uh, don't give one of your hostages a gun!

    Surpreme Being like God? No, I believe that God is the invention of man.

    A turtle without a shell is both homeless and naked. He's also very cold!

    If there were no hypothetical questions then there would be no hypothetical answers.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    you and six others are kidnapped, and the kidnapper somehow persuades you that if you shoot dead one of the other hostages, he will set the remaining five free, whereas if you do not, he will shoot all six. (Either way, he'll release you.) What do you do?

    Once the kidnapper gives him the gun couldn't he shoot the kidnapper?
  • Jacen299 wrote: »
    Once the kidnapper gives him the gun couldn't he shoot the kidnapper?

    I'm going somewhere with this... No loop holes in the question. The six people are roughly the same age and the same sex, and all healthy. The kidnapper is standing behind you with a gun pointed at your head. You have the option to shoot one, and 5 plus you go free, or shoot all and you go free. What do you do?
  • Some Vegas questions, since I’m headed there in a few weeks.

    Favourite poker room that you played in?
    Least favourite poker room that you played in?
    Most impressive/awesome casino?
    Most disappointing casino, and why?
    Best place(s) to eat (list up to 3 and what I should order at each)?
    Place(s) I should not go to eat (list as many as needed)?
    A non-casino thing I should do while I’m there (I’ve already booked a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon)?
    Do you know if Comp snores?
  • Vegas in Feb?
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    I'm going somewhere with this... No loop holes in the question. The six people are roughly the same age and the same sex, and all healthy. The kidnapper is standing behind you with a gun pointed at your head. You have the option to shoot one, and 5 plus you go free, or shoot all and you go free. What do you do?

    Shoot the closest one to me. At least it would be quick. I hope.
    JacNoK wrote: »
    Some Vegas questions, since I’m headed there in a few weeks.

    Favourite poker room that you played in?
    Least favourite poker room that you played in?
    Most impressive/awesome casino?
    Most disappointing casino, and why?
    Best place(s) to eat (list up to 3 and what I should order at each)?
    Place(s) I should not go to eat (list as many as needed)?
    A non-casino thing I should do while I’m there (I’ve already booked a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon)?
    Do you know if Comp snores?

    Favourite Room: Red Rock, although it's way off the strip. My next would be Venetian.
    Lest favourite: the new room at Binnions. Too much of a rock garden.
    Impressive: Almost every casino is impressive in some way, but Bellagio and Caesars are stunning. Again, Red Rock is gorgeous too.
    Disappointing: The Rio. The hotel is nice, and while whole complex is OK, the poker room is small and full of regs grinding out WSOP freeroll seats.
    Food: ONLY 3 PLACES!!!! Ellis Island for the BBQ, Hash House for the absurdly huge portions and that Japanese place at The Flamingo for the Sushi. Moose will remember the name. I'm sure I'm forgetting place's too. I want to check out the Heart Attack Grill too.
    Non-casino fun: Helicopter ride over the GC is really nice. I loved my stunt plane ride with Sky Combat Ace.
    Compuease: Yes he snores. I was witness to this in 2008:


    moose wrote: »
    Vegas in Feb?

    Thanks, but I won't be able to with my flight training and the fact that Wraych wants to take June to DisneyWorld next year.
  • What are your ultimate plans regarding your pilot's license ? Commercial pilot ?
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    What are your ultimate plans regarding your pilot's license ? Commercial pilot ?

    Commercial license, yes. First I'll get my Instructor Rating to build up hours then I might look into working for a small airline.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Great question!

    My top 2 choices would be a P-51 Mustang or an F-16 Fighting Falcon. Those were always my favourites as a kid.

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    BOOOOO . . . no love for the F-15 Eagle? Same engine as the Falcon, but you get TWO of 'em.
  • Milo wrote: »
    BOOOOO . . . no love for the F-15 Eagle? Same engine as the Falcon, but you get TWO of 'em.

    The Falcon is more versatile. It does both dog fighting and medium range bombing well.

    Also, remember I was a kid and saying 'The Falcon' reminded me of the Millennium Falcon
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