Q & A Week with Milo



  • What does it tell you about the progression of this forum and the OTL that you're first question week got 4k view and this one has 400?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    What does it tell you about the progression of this forum and the OTL that you're first question week got 4k view and this one has 400?

    I am going to say it was one of the following:

    a) I peaked too early.

    b) Mark should have taken in the lead-off spot.

    c) The concept may not be as interesting the second time around.

    d) Holiday weekend.

    I leave it to others to decide, but I am leaning towards "A", with a little bit of "B".

    I just went back through that original thread, some of those questions were pretty funny.
  • wouldn't take it personally milo

    i just think people really don't give a fuck tbh, and that's no offense to you.

    i guess we will see maybe how the next couple days go.
  • costanza wrote: »
    wouldn't take it personally milo

    i just think people really don't give a fuck tbh, and that's no offense to you.

    i guess we will see maybe how the next couple days go.

    I rarely take anything on the internet personally, or at least I try not to . . .

    Indeed we will . . .

    Did I miss a question in your post?
  • I think we had a more active forum previously. That may be due to many factors, summertime being one of them. I definitely wouldn't take it personally.

    Although, with your post about the angry pills you're now taking, everyone is probably just scared shitless of asking you a question and having it taken the wrong way.

    "What the fuck do you mean how am I?!!!!!! ROOOOOOOOOOARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!"

    Or something to that effect.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    I think we had a more active forum previously. That may be due to many factors, summertime being one of them. I definitely wouldn't take it personally.

    Although, with your post about the angry pills you're now taking, everyone is probably just scared shitless of asking you a question and having it taken the wrong way.

    "What the fuck do you mean how am I?!!!!!! ROOOOOOOOOOARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!"

    Or something to that effect.

    Actually, I have only had one outburst to date. Went to Wal-Mart yesterday with the wife. Little girl ran in front of our cart, Mother cut across to grab her. While I wait for them to cross back in front and exit, my wife says something like "Come on" to which I said "Relax". Mom of little girl says "Yeah relax", and I gave it to her with both barrels. Was not proud of it, but nobody talks to my wife like that, and I was in no mood for any shit.

    Major side effect of the pills so far seems to be phases of profuse sweating . . . like, soak through your shirt in minutes type sweats. Then, in about 20 minutes, nothing.
  • what's your favorite thing to take for lunch to work?

    what do you do (if u are comfortable answering) (for work)?

    what did you take in school?
  • You super satty into the main event for WSOP 2013. Would you a) sell the ticket for $9500 or b) go play (airfare, hotel etc is out of pocket) ?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Actually, I have only had one outburst to date. Went to Wal-Mart yesterday with the wife. Little girl ran in front of our cart, Mother cut across to grab her. While I wait for them to cross back in front and exit, my wife says something like "Come on" to which I said "Relax". Mom of little girl says "Yeah relax", and I gave it to her with both barrels. Was not proud of it, but nobody talks to my wife like that, and I was in no mood for any shit.

    Major side effect of the pills so far seems to be phases of profuse sweating . . . like, soak through your shirt in minutes type sweats. Then, in about 20 minutes, nothing.

    Read bold as swearing. Made the next sentence very interesting.
  • costanza wrote: »
    what's your favorite thing to take for lunch to work?

    I do not really eat lunch. I have found that my lifestyle (sedentary), and my Colitis, make a third meal something of an issue for me.

    what do you do (if u are comfortable answering) (for work)?

    I run a small warehouse for a global chemical manufacturer. The company has four major divisions: |Industrial Plating products, Printed Circuit products, Graphic Arts/Printing, and Oil/Gas industry.

    what did you take in school?

    I took general education courses throughout high school, slightly leaning to Maths. Never went to university or college. Would have pissed away my time there, like my older brother, as I did not have the self discipline at the time to force myself to do the work on my own.
  • Crazy supervillain is holding the Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino hostage

    All the regular posters are there, and he tells you he is going to kill every other person here, or you have to choose one person to die. Who do you pick (no hero time picking yourself)

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Crazy supervillain is holding the Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino hostage

    All the regular posters are there, and he tells you he is going to kill every other person here, or you have to choose one person to die. Who do you pick (no hero time picking yourself)


    Well, the Tony Stark answer would be to tell the Villain to kill themselves, as your question did not seem to preclude that. However, lets assume that this type of "crazy" would not appeal to the villain, and carry on as if it has to be a CPF member that I choose.

    Would this be "quick and painless", or "long and painful"? Regardless, I am still not qualified to play God, so I would probably refuse to select someone, hoping that my cowardice might induce someone to volunteer (especially since I am not allowed to do so).

    The logical thing would be to select someone suffering a terminal illness, as this would just be accelerating something that is already going to happen, but is anybody amongst the regs dying any faster than the rest of us?

    Who knows . . . joke answer follows:

    In the end, I would probably select that bastard Phred . . . he used to be a regular, and he and I have never seen eye to eye.

