
Question week: Costanza

Been dreading this haha

Promise to answer truthfully and honestly.

I reserve the right to refuse tough personal things, religious beliefs, and political views.

other then that, she's fair game...

ask me about anything you feel like.



  • No refusals allowed!

    Funny responses encouraged though. Did you get a warm fuzzy when I actually gave you some props for the drug thread? ;)

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    No refusals allowed!

    Funny responses encouraged though. Did you get a warm fuzzy when I actually gave you some props for the drug thread? ;)



    Mark, I think you sometimes forget that I'm just a normal person like everyone else here

    I have a terrible history that haunts me (not just poker site stuff) but im trying my best to be a mature man, and being honest with others but more importantly, myself- is real important to me.

    So to answer your question, I guess yeah, it felt good.. it makes me feel like maybe there's a chance that you can see that im not all that bad of a person, and that maybe even you can grow like me one day (at the very least not despise me lol) and yes, that does matter to me.

    To some, I'm some mean horrible fed monster, but at the end of the day, im a giggling happy guy that doesn't want any issues with anyone
  • Are you still going to The Walkerhouse and using their Internet to sit at the end of the bar and play online poker?

    And is it true that you did this cause you couldn't afford Internet at home?

    You talked a big game back in your fed days about wheeling waitresses at the area bars. Name them and bar they worked at?
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    Are you still going to The Walkerhouse and using their Internet to sit at the end of the bar and play online poker?

    And is it true that you did this cause you couldn't afford Internet at home?

    You talked a big game back in your fed days about wheeling waitresses at the area bars. Name them and bar they worked at?

    Hahaha, unreal memory of that.. that was a while ago (3 years?) , I remember sipping beers at the bar and 5 tabling on FTP the first time I saw you. I was so embarrassed lol.

    And yes, it is true, at that time I had no internet at home, so I had to bring my laptop with me just to play a little.

    I nailed a couple girls from crabby joe's (Steph (dated her), Kat (had 3some with steph), and Melissa) and a girl from the wiz who still works there. (Sarah).

    That girl Jess from the Walkerhouse that you know actually raped me once, and im not even joking. I felt sick after. I think she's married now lol.

    Do you still come up here much at all?
  • Will you back me for the big 3.30 reguarly? say twice a week?

    How about the big 2.20?

    Do you really think you are the BetterthanPhill of Seven Card Stud?

    When did you first have Fish N Brewis? Your first impression of it?

    Just how bad is Chess's fish n chips?

    Do I remind of you of "the fed monster"? Milo for like 3 weeks kept insisting I was you.

    What was going through your mind when you drew that spider picture?
  • costanza wrote: »
    Do you still come up here much at all?

    Really not at all since I don't work at the Bruce anymore. The occasional bike ride and I will stop in at one of the bars for some food and then head home.

    What's the story on the following people from your area if you know them.

    Angie (Ang) Formager
    Alicia Cook
    Rory Charlton
  • Macke wrote: »
    Will you back me for the big 3.30 reguarly? say twice a week?

    No, I can't. Im currently in a staking deal of my own to play anything 11$< to my hearts content to get my own bankroll going.

    How about the big 2.20?

    Same as above, im in no position to back anyone really.

    Do you really think you are the BetterthanPhill of Seven Card Stud?

    I can hold my own at stud, it's the game I learned to play at an early age (before the big NL boom)

    When did you first have Fish N Brewis? Your first impression of it?

    I was young... its a common feed back home.. as ive gotten older, its the tits with a little chiloula hot sauce sprinkled on top and cod tongues on the side.

    Just how bad is Chess's fish n chips?

    Ches's is alright, I had it in Gander once

    Do I remind of you of "the fed monster"? Milo for like 3 weeks kept insisting I was you.

    I don't think I was around when you first joined to be honest with ya.. so I really can't comment on it.

    What was going through your mind when you drew that spider picture?

    don't know what you are referring to lol

    see bold.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    Really not at all since I don't work at the Bruce anymore. The occasional bike ride and I will stop in at one of the bars for some food and then head home.

    What's the story on the following people from your area if you know them.

    Angie (Ang) Formager
    Alicia Cook
    Rory Charlton

    Ang is the withered server at the wiz right? nice lady, see her frequently.. drinks some form of beer that is very rare but its molson I think... damn what's the name of it. (if this is the wrong person I feel dumb, but I dont think there't too many angie's around) She has it tatoo'd on her.

    I don't know alicia cook, although the name is super familiar.

