Q & A Week; STR82ACE

Guess its my turn now. Let'r fly boys and girls.


  • As chief cook and bottle washer for the Ching Hill Poker League, what gave you the idea to start it up?
  • Also, given your penchant for going a little "crazy" on purchasing stuff for your current "thing" (how many chip sets, again?), how many motorcycyles do you see yourself purchasing in the next three years? How many have you already thought about trading up for?
  • I recall a while back you went on a weight loss kick..

    How is / did that go (how much did you lose) and did you maintain it?

  • Who would you like to see participate in Q & A Week that currently is not signed up for it and has not participated in the past?
  • Question that i'll be asking everyone.

    Who will look better in a dress, myself or Wetts? Who do you secretly want to see in a dress more?

    You ever going to come to Vegas with us?
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Question that i'll be asking everyone.

    Who will look better in a dress, myself or Wetts? Who do you secretly want to see in a dress more?

    Apologies for the hijack, but you seem to be having an inordinate fascination with women's wear lately . . . just sayin'
  • Milo wrote: »
    Apologies for the hijack, but you seem to be having an inordinate fascination with women's wear lately . . . just sayin'

    Just because there is a very slim chance i may end up having to wear some :)
  • Milo wrote: »
    As chief cook and bottle washer for the Ching Hill Poker League, what gave you the idea to start it up?

    Wanted a place to play, and really didn't know anything about the game. Hosted my first game and only three players showed up, but it was still pretty good. One of them is still a regular, that was like 6 or 7 years ago now.

    Just wanted to play, and couldn't really find anything local that was steady. Wasn't ready to play any underground club games yet so I thought I would start hosting a weekly league game. After talking to a couple of guys that knew more about it than I did, the Ching Hill League was born. And I'm still enjoying hosting games.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Also, given your penchant for going a little "crazy" on purchasing stuff for your current "thing" (how many chip sets, again?), how many motorcycyles do you see yourself purchasing in the next three years? How many have you already thought about trading up for?

    Last count, I think I have 5 complete sets, and still working on my $1 Canadian Casino set. That one will be a very long term project, but I already got a couple hundred chips I think. In saying that, with the Ching Hill customs and the E&C AJ's Card Room, I'm pretty much done with poker chip purchases, unless a really super stupidly cheap deal comes my way.

    As far as motorcycles, I can only see me owing one at any given time. The plan is to trade up in the next year or so to an 1100 or 1300, but I'm in no hurry yet. I really enjoy riding, but I still have a lot to learn.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I recall a while back you went on a weight loss kick..

    How is / did that go (how much did you lose) and did you maintain it?


    I had lost about 40 pounds, then went to hell. Not sure what happened. Just got tired of eating rabbit food I guess. I'm up again to almost where I was when I started that thread. I really need to take it off and KEEP it off, but its not easy. I have always enjoyed eating and have been a big guy since my early teens, so its going to be a bitch to keep it off.

    Smoking is another vice I need to get under control. My best friend surprised me when I hooked up with him a couple of weeks ago. He smoked more than I did/do and quit cold turkey last Febuary and hasn't had one since. Good for him!!
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    Who would you like to see participate in Q & A Week that currently is not signed up for it and has not participated in the past?

    I'll have to visit the previous post and find out who didn't participate, but right now, I would have to say one of the old crew who doesn't participate anymore. I would LOVE to see what BBC_Z has to say.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Question that i'll be asking everyone.

    Who will look better in a dress, myself or Wetts? Who do you secretly want to see in a dress more?

    You ever going to come to Vegas with us?

    I think Wetts has the legs for the dress moreso than you, but I honestly hope he takes this sidebet. You're both very good players, and it would be a hell of finish either way, but you in dress would be hilarious!!!

    Ahhhhh Vegas...another bucket list item I need to take action on. Someday, boys...someday. You just have to promise my wife to bring me back, and promise me you won't tell her about anything that happened!!!!
  • why do you cheer for the worst team in the league? ;)
  • reibs wrote: »
    why do you cheer for the worst team in the league? ;)

    I don't. Was never a Leafs fan in ANY way, shape, or form.
  • First job?

    Biggest poker win (non-BAP)?
  • How did you come up with your forum name? I'm hoping it has something to do with going runner runner on JohnnieH to hit broadway and bust his flopped set, causing him to climb the nearest tall building and attack any planes and helicopters that come near him, a la the classic video game Rampage.

    Who is your daddy and what does he do? (I just saw an Arnie meme and that's what always pops into my head when I see him)

    What would your super power be?

    What's your go to move on a date?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    I don't. Was never a Leafs fan in ANY way, shape, or form.

    This is against the rules imo. You are avoiding the question.... Its obvious I was talking about the bruins...:D
  • tits or ass?
  • Milo wrote: »
    First job?

    Biggest poker win (non-BAP)?

    My first job was newspaper boy. Hated it! Never got the billing right and screwed me out of three months pay. To this day, I won't even look at the Toronto Star. After that, was a farm hand (aka slave labour), then moved up to working on a mink ranch. Nasty critters dem mink...still have scars from that.

