

  • darbday wrote: »
    I demand a trial from an IMPARTIAL jury before I'm banned at the stake.

    Be better and easier if you just left. Those that would come closest to impartial are hardly regulars I'd believe.

  • I will readily admit I have not even bothered to read the last few threads darb has started....and that was obviously by choice. While I'm not sure someone should be banned for starting numerous, endless, whatever was in these posts kind of posts....darb...have you ever thought that just maybe it was time to get a life outside PFC?
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Be better and easier if you just left. Those that would come closest to impartial are hardly regulars I'd believe.

    Yes we are pointing out that the issue is this site is a just a clique where people with views disagree with are not welcome.

    SuperNed wrote: »
    I will readily admit I have not even bothered to read the last few threads darb has started....and that was obviously by choice. While I'm not sure someone should be banned for starting numerous, endless, whatever was in these posts kind of posts....darb...have you ever thought that just maybe it was time to get a life outside PFC?
    Thank you for explaining you don't know anything about what the threads are actually about and that you just stopped by to put someone down. You have to understand, these are the things we pass down to our younger generations. It doesn't matter if you tell someone to act with compassion, your actions speak louder.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Yes we are pointing out that the issue is this site is a just a clique where people with views disagree with are not welcome.

    No, disagreement is welcome, your batshittiness isn't. Leave. No amount of strategy posts are worth your brand of fucked up. If it's cliquey and you know it, just leave.

  • I do not support banning darb. No one is forced to enter his odd little world, or read the ridiculous nonsense he posts in his threads. His fascination with "teachings" of this Jedi Krishnasomethingorother, and the rambling incoherence it inspires, is somewhat entertaining when you think it is primarily fueled by too much free time, and a vaporizer . . . as I do. It is apparent that something "not quite right" is going on in darb's head. Therefore, it is my intention to avoid any posts from him similar to those he has started over the last few days. Poker strat? Sure . . . but no more of this.

    I will now go and start a Q & A thread . . . feel free to drop by.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Thank you for explaining you don't know anything about what the threads are actually about and that you just stopped by to put someone down. You have to understand, these are the things we pass down to our younger generations. It doesn't matter if you tell someone to act with compassion, your actions speak louder.

    I didn't just stop by or put you down :(
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    No, disagreement is welcome, your batshittiness
  • Shouldn't be banned for the multiple threads about nothing, he needs to be banned for contentiously spewing anti-semitic remarks about the Jews controlling the world.

  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Shouldn't be banned for the multiple threads about nothing, he needs to be banned for contentiously spewing anti-semitic remarks about the Jews controlling the world.

    I agree its not true.

    Here is a thread about anger/versus intelligence.
  • darbday wrote: »
    I agree its not true.

    Here is a thread about anger/versus intelligence.

    Given the context in which you first posted it, I don't believe you. Thank you GTA for keeping a copy of that post for everyone to see.
  • i think some of us may need this.

    Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie
  • reibs wrote: »
    lol at the whiners around here... dont like it? DON'T FUCKING READ IT! Its an OT forum for a reason.

    I have ZERO feelings one way or the other towards his threads.... have i read it? yup. Have I whined about his thoughts or told him to get 'help' or anything? NO. Do I think he needs 'help' or banning? I don't know, I don't fucking care. I'm not a professional and I haven't even met the guy. Its his life, he can believe w/e the hell he wants, so long as he doesn't harm others in any way with those beliefs. That's the beauty of living in Canada.

    I do however think it could be cleaned up and all in one thread since its all the same stuff (or related anyways). But thats comp/wes/et all's decision. Not drtyore or jah the self-knighted masters of pfc.

    Bang on.


    Just my 2 cents, darb you're my bro but you only need 1 thread for this stuff, but I agree with you that you have a right to defend yourself and answer posts about you.:cool2:

    Should we not all be talking about poker and getting ready for the full tilt opening anyway?;)
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Given the context in which you first posted it, I don't believe you. Thank you GTA for keeping a copy of that post for everyone to see.
    No I want everyone to see, lets not pretend like I would have it hidden.

    So you will hold me to being racist even if I am clearly not, because GTA freaked out and called me a racist because he got emotional and didn't' understand what I was saying?

    You are choosing to take my words out of context on purpose instead of addressing how I really feel.
  • Darb, a few things:

    - johnnieH never called you racist. He said, very specifically, you were making anti-semetic statements. Please note that he never called you an anti-semite, just said that you had made anti-semetic statements.