    Rory I know thru .. how do I say this... "business relations" from a past life, if you know what I mean (I think you probably do lol). He has a black acura that he rev's the piss out of, but I think he might have blew it up because I see him in a great big ford these days (3/4 ton). He's still at the bruce as far as I know.
  • Macke wrote: »


    i remember posting that spider to t8 i think it was...

    I cant take credit for it though, its a meme of sorts.
  • What are the best drinks to get drunk off while playing?

    If you were to have sex while having a barenaked ladies song playing what song would you pick?

    What should I do with my pokerstars round 2 tickets that I got? I'm never up early enough to play in them.

    Where do you see yourself in 2.5 months?

    How much do 12 hour work days suck?
  • Your Top 5 live and online poker players that are active on this forum
  • Macke wrote: »
    What are the best drinks to get drunk off while playing?

    If you were to have sex while having a barenaked ladies song playing what song would you pick?

    What should I do with my pokerstars round 2 tickets that I got? I'm never up early enough to play in them.

    Where do you see yourself in 2.5 months?

    How much do 12 hour work days suck?

    I only drink beer these days, and not to often (I quit drinking from dec 24/2011 - end of april sometime) It was a great accomplishment for me. I used to drink way, way to much. As for playing while drunk, I really don't recommend it at all.

    Fornication and barenaked ladies just gave me chills, but if I had to choose one it would be "lovers at a dangerous time" (for obv reasons)

    round 2 ticket? Play it when you can lol, just settle in one day when you got a couple hours and ur up, and ship the slut.

    god in 2.5 months... so much has changed the last 2.5 that the next 2.5 are critical.

    I actually applied to go back to school for this year, im still waiting to hear back and see what im accepted for. All I know is that my trade isn't in good demand and something needs to change. Past few months my long time woman left me, ive lost 3 friends (2 accidents, 1 sewey) , cant get on full time at the place that I need to survive, had a down swing after being untouchable over the winter... im just at that point in my life where I have to keep doing positive things.

    I hope to get in to the school I want and start all over. Either I do all this, or I move west with a poker friend and really make a go of this, but I don't think my game / mind set is where it needs to be before I start launching off large chunks of money.

    working 12's is meh. It sucks to do 12's on shift work, but the money is nice, the 3 days off at the end of your 4 on is nice, the pay checks are nice.

    I've learned just to be grateful to even have a job in this economy, even if you don't like it, you have to man up and provide for yourself (or others).
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    Your Top 5 live and online poker players that are active on this forum

    BTP- unreal the scores he's had and the accomplishment's he's had at such an early age. Not to mention im proud to call him a friend, he's just the most solid guy i've ever talked to. We are friends yes, but I'm also his biggest fan.

    Steve Kerr- your run this summer in the wsop was eye opening for me to you and your abilities. You are ranked high on the GPI for Canada and are a sponsored pro. You don't make alot of noise online, but you do your thing live and I have a shit load of respect for that.

    Forboon- He may get on alot of people's skin (mine included, we don't even have e/o on skype anymore lol) but I've had the privilege of working with him one on one for hundreds of hours this past winter, and he gave me the fundamentals, math, and tools that I couldn't read in a book , and made the player that I am today. Yoda really does have a brilliant mind when it comes to poker, he see's the things that people miss and strives for perfect poker (mathematically) . He seems to have lost his hunger to mass table, but he's probably working on things, and still has a couple deep runs this week, so his brain still works and he's close to raping again.

    wetts/GTA - Im putting these knuckleheads together because they are solid beasts that rape the liveaments and then come out of the woods to crush online. Again, I have so much respect for live players, then to just shut er down and come play online to horse around and still crush the game shows how well they understand the game as a whole. Just solid all around players obv

    julesdAA- I can't not mention him and his game. Jules has silently but surely grinded his way into being a beast, and has had consistent scores for years it seems. When he chose to pick up the EV that was left behind when player's went to the WSOP this year, it shows how smart he is. He had a ship every single day it seemed, it was outrageous. Jules is also a solid pro in my eyes. He gets up a decent time, play's his schedule and then has a life outside of poker after making the monies. He's a solid dude too lol.

    honorable mentions go to t8 obv, vekked (doing his DJ thing right now) , the famous people (ryang , watts, xuan, timex, etc) , if im missing anyone, sorry lol
  • You've been banned a lot.

    If you could ban 3 current forum members, who would they be and why?

    List all of your past forum alias.

