Dear 3 CPFers who remember who I am...

I cheated on you, and I'm sorry. I shared something special with another forum first and I felt dirty and cheap...

..I promise the other thread meant nothing to me and you are my one true love

Getting Married in a week and



7 months.

If you need to talk about your feelings; I am here to support you*


  • Ps. I cleaned the mirror upon looking at the picture

  • <3 you kristy!!!!!!!!!

    babies not mine fwiw btw imo iirc
  • No the bush you hide behind and my double-pane window are excellent contraception devices.
  • [x] would bang iirc

    walleye is a lucky dude imo
  • Thanks Fed. We'll see if he still feels that way in October when he's sleepless and knee deep in diapers...

    ..but enough about my first chance to drink again, the baby will also be a new experience for him.
  • Congrats Kristy... On being able to drink again soon
  • I don't know you Kristy, but congrats on your pregnancy.
  • Wow, you're so domesticated . . . who would have thunk it? Congratulations in all respects, although you were ratted out on all of this a short time ago. Do you know the gender, yet? How about the gender of the baby?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Ps. I cleaned the mirror upon looking at the picture


    Why is to toilet paper stuffed in the toilet?

    Is this a more efficient process Im not aware of?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Wow, you're so domesticated . . . who would have thunk it? Congratulations in all respects, although you were ratted out on all of this a short time ago. Do you know the gender, yet? How about the gender of the baby?

    It is "likely" a girl.

    Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Why is to toilet paper stuffed in the toilet?

    Is this a more efficient process Im not aware of?

    For demonstration. I will not have any one on the internet thinking that I might have hung my toilet paper incorrectly!
  • You already did . . . once your bundle of joy arrives, you will learn that under is better than over.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    It is "likely" a girl.

    For demonstration. I will not have any one on the internet thinking that I might have hung my toilet paper incorrectly!
    Milo wrote: »
    You already did . . . once your bundle of joy arrives, you will learn that under is better than over.
    Kristy_Sea wrote: »

    when the TP goes over ... it's fun for kids. :D
  • See what a little American meet can do for you?

    Congrats KS!
  • @Hobbes

    I'm still a little lost.

    Aside from making birds nests and flowers and leaving them in the bathroom for the next person I don't recall any overhand-related TP shenanigans from my childhood.
  • Pretty sure I could dump a full roll faster than Usain Bolt in the 100m when I was young. :D

    Would need to confirm with the parents.
  • Nice, on two counts.
    1 to hear from your quick sharp wit
    2 that you are getting familied
  • Okay, since impending motherhood seems to have rendered you unable to grasp the obvious . . . when the TP roll goes "over the top", it is very easy for a child that is potty training to unspool the roll simply by spinnning it, leaving Mom or Dad to clean rewind the mess. The "under the bottom" positioning makes this much more difficult to accomplish.

  • Milo wrote: »
    Okay, since impending motherhood seems to have rendered you unable to grasp the obvious . . . when the TP roll goes "over the top", it is very easy for a child that is potty training to unspool the roll simply by spinnning it, leaving Mom or Dad to clean rewind the mess. The "under the bottom" positioning makes this much more difficult to accomplish.


    Move up to where we can respect your toilet paper sample?

    I took the liberty of conducting the appropriate science with my Charmin Ultra Strong toilet paper and observed that underhand tugs released 11 squares, while overhand only gave up 10. Correcting for any innate bias on my part I believe this experiment is a wash.

    Please find enclosed a chart demonstrating my results.


    As you can see there are other areas that I should address first.

    Good day Sir.
  • Yes, I really did it and 11/10 were my answers. I'm just that committed to you now CPF. (heart)
  • You forgot to account for a child's natural tendency to slap downward rather than up. Also, there will be an ongoing series of swings rather than one. Finally . . . you do what you want, but don't say we didn't warn you . . .
  • I'm afraid I can't accept your rebuttle without the necessary documentation. Please complete work on the level of my chart or admit your defeat.
  • Said documentation will be left as an exercise for the student. I've done my field work, so know whereof I speak. In the fullness of time you, too, will realize the truth of what I have stated. Until then, I remain serene in my certitude.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Said documentation will be left as an exercise for the student. I've done my field work, so know whereof I speak. In the fullness of time you, too, will realize the truth of what I have stated. Until then, I remain serene in my certitude.

    That sort of logic has made me a billionaire.

  • Boom Pancakes! Someone scored :)

    Congrats on the two impending events and thank you for bringing back so much potty humor in one thread :)

    by the way, overhand is so much better unless you have a cat that likes to play with paper like a younger Hobbesian forumer. Though if the cat is smart s/he will learn to just grab the underhand dangler and run with it.
  • Jesus wrote: »
    That sort of logic has made me a billionaire.


    Oh Christ . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Oh Christ . . .

    The proper response is Christ.
  • :D
    Hobbes wrote: »
    The proper response is Christ.

  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I'm just that committed to you now CPF. (heart)

    Hope you are not just teasing us..;)
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