Question Week - Wolffhound

Tough act to follow, hope someone pays Reefs bail so he can retry ? Week.
So, let's have it.


  • Wolffy!

    Why you no sign up for lazy man Olympics 4?

  • Why did you start your own business?

    Your favorite sandwich?

    Do PFC members get a discount?
  • How galling is it that yours is the only Royal Cup HU match that sticks in my mind?

    Has losing to a donk like me turned you off of live poker?

    Married? Kids? Pets? Occupation? Give us something to work with here . . .

    Also, what is the O/U on "Fuck you, Milo." for the next Royal Cup?
  • How profitable has your BAP'ing been?

    favorite poker game?

    favorite drink? (alcohol)

    whats the deal with your sig? lol i forget now

    also wanted to say thank you for always buy-ing action
  • DrTyore wrote: »

    Why you no sign up for lazy man Olympics 4?


    That'd be the same reason why I didn't sign up for LMO 1/2/3...
    I don't do drinkfest games. One has to know one's limitations, I don't see a day
    such as that ending well for me...or those around me.

  • Do you still have that post of Cole's that made you laugh? If so, could you re-post?
  • TheMill wrote: »
    Why did you start your own business?

    Your favorite sandwich?

    Do PFC members get a discount?

    1. I grew up in a family business (Service stations) always loved being there and do enjoy looking after ppl. After 13 years as an Insurance Adjuster, the Meds/Helpline/Booze weren't working for me anymore, as such, I got as far away from what I was doing as I could.

    Both my wife and I had worked for the ppl we bought the Cafe from in University (my brother's inlaws) and they wanted to retire.

    I miss the $/holidays/benefits, but, I wouldn't trade my last 6 1/2 years for anything.

    2. Favorite sandwich that I make is a Classic Alan Q-reuben (its a Reuben Sandwich named after the CEO of one of the former companies in our building). Marble Rye, with Sauerkraut, Swiss Cheese, CBeef with Spicy Chicken Gumbo Soup...simple, but, fking good.

    3. Sure you can have a discount, i'm already almost broke, knocking 10% off a 3.50 sandwich won't hurt me much more.
  • Milo wrote: »
    How galling is it that yours is the only Royal Cup HU match that sticks in my mind?

    Has losing to a donk like me turned you off of live poker?

    Married? Kids? Pets? Occupation? Give us something to work with here . . .

    Also, what is the O/U on "Fuck you, Milo." for the next Royal Cup?

    1. I'm glad you remember that match, I've had shits that I have more recall about.
    2. I've lost to far worse players than you, if it cemented anything in me, its that I'll never wear more rings than just my wedding ring.
    3. (a) Married 18 years this past Monday to Caroline, whom I've known since Grade 3. Unfortunately for her, she chose to settle for me, she could have done much better.
    (b)2 1/2 yr old rescue Schnoodle named Benny.
    (c) Self employed, o/o a small Soup and Sandwich shop called TJ's Cafe (named after my kids Tyler (16) and Jessica (14 later this month)
    4. Playdoh, its fun to work with

    O/U on the Fuck you Milo...not so much live feeling, we've certainly had no issues in the handful of tables that we've played together at Royals, it has more to do with your constant popping into other threads and insisting on adding something that I consider (not a true measure of anything) completely useless points as if yours is the only one that matters.

    p.s. you still owe me a you remember why?
  • dinner break.
  • costanza wrote: »
    How profitable has your BAP'ing been?
    favorite poker game?
    favorite drink? (alcohol)
    whats the deal with your sig? lol i forget now
    also wanted to say thank you for always buy-ing action

    1. Limit Holdem...yes, I said it.
    2. Since April 92...Beer. (Crown Royal from the bottle from 87-92)
    CR has been a banned substance since 92. It was CR or my wife. Easy choice.
    3. Sig belongs to a post from Philliivey, his memorable meltdown over my lack of appreciation for him shitcanning his bap and shipping me an extra $0.11 . We got my sig/peeps/giraffes/wat/Wetts' POTY and many other things from that bap.
    4. You are welcome, I buy because I enjoy it. I like to see ppl do well and I like being a part of it.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Do you still have that post of Cole's that made you laugh? If so, could you re-post?

    Hollywoods, although on the Deadbeat list gave us way more than what he took.
    I'll look for it Johnnie...i'm laughing as I type.
  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    p.s. you still owe me a you remember why?

    No, but if you tell me why I will happily make good at the next Royal, and might even make it TWO.

    P.S. apologies for having to be reminded. Poor upbringing . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    No, but if you tell me why I will happily make good at the next Royal, and might even make it TWO.

    P.S. apologies for having to be reminded. Poor upbringing . . .

    You Said-
    Wolffie, if you make it out to Johnnie's game in June, I have some beer you forgot. One good turn deserves another, buddy . . . Hope to see you."

    Not only did I show up, I won the smaller Barrage in the neither showed nor sent said good turn...

    Its in here-
  • wolffhound wrote: »
    you said-
    wolffie, if you make it out to johnnie's game in june, i have some beer you forgot. One good turn deserves another, buddy . . . Hope to see you."

    not only did i show up, i won the smaller barrage in the neither showed nor sent said good turn...

    Its in here-


    Milo = pwnedddddddddddd
  • Favourite song?

    Favourite band?

    Favourite singer?

    How many seconds can you last listening to this before you turn it off in pure disgust?

    KARA - STEP - YouTube
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Favourite song?

    Favourite band?

    Favourite singer?

    How many seconds can you last listening to this before you turn it off in pure disgust?