    How much u bench?
  • You are elected PM of Canada, with full majority to make whatever changes you see fit. What 3 changes would you make, and why?

    How many people do you still talk to on a monthly (or more) basis from Southwood?

    Fav teacher from ^?
  • 1/ What did you really think of me "back in the day"?

    2/ Was there one revelation that made you come out? ie stop the shenanigans....

    3/ Do you think you can keep it up?

    4/ Do you still do the "fed" troll on any other forums?

    5/ Since it's really only been a few months of relatively clean living do you think you can keep it up?

    I am impressed by the fact that you haven't fallen back into the old ways, at least on the surface. In light of that fact..

    6/ Can we trust you to come out to a live forum event one day soon?

    7/ Where and under what circumstances did you meet Steve Kerr? I wasn't even aware you two knew each other.
  • What trade are you in?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    You've been banned a lot.

    If you could ban 3 current forum members, who would they be and why?

    List all of your past forum alias.

    How much u bench?

    I really don't wish the demise of being banned to anyone.. it's pretty tilting lol

    BUT for the sake of the question... I will just say these ppl should get banned IMMEDIATELY. (just for fun)


    I honestly can't even begin to list my forum aliases, there's alooottt.

    I bench maybe 200 lbs, and I was doing that in high school regularly for hockey purposes.. I have no idea what my "max" is though, especially nowadays .
  • reibs wrote: »
    You are elected PM of Canada, with full majority to make whatever changes you see fit. What 3 changes would you make, and why?

    How many people do you still talk to on a monthly (or more) basis from Southwood?

    Fav teacher from ^?

    Wow cool question sir...

    3 changes eh... well, for starters, I would legalize weed. Recent discussion has made me realize how strong my beliefs are that it should be legalized. I don't even smoke the stuff myself at all really anymore, but I see the positive impacts it can have on our economy after a little research. Green party is more and more ftw from what I have read recently. Secondly, I would implement better immigration laws. Im not racist and I dont want to come off that way, so Ill leave it at that. And lastly, i would ERASE THE TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS FROM EVEN EXISTING. God, I hate the leafs, I have my whole life. Leafs fans are the nut worst.

    I talk to a few people on the reg from SSS (reibs and my high school). Especially of late, with everyone dying, it's been weird to catch up with people given the circumstances. Other than that though, I talk to a few people on the reg (good friends) and a couple girls too obv lol

    Fav teacher? was definitely Miss Maclean (business teacher) , and probably the standard Mr stevens (accounting)
  • compuease wrote: »
    1/ What did you really think of me "back in the day"?

    2/ Was there one revelation that made you come out? ie stop the shenanigans....

    3/ Do you think you can keep it up?

    4/ Do you still do the "fed" troll on any other forums?

    5/ Since it's really only been a few months of relatively clean living do you think you can keep it up?

    I am impressed by the fact that you haven't fallen back into the old ways, at least on the surface. In light of that fact..

    6/ Can we trust you to come out to a live forum event one day soon?

    7/ Where and under what circumstances did you meet Steve Kerr? I wasn't even aware you two knew each other.

    1) back in the day... lol.. Everyone was equally as horrible haha. I have no idea what was running through my brain back then, but you tilted me. You were just doing your job and I realize that now, to be honest, I would have snap banned me over and over again as well.

    2) Not really one specific example. I was so sick and tired of being a shit disturber, I think I grew out of it. Also, I love the absolute shit out of this game of poker, and I have networked well through here, and the people that I talk to have all kind of inspired me to "grow up" and to start taking things more seriously.. my poker game improved, and so did I as a person. (I think so anyway's lol)

    3) Yes, I do still think I can keep it up, it's who I am. It's taken me a real long time to grow up and "smell the coffee" . I honestly do feel that maybe I have some sort of learning disability or life fail in my life where it takes me alot longer to mature than my peers. This goes back to how I was raised and a whole bunch of shit that im uncomfortable sharing here, but there definitely is/was something wrong with me back in the day.

    4) Most of you know of my time on p5's , and even recently, hell even currently I troll some of the members there via twitter. That whole site became a massive level in a short period of time. I told a story about how I had a cat that left me, but then I got it back (true story), and things snow balled from there. In my defence, their attempted trolling on me made me lash out to bring a high level of troll upon them, and the whole thing was a shit show. It was just a game. They are mostly american's who can't even play poker any more, so they have nothing to do but to stir the pot for a little excitement. I was the wrong person to do it with I suppose.

