Can you ban this idiot already. I'm personally sick of his hate mongering.


  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Can you ban this idiot already. I'm personally sick of his hate mongering.
    You can't call someone an idiot and then accuse him of hate mongering.

    relax your emotions and then read this:

    It will make you smarter.

    I am suggesting the world needs to stop hating each other, you are hating on me and accusing me of hating others...I don't even hate you for doing this.
  • I was of the same mind actually, it's now equivalent of spamming...

    Here's an alternative - darb, go start a blogging account, and link to it from here via a thread or your signature or something, but enough is enough.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I was of the same mind actually, it's now equivalent of spamming...

    Here's an alternative - darb, go start a blogging account, and link to it from here via a thread or your signature or something, but enough is enough.


    This is why you don't get to run things, you are ridiculously partial.
    I made what 4 threads? So I get banned?
  • You know what...

    I was going to fall into the reply trap. I say again, start a separate blog site where you can post as much as you want about whatever you want. Link to it from here via posting or signature. What you are doing is, IMO, against the forum rules of bumping your own threads and starting far too many.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    You know what...

    I was going to fall into the reply trap.
    You were going to????
    I say again, start a separate blog site where you can post as much as you want about whatever you want. Link to it from here via posting or signature. What you are doing is, IMO, against the forum rules of bumping your own threads and starting far too many.

    How many strategy post are we allowed then. And how many times my we reply to peoples responses, my Lord?

    People don't like my opinion, I get banned and let back because I said nothing to deserve banning.....they rush in by droves to call me an idiot citing each other....and then I am to get banned for starting 4 thread and answering the replies???
  • darbday wrote: »

    This is why you don't get to run things, you are ridiculously partial.
    I made what 4 threads? So I get banned?

    At least the gun issue was relevent to what was going on locally and in the news. And I agree, stop the pointless threads that only mean something to you, or find another forum where they discuss those topics.
  • I accuse you of public incitement of hatred and therefore I advise the owners/management of this site to delete the related threads and ban you from future use of this site:

    PUBLIC INCITEMENT OF HATRED/Willful promotion of hatred/Defenses/ Forfeiture/Exemption from seizure of communication facilities/Consent/Definitions/ "communication"/" identifiable group"/" public place"/" statements."

    Section 319 of the Criminal Code

    (1) Everyone who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of

    (a) an indictable offense and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or

    (b) an offense punishable on summary conviction.

    (2) Everyone who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, 'willfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of

    (a) an indictable offense and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or

    (b) an offense punishable on summary conviction.

    (3) No person shall be convicted of an offense under subsection (2)

    (a) if he establishes that the statements communicated were true;

    (b) if, in good faith, he expressed or attempted to establish by argument an opinion on a religious subject;

    (c) if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds he believed them to be true; or

    (d) if, in good faith, he intended to point out, for the purpose of removal, matters producing or tending to produce feelings of hatred toward an identifiable group in Canada.
  • Hahaha,

    I did no such thing, but you are definitely projecting unwarranted hate on me right now.

    Show me one sentence where I showed hate towards a group that would incriminate me?
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    At least the gun issue was relevent to what was going on locally and in the news. And I agree, stop the pointless threads that only mean something to you, or find another forum where they discuss those topics.
    This is my point dj, we want to debate our petty lives while we rape the world. People are living horrible lives because of me and you. I choose not to ignore it, you choose to support my banning.

    I am sticking up for every person on this are hating me for it.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    I accuse you of public incitement of hatred and therefore I advise the owners/management of this site to delete the related threads and ban you from future use of this site:
    you realize the topic of those threads is censorships right...?

    you haven't even watched the vids to know what you are protesting?

    also i think we should archive the threads because I won't to know the world how unintelligent and hateful we were at this time

    Just to be clear I don't hate anyone.
  • How's the God complex coming along Darb? You able to walk on water yet? Change water into wine? What about raising from the dead, can you pull that off?
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    How's the God complex coming along Darb? You able to walk on water yet? Change water into wine? What about raising from the dead, can you pull that off?
    I don't believe in those things koby, what are you talking about?

    You think in terms of god complex because tis all you've ever been taught to do....."This guy thinks he's God, but I know hes not"

    I don't believe in Gods how could I think I am one?
  • Everyone who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, 'willfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of
    identify the group I am promoting hate against?
    Everyone who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of
    identify the group?
  • "God complex" is a term people use to describe someone who thinks they're better than those around them darb, I've been accused of it myself. It doesn't necessitate a belief in a god - not unlike narcissism would require belief in ancient fables.

    Think of it in terms or relativity.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    "God complex" is a term people use to describe someone who thinks they're better than those around them darb, I've been accused of it myself. It doesn't necessitate a belief in a god - not unlike narcissism would require belief in ancient fables.

    I still don't think its possible to be better than someone.
    Think of it in terms or relativity.
    No this is a gross misunderstanding of relativity. Relativity says depending on your viewpoint everything is the same and/or different.

    A car traveling @ 100 km/h goes by me @ 100km/h when I'm at rest....

    but if I too and drive @ 100 km/h then the car is at rest compared to me

    the truth is the car is both moving an not moving.

    Much like the sun and the planets....much like everything.

    I have no views that make me above or below anyone nor is it possible for my mind to hold such a notion.

    That is a fact and it is clear.
  • lol at the whiners around here... dont like it? DON'T FUCKING READ IT! Its an OT forum for a reason.