    Biggest win to date was about $1200 in one of the leagues first SET games, think it was season 3 or 4, not sure. I want to play more large games though with bigger fields, see what I can do there.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    How did you come up with your forum name? I'm hoping it has something to do with going runner runner on JohnnieH to hit broadway and bust his flopped set, causing him to climb the nearest tall building and attack any planes and helicopters that come near him, a la the classic video game Rampage.

    Who is your daddy and what does he do? (I just saw an Arnie meme and that's what always pops into my head when I see him)

    What would your super power be?

    What's your go to move on a date?

    Didn't know Johnnie back then. When I was first interested in playing, I read a news article about a game in Kitchener (at that time it was organized by the founder of this site Sloth). Read about this site then, and signed up. As far as my handle, I was surprised it wasn't already taken.

    Dad passed away last November. He was always a strong man, but his heart deterioriated over the last few years until he could barely move, but he would always push his limits. The day he passed, he was actually helping a friend who needed some help. That was my daddy.

    Super Power?? Always wanted to fly, but lately, I would much rather shoot fire from my eyes in the direction of those morons who consistenly piss me off!

    Go to move on a date??? PAYING!! >:D
  • reibs wrote: »
    This is against the rules imo. You are avoiding the question.... Its obvious I was talking about the bruins...:D

    Rules said HONEST. Never lied. BRUINS RULE!!!
  • trigs wrote: »
    tits or ass?

    Both are pleasant to look at and a pleasure to hold, but a nicely shaped ass will ALWAYS get my first attention. Usually because they're running away from me.
  • your arms, bent at the elbow
    hands, palms up
    arms shoulder width apart

    are you doing this?

    If you have a moth ball in your left hand

    and a moth ball in your right hand

    What do you have?
  • 1. You mentioned a little while ago that you had met up with your son, have you stayed in contact?
    2. Least and most favorite part of Royal Cups past
    3. If you could change one thing in Royal Cup what would it be
    4. What do you do for work?
    5. Your biggest life leak
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    your arms, bent at the elbow
    hands, palms up
    arms shoulder width apart

    are you doing this?

    If you have a moth ball in your left hand

    and a moth ball in your right hand

    What do you have?

    sore arms??
    and no I did NOT do it!
  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    1. You mentioned a little while ago that you had met up with your son, have you stayed in contact?
    2. Least and most favorite part of Royal Cups past
    3. If you could change one thing in Royal Cup what would it be
    4. What do you do for work?
    5. Your biggest life leak

    1. Yes, I try to go see him and his family at least once a month or more. My grandson is currently in a body cast which hopefully gets removed Aug 10. He fell off a stack of chairs he was climbing and the stack fell over on top of him, breaking his leg up near the hip. Poor kid has been in a cast all summer so far, from his toes to his chest. Hopefully he can be a little boy again starting this weekend. They actually took me out for dinner at CrossRoads in Elmira...great place, excellent food...then I ended up umpiring his slowpitch game that night. Had a great time with them all.

    2. Least part of the RC's past is drive and the headaches getting a team together. For me, though, getting a team hasn't been as bad as other captains. Best part of RC is the socializing. Great group of people for the most part and a great time every event.

    3. If I could change one thing, it would be Limit game. Don't get me wrong, I like Limit, just wish the blinds were player friendly, but I understand why they are what they are due to time constraints.

    4. Since graduating in 1995, I've been a Master Production Scheduler for several different companies, the longest being my current company, manufacturing landing gear component parts. However, I recently accepted another position as Manager - Shipping, Receiving, and Logistics with the same company. Its a bit foreign to me as a Scheduler for so long, but I'm getting a grasp of things. Fortunately, with the contacts I've made over the years on this forum, I am about to begin a very aggressive cost reduction project in my department and looking for certain members here to make me look like a hero. They BETTER come through too!!! ^-^

    5. I would have to say my biggest Life Leak would be procrastination. I'm always putting shit off for another time, from cutting the lawn to filing income taxes. Hell, even my recent bike hobby didn't come to life until I am almost 50 and it was something I've wanted to do since I was 20 years old.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    sore arms??
    and no I did NOT do it!

    You have a mighty big moth by the balls!

    Milton Slim
  • Why is it so hard for you to fold Aces?

    You know I am going to go flop, runner, runner . . . and still you try.

    Would you consider this a leak?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Why is it so hard for you to fold Aces?

    You know I am going to go flop, runner, runner . . . and still you try.

    Would you consider this a leak?

    No one...and I mean NO ONE...cracks my aces as often as you seem to do. Its not you personally, Milo...its just...fuck it...ITS YOU!!


    Seriously, I would take the odds everytime, but it just seems like you always manage to beat the odds more often than mathematically possible.
  • Honestly, I just did not give enough weight to Aces in your range at that point. What is it Darryl says? Play bad, run good? Not enough to make the $$$ last night, but getting better results this season . . .
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