    - I stated that you were, for all intents and purposes, playing spin doctor and trying to take anything you could that people said to make it look like you were either A) being picked on, B) being agreed with or C) smarter than everyone because you think in an "open" way (I know you used a better word but I can't think of it)

    - The reason I stopped this morning was because I had finished my tourney I was playing. At the moment, I have a full time job, a wedding to plan, a wrestling show to promote/sell tickets/get sponsors for, a fiancee to spend time with, a book to write and friends to hang out with. The time spent on these topics is on an as I have time basis. At the moment, I'm finishing lunch at work.

    To me, if you get the anti-semetic comments (again, note the comments are anti-semetic, not you as an entity necessarily), I've got no issue with you being here.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Darb, a few things:

    - johnnieH never called you racist. He said, very specifically, you were making anti-semetic statements. Please note that he never called you an anti-semite, just said that you had made anti-semetic statements.
    I did not say anything anti-semetic.
    - I stated that you were, for all intents and purposes, playing spin doctor and trying to take anything you could that people said to make it look like you were either A) being picked on, B) being agreed with or C) smarter than everyone because you think in an "open" way (I know you used a better word but I can't think of it)
    sure you stated these things.
    - The reason I stopped this morning
    I think you are suggesting that me and you came to an understanding an stopped. Thats not what I meant, what I meant is we came to a point in our back and forth convo where you understood I was claiming to come from an unconditioned root. This is a debate you can yell at me for not being correct....suggesting I am capable of anti semetism is not (note I didn't say that you said I was anti-semetic).
    To me, if you get the anti-semetic comments (again, note the comments are anti-semetic, not you as an entity necessarily), I've got no issue with you being here.
    good then you had no issue with me in the first place.

    Edit: What word do we have if someone is against the black race. or Against the religion of say Buddhism? Anti?
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    At the moment, I have a full time job, a wedding to plan, a wrestling show to promote/sell tickets/get sponsors for, a fiancee to spend time with, a book to write and friends to hang out with. The time spent on these topics is on an as I have time basis. At the moment, I'm finishing lunch at work.

    Not that I wish you bad luck on the rest, but good luck with the wedding! We will soon welcome you to the club.
  • Containment thread FTW, for the purpose of the OT lounge I truly believe this is the best option. Take all these threads, merge them, and set an expectation that this is the containment thread.

    Ban? Why? Its not like he posted strategy in BBV (A truly bannable offense)

    Dont like? Dont read.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Containment thread FTW, for the purpose of the OT lounge I truly believe this is the best option. Take all these threads, merge them, and set an expectation that this is the containment thread.

    Ban? Why? Its not like he posted strategy in BBV (A truly bannable offense)

    Dont like? Dont read.

    But really I had to split up my thoughts to do my own containment, since my thread was 90% people quoting each other on how stupid I am.

    Nonetheless, its not like I could do this again, everything will fizzle out and we'll be left with the original thread.

    I made 4 threads, and now there is this one and other spin offs and 4,000 post by people who who just stopped by to call me anti-semtic.
  • darbday wrote: »

    I made 4 threads, and now there is this one and other spin offs and 4,000 post by people who who just stopped by to call me anti-semtic.

    Dam, I knew I forgot something today.
  • LMFAO ppl actually are calling joda an anti semite???

    that so fucking funny lmao

    i love this place.
  • costanza wrote: »
    LMFAO ppl actually are calling joda an anti semite???

    that so fucking funny lmao

    i love this place.
    I know and people calling me racist wtf?

    Trivia time:

    What group of people believes that their race is religiously (therefore ultimately) superior over all others?

    Hint: they might call you racist if you suggest their bible is silly even if you don't believe in race that way.
  • christian extremists?
  • darbday wrote: »
    I did not say anything anti-semetic.

    sure you stated these things.

    I think you are suggesting that me and you came to an understanding an stopped. Thats not what I meant, what I meant is we came to a point in our back and forth convo where you understood I was claiming to come from an unconditioned root. This is a debate you can yell at me for not being correct....suggesting I am capable of anti semetism is not (note I didn't say that you said I was anti-semetic).
    good then you had no issue with me in the first place.

    Edit: What word do we have if someone is against the black race. or Against the religion of say Buddhism? Anti?

    If it was something against black people, it would be racist. If it were something against Buddhism (as that was your example), it would be anti-Buddhist.

    I understand that you are stating you don't believe in race. Good for you. Unfortunately, it is something that is a part of our culture, to define people as being a certain race depending on the colour of their skin. Defining someone as a certain race is far different than despising them for being that race.