    Now that that's out of the way, you will probably press for a serious response if I end here, so here goes. No offense to compuease, but I have always believed in "Women and Children first" in "lifeboat" scenarios, so the oldest male present is getting the chop.
  • I'm sure some of these might have been covered a few years ago but not everyone was around then and sometimes answers change over time so here goes.

    1)Favourite musical artist or group?

    2)Best song to get the old lady in the mood?

    3)Happiest moment of your life so far?

    4) Would you say you're a tits man, ass man, leg man or other (please specify if other)?

    5) What would be your ideal, cost isn't an issue, one week vacation?
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    I'm sure some of these might have been covered a few years ago but not everyone was around then and sometimes answers change over time so here goes.

    1)Favourite musical artist or group?

    Queensryche and Iron Maiden always alternate in my head for hevy metal, but I would still go with The Clash.

    2)Best song to get the old lady in the mood?

    Honestly, I could not say, atm . . .

    3)Happiest moment of your life so far?

    Birth of my daughter, no question.

    4) Would you say you're a tits man, ass man, leg man or other (please specify if other)?

    I like a complete woman, rather than parts. I do favour the ass as I have gotten older.

    5) What would be your ideal, cost isn't an issue, one week vacation?

    I think I would like South Africa. To go on a safari and see the zoo animals in the wild would be amazing.

    Money no object, I would snap call Everest, but you said one week, and that would take much longer. not sure what it would cost to drag my ass up that mountain, but the view would be worth it.
  • If turning to a life of crime what would be your specialty?
  • literation wrote: »
    If turning to a life of crime what would be your specialty?

    Killer for hire . . .
  • Not including poker, if you could win a major championship in any sport what would you choose?
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    Not including poker, if you could win a major championship in any sport what would you choose?

    Mann Cup in lacrosse. Canada's National Sport, and I was never able to go as far as I could have because my parents could not commit to the travel needed.
  • literation wrote: »
    You super satty into the main event for WSOP 2013. Would you a) sell the ticket for $9500 or b) go play (airfare, hotel etc is out of pocket) ?

    Was it too ludicrous, boring or just missed it? See above.
  • Whats your worst drunk story?
  • literation wrote: »
    You super satty into the main event for WSOP 2013. Would you a) sell the ticket for $9500 or b) go play (airfare, hotel etc is out of pocket) ?

    Missed this one . . . sorry.

    I would go with "C" . . .

    Host a two table $100.00 buy-in tourney for the package. I keep the buy-ins, winner gets the package, and all participants get 3% equity, including the host.

    If forced to choose A or B I would sell it.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Whats your worst drunk story?

    Worst as in most drunk I have ever been? Easy game . . . I answered this one last time.

    Best friend used to host pool parties when he worked at McD's . . . lots of girls, lots of booze, and the two of us had a decent little DJ booth set up. I was running two turntables, three cassette decks, and taking free drinks for requests.

    Started out drinking Rye and coke until half way through my bottle I ran out of mix. started drinking straight Rye out of the bottle . . . bad sign #1.

    People kept feeding me drinks for songs, to the point that I had a girl slap me in the face for reasons I still do not know . . . bad sign #2.

    Party is over, and it takes me 45 minutes to walk home, a distance of some 200-300m . . . this time frame is courtesy of my best friends Mom . . . bad sign #3.

    I was not aware of being followed . . . bad sign #4.

    Get to bed, and the room is spinning one way, while I am spinning the other. Contents of my stomach are about to go nuclear as I rush to the bathroom to spew . . . not noticing the light is already on.

    Classic hook slide to the bowl, whereupon I smash my face on my Father's knee, interrupting his late night visitation. I roll over to the tub, and start puking and bleeding into it while he is cursing a blue streak. Mom gets to play conciliator, and the only thing I can think to say is, "Dad . . . kill me, but just stop yelling . . ."

    And that is my worst drunk story.
  • How many 5 year olds would it take to beat you up?

    How much money would it take for you to play for the other team for a night?

    Will you take a check?

  • Cerberus wrote: »
    How many 5 year olds would it take to beat you up?

    One . . . my daughter accidentally on purpose sacked me one time when she was around five . . . I was done for. So yeah, one.

    How much money would it take for you to play for the other team for a night?

    It would take at least $1,000.00 for me to cheer for the Habs for a nig- . . . what? But I though . . . you mean?


    Will you take a check?


    Like the sign said, IN God We Trust . . . everybody else pays CASH.
  • Milo wrote: »
    but is anybody amongst the regs dying any faster than the rest of us?

    No offense to compuease, but I have always believed in "Women and Children first" in "lifeboat" scenarios, so the oldest male present is getting the chop.
    Somehow when I read your first sentence, I knew where you were going.... Will you believe I'm a lot younger than I look?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »

    Well, you're closer to being a senior than I am, so not much of it.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Somehow when I read your first sentence, I knew where you were going.... Will you believe I'm a lot younger than I look?

    Another old adage comes to mind, Trust everyone, but ALWAYS cut the deck. In this case that means show me some ID.
  • TIME Gentlemen . . . thank you.

    Next up . . . STR82ACE.
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