    I have ZERO feelings one way or the other towards his threads.... have i read it? yup. Have I whined about his thoughts or told him to get 'help' or anything? NO. Do I think he needs 'help' or banning? I don't know, I don't fucking care. I'm not a professional and I haven't even met the guy. Its his life, he can believe w/e the hell he wants, so long as he doesn't harm others in any way with those beliefs. That's the beauty of living in Canada.

    I do however think it could be cleaned up and all in one thread since its all the same stuff (or related anyways). But thats comp/wes/et all's decision. Not drtyore or jah the self-knighted masters of pfc.
  • Darb..

    I am most impressed. Not at any of your postings, they're just nutty. But it's REALLY impressive that you're able to pat yourself on the back, post about how great you are, and stroke your cock at the same time.... truly a marvel beyond my meagre mind.

  • reibs wrote: »
    lol at the whiners around here... dont like it? DON'T FUCKING READ IT! Its an OT forum for a reason.

    I have ZERO feelings one way or the other towards his threads.... have i read it? yup. Have I whined about his thoughts or told him to get 'help' or anything? NO. Do I think he needs 'help' or banning? I don't know, I don't fucking care. I'm not a professional and I haven't even met the guy. Its his life, he can believe w/e the hell he wants, so long as he doesn't harm others in any way with those beliefs. That's the beauty of living in Canada.

    I do however think it could be cleaned up and all in one thread since its all the same stuff (or related anyways). But thats comp/wes/et all's decision. Not drtyore or jah the self-knighted masters of pfc.
    omg are you whining about whining now?
  • DrTyore wrote: »

    I am most impressed. Not at any of your postings, they're just nutty. But it's REALLY impressive that you're able to pat yourself on the back, post about how great you are, and stroke your cock at the same time.... truly a marvel beyond my meagre mind.

    I find hilarious you constantly try to reinforce this when I don't believe in greatness. You obviously do and you can't stop getting mad at me for think I am better than you even though I don't think that whatsoever and don't believe in the concept.

    crazykoby wrote: »

    yes you quoted wiki.....Ill say it again, you see in terms of who is above who,

    That is you telling me I am below you because I have a God complex

    But, I see we are all obviously equal.
  • darbday wrote: »
    I find hilarious you constantly try to reinforce this when I don't believe in greatness. You obviously do and you can't stop getting mad at me for think I am better than you even though I don't think that whatsoever and don't believe in the concept.

    Oh? Pick that up over the last few months did you? I seem to recall some gems like


    "yes everything you stated suggests i absolutely rape you at this game."

    "im telling you you are wrong and am not the d class player you think i am, and i am leagues above you"

    ... is it too late to go back and lock that thread to have him leave?

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Oh? Pick that up over the last few months did you? I seem to recall some gems like


    "yes everything you stated suggests i absolutely rape you at this game."

    "im telling you you are wrong and am not the d class player you think i am, and i am leagues above you"

    ... is it too late to go back and lock that thread to have him leave?

    Yes that thread was meant to put an instant stop to the fact that you were bullying me so hard and being so rude and terrible that I literally had to put a stop to it.

    In order to have fun here and play poker on the forum with out you filling the chat box with constantly beration...

    I stepped down to your level and showed you how stupid you think you are...

    But it wasn't about that, it was about how you are bully and bully's are cowards, not meaning I look down upon you but meaning if confront them they put their little tails between their legs and prance off.

    I stand by my claim, we are all one, and cannot be above each other.

    Oh and that thread worked by the way, you stopped instantly, like i knew you would.
  • darbday wrote: »
    I stepped down to your level and showed you how stupid you think you are...

    I'm sorry, I missed that part about not being greater?

  • You had actually bullied me for weeks to the point where I literally had to stand of for myself because you wouldn't stop.

    And I still don't think less of you for that...

    but others do.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Oh and that thread worked by the way, you stopped instantly, like i knew you would.

    I stopped? Didn't I just make a joke about you jerking off to your own posts? I think I did....

    Also, I don't think the term "bullying" should apply to adults. It may be the topic of my next "guns"esque thread.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I'm sorry, I missed that part about not being greater?

    yes you are right I am a racist now.
  • darbday wrote: »
    And I still don't think less of you for that...

    but others do.

    Haha... believe me, they don't.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I stopped? Didn't I just make a joke about you jerking off to your own posts? I think I did....

    Also, I don't think the term "bullying" should apply to adults. It may be the topic of my next "guns"esque thread.

    I have no problem with such things...I have problems with you continuously prodding at me so much that I can' even chat in the chat box.

    It was very very rude. And I know you've done it to helpless people all you're life, thats another reason I put an end to it, you need someone you can't push around.

    I teach people to stick up physically against people like defend others you feel need this kind of treatment.

    DrTyore wrote: »
    Haha... believe me, they don't.

    You shouldn't pick on people just because you think they are weaker than need to learn to control your need for conflict.

    DrTyore wrote: »
    I'm sorry, I missed that part about not being greater?

    Actually I wish I stopped here, this is where me an cerb stopped. Can a person really have this opinion we are all equal? that is the real debate? Remember I'm talking about universal equality. I murder is no worse than the murdered, this is in the universal sense or 'in gods eyes'. Thats a different thread but its the real argument. Can a person see holistically. Cerb started to