    5) yes sir, this is who I am. Also, this is my home forum, this is where I learn, post questions, network, help, and every thing in between. Love this community we have.

    6) absolutely, I would love to attend some sort of forum setting game. I've reached out to a couple members up my way just to meet up and say hi, and obv Id really like to meet some of you face to face. Im not sure if people still have a problem with me, but I would hope to meet up and there not to be a confrontation.

    7) I wouldn't say we "met" really .. and tbh I cant even really remember the setting, maybe he could fill you in on that? I just remember knowing he was 15 feet from me in this bar/restaurant place, and i was sitting there on my laptop (yes, at a bar) playing online poker because I didn't have the internet at home. I was pretty embarrassed haha , and didn't really have the nerve to say hi. Keep in mind this was a while ago, and I still had my "fed" aura, and need less to say, I was squirmish about meeting someone IRL from here. However, if that was today, at this current point in time, I would walk right up to Steve or anyone and shake their hand, purchase them a beverage and get to know them.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    What trade are you in?

    Non destructive testing

    im really hoping to get in for welding, steam fitting or police foundations.

    Of the 3 I applied for this year, im really hoping for the police. My father is a long time officer with waterloo regional police , and I would love to follow in his foot steps, more than anything (hopefully before he retires, but Im not sure if that is even possible)

    However, if I don't get in and I have to do trade work, then im perfectly ok with that too. Im a "hands on" type of guy, I've always enjoyed that sort of thing. I'm not one for cubicles and all that crap lol.
  • Did you really show up at Belmont?

    EDIT: It's Belwood not Belmont. Obv Fed didn't show. :wink:
  • Did you really show up at Belmont?

    Swear on my parents lives I did. If you had just checked your phone I txt a million times and came outside to meet me, we could have met.

    I even walked inside and then left.

    Still remember driving there nervous as hell, pulled into the parking lot, saw that red jeep with the poker related license plate (KJ suited?) or something, and then I knew I was in the right place.

    Really wished we had met that day.
  • costanza wrote: »
    Swear on my parents lives I did. If you had just checked your phone I txt a million times and came outside to meet me, we could have met.

    I even walked inside and then left.

    Still remember driving there nervous as hell, pulled into the parking lot, saw that red jeep with the poker related license plate (KJ suited?) or something, and then I knew I was in the right place.

    Really wished we had met that day.

    You texted me a gazillion times and Belmont has cell service that ranks slightly higher than Siberia. If I remember correctly my phone died because of it around the time we got down to 2 tables and the same time you claimed to have arrived. You just had to come in and ask around. You would have met Marban that night too as he final tabled as well.

    I was thrilled driving home after midnight on slick roads with no phone and my wife not knowing anything about what was going on after 8 pm.
  • You texted me a gazillion times and Belmont has cell service that ranks slightly higher than Siberia. If I remember correctly my phone died because of it around the time we got down to 2 tables and the same time you claimed to have arrived. You just had to come in and ask around. You would have met Marban that night too as he final tabled as well.

    I was thrilled driving home after midnight on slick roads with no phone and my wife not knowing anything about what was going on after 8 pm.

    yeah, i remember you had a deep run there.

    I walked in, and there was like a little kitchen there, and an older gentleman was in there and said hi, and I beelined it out of there haha, that wasn't comp was it??

    Guys, i got errands to do today, then im grinding, so Ill be around later to answer more questions.
  • how many times have you cheated at poker (i.e. colluded, multi-accounted, etc.)?
  • trigs wrote: »
    how many times have you cheated at poker (i.e. colluded, multi-accounted, etc.)?

    never, ever cheated.

    I am guilty of multi accounting, and what a mess it was to get straightened out, took alot of emails, and alot of documentation to get approved.

    This sn smokerock247 is the ORIGINAL pokerstars account that I made years ago, I think even when I was underage but maybe not, it was before fed even.. you can notice a theme at where I was at in my life (smokerock 24/7 , i mean come on) (fedh8r police hater) and that is just so LOL. FTR i never indulged in crack, but thought it was a funny SN.

    I remember playing for play money cash games and just watching the people play for big money back then in amazement.
  • Does it freak you out somewhat that Wetts was able to nail each new account here before anyone else ferreted you out?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Does it freak you out somewhat that Wetts was able to nail each new account here before anyone else ferreted you out?


    Usually Id just PM Comp:

    Just a hunch
    Pretty sure boogeyman = fed.

    Just something to monitor.
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