    KARA - STEP - YouTube

    I'm not a huge music guy but, high school days and still now I would say
    1. Rush
    2. These days it's all angry stuff...Eminem
    3. 21 seconds, probably longer than usually would, but, it 5am and the video had me confused...thought I died and went to hell.
  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    These days it's all angry stuff...Eminem

    Just don't tell your wife if you start listening to "Kim" on a loop ;)

    Favourite poker memory?

    Do you think there will be an NHL season? If so, do you think Leafs will make the playoffs?
  • Pinhead wrote: »
    Just don't tell your wife if you start listening to "Kim" on a loop ;)

    Favourite poker memory?

    Do you think there will be an NHL season? If so, do you think Leafs will make the playoffs?

    LOL, I'm carefully, ever since she thru my neil young cassette out my truck Window when we first started dating.

    Favorite is finishing 2nd in a 3.30 tourney om stars back in 06. 2300 runners.
    Hork42 and bbcz were railing. $640.ish for 2nd, was a lot of fun.

    I hope that they do play. Owners are their own worst enemies Imo. If the do play, Leafs will be hard pressed to make playoffs. Goaltending, def, scoring, depth are just a few of their problems. Forever a fan, but, they are awful. Thankfully I coach Bantam and a midget team, bantams play sat nights, so, I rarely have to suffer thru their games.
  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    LOL, I'm carefully, ever since she thru my neil young cassette out my truck Window when we first started dating.

    And you STILL married her?? Didn't you see the sign!?!?!
  • You're one of the bigger BAP buyers, which BAP'er have you made the most/best ROI off of?

    You've met both myself and Wetts. Who is going to pull off the dress better?

    What is the one thing you would do over in your life?

    What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?
  • if you could be reborn again with the same knowledge you have right now, would you choose to be born a male or female? why?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    And you STILL married her?? Didn't you see the sign!?!?![/QUOTE

    Worn out Young, live/acoustic, she heard "keep on rocking in the free world" line apparently once too often.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    You're one of the bigger BAP buyers, which BAP'er have you made the most/best ROI off of?

    You've met both myself and Wetts. Who is going to pull off the dress better?

    What is the one thing you would do over in your life?

    What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?

    I don't have my spreadsheet here, but, live, Gta/ yourself are on top of the roi
    Online, I believe it is Ash.

    I was looking at the sheet the other day, of 75ish Bap's, 60ish were -roi
    4 homeruns help keep it at +15 %

    I hate to make a pick on that, but, I'd put 5 on wetts winning on the walkway.
    I don't have a big regret at this point, as my kids get older I wish I had taken better care of myself to this point. Overweight/social drinker now, but, already think about being there for them way in the future. Damn I have to start walking/etc....

    Stupidest thing? Spending 2 nights, 2 years apart as a guest of the St Catherine pd in their drunk tank. Fine doubled from year 1 to year 3, no vehicle involved, just a big mouth.
  • trigs wrote: »
    if you could be reborn again with the same knowledge you have right now, would you choose to be born a male or female? why?

    Male. I've seen what my wife went thru giving birth to our two kids, not a fucking chance I'd put my hand up to do that.

    I also don't think I could go thru life throwing a ball like that.
  • This isn't it, is it? (Sorry there was no QUOTE option)

    ok lets start this off yes i have harthgosh on my msn , no he did not stake me hundreas of dollars my acount history can prove that, the person helping me in tough situations was sirwatts and i never even had an agrrement with him he can back me up on that he was there helping me on my game thats (sirwatts) . but what mr harthgosh told me is that when he noticed me at the final table he said hey cole do you want to sell your seat to noah boken. so i asked sirwatts should i sell he simpy relpiied if you do u wont no what would of happend. I find it a shame that some called freinds on the forum would go along with him and against me.

    Here's the link:
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    This isn't it, is it? (Sorry there was no QUOTE option)

    ok lets start this off yes i have harthgosh on my msn , no he did not stake me hundreas of dollars my acount history can prove that, the person helping me in tough situations was sirwatts and i never even had an agrrement with him he can back me up on that he was there helping me on my game thats (sirwatts) . but what mr harthgosh told me is that when he noticed me at the final table he said hey cole do you want to sell your seat to noah boken. so i asked sirwatts should i sell he simpy relpiied if you do u wont no what would of happend. I find it a shame that some called freinds on the forum would go along with him and against me.

    Here's the link:

    I looked at a tonne of stuff last night, couldn't find it. I quoted it not that long ago (6mhts) when someone else went to task one someone's spelling/grammar in post. I just can't dig it up again. Cole was pure gold.
  • costanza wrote: »

    Milo = pwnedddddddddddd

    Not hardly . . . cannot be expected to bring beer to an event that I did not make it out to. Wolfie, as said beer has long since found it's way into my belly, I give you the opportunity to name your pleasure at the upcoming Royal. Also, for making you wait, I offer a second one so the first will not get lonely.

    So, what sports when you were a kid?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Not hardly . . . cannot be expected to bring beer to an event that I did not make it out to. Wolfie, as said beer has long since found it's way into my belly, I give you the opportunity to name your pleasure at the upcoming Royal. Also, for making you wait, I offer a second one so the first will not get lonely.

    So, what sports when you were a kid?


    ur still pwnedddddddddddddddddddddd :laugh:
  • Are you going to ask a question, dipshit?
  • Milo wrote: »
    I give you the opportunity to name your pleasure at the upcoming Royal. Also, for making you wait, I offer a second one so the first will not get lonely.

    So, what sports when you were a kid?

    I'm always good with Export.

    Tball to baseball to Fastball. Golf
    Goalie in hockey growing up, when I turned 30 reinvented myself as a fat LW/LD.
    Raced Stock Cars in my late teens early 20's.
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