    I don't understand how anyone could be anti-Buddhist though. His statues look so happy, like he's been eating lots of cookies.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    If it was something against black people, it would be racist. If it were something against Buddhism (as that was your example), it would be anti-Buddhist.
    Yes I'm pointing out that being against the Jewish race is racism but we have our own word for it anti-semitism. We don't have use unique words for the other distinctions. Like Anti-Bleckvism for people who don't like blacks, we just say they are racist.
    I understand that you are stating you don't believe in race. Good for you. Unfortunately, it is something that is a part of our culture, to define people as being a certain race depending on the colour of their skin. Defining someone as a certain race is far different than despising them for being that race.
    ??? Seriously tho I'm not racist I understand all this.
    I don't understand how anyone could be anti-Buddhist though. His statues look so happy, like he's been eating lots of cookies.
    hmm, same with being anti- black people too right ;) and all people :)
  • darbday wrote: »
    Yes I'm pointing out that being against the Jewish race is racism but we have our own word for it anti-semitism. We don't have use unique words for the other distinctions. Like Anti-Bleckvism for people who don't like blacks, we just say they are racist.

    ??? Seriously tho I'm not racist I understand all this.

    hmm, same with being anti- black people too right ;) and all people :)


    We have a veritable rainbow of hate. You just choose to ignore yours.

  • How is this allowed? I love the "if you don't like it don't read it" BS. You guys are apologizing for a Holocaust denier. Freedom of speech doesn't mean it's ok to espouse hatred based on Race/religion. Jews run the media/military/government. I'm not sure if the Holocaust occured. You guys are fine with this? Go put your head in the sand. Freedom of speech includes my right to say ban this moron. Ban him now. Not because I disagree....(though I do) but because allowing this says it's ok to bring this shit around. Anyone have a problem with gays? Here's your platform: "Pokerforum: where we can talk about poker and slag Jews for controlling the Media!" Just because he didn't type the words "I hate Jews" doesn't mean we can't read between the lines. It's not funny, it's not cute, it's wrong. Ban him or ban me for a month please. Otherwise I can't sit here and not say anything.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Yes I'm pointing out that being against the Jewish race is racism but we have our own word for it anti-semitism. We don't have use unique words for the other distinctions. Like Anti-Bleckvism for people who don't like blacks, we just say they are racist.

    Ummm, Darb, Jewish people aren't a race, they're a religious group. That's why it's anti-Semitism not being a Jewist.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    How is this allowed? I love the "if you don't like it don't read it" BS. You guys are apologizing for a Holocaust denier. Freedom of speech doesn't mean it's ok to espouse hatred based on Race/religion. Jews run the media/military/government. I'm not sure if the Holocaust occured. You guys are fine with this? Go put your head in the sand. Freedom of speech includes my right to say ban this moron. Ban him now. Not because I disagree....(though I do) but because allowing this says it's ok to bring this shit around. Anyone have a problem with gays? Here's your platform: "Pokerforum: where we can talk about poker and slag Jews for controlling the Media!" Just because he didn't type the words "I hate Jews" doesn't mean we can't read between the lines. It's not funny, it's not cute, it's wrong. Ban him or ban me for a month please. Otherwise I can't sit here and not say anything.

    Actually, "Freedom of Speech" means exactly that . . . our laws against "hate speech" are a restriction on the Freedom to speak. I agree it is a technical point, but it is a valid one. We do not have unlimited Freedom of Speech in this country. As for reading between the lines, that is fraught with peril . . . I mean, do I support his statements? "Reading between the lines" might lead you to surmise that the answer would be "yes" owing to the fact that I do not think banning him is worthwhile. But you would be wrong. You can always put darb on "ignore".
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    How is this allowed? I love the "if you don't like it don't read it" BS. You guys are apologizing for a Holocaust denier. Freedom of speech doesn't mean it's ok to espouse hatred based on Race/religion. Jews run the media/military/government. I'm not sure if the Holocaust occured. You guys are fine with this? Go put your head in the sand. Freedom of speech includes my right to say ban this moron. Ban him now. Not because I disagree....(though I do) but because allowing this says it's ok to bring this shit around. Anyone have a problem with gays? Here's your platform: "Pokerforum: where we can talk about poker and slag Jews for controlling the Media!" Just because he didn't type the words "I hate Jews" doesn't mean we can't read between the lines. It's not funny, it's not cute, it's wrong. Ban him or ban me for a month please. Otherwise I can't sit here and not say anything.

    This! I'm really surprized the admins are letting this bullshit pollute this forum. I think my thread is more likely to get locked before darbs holocaust denial thread...the irony...
This discussion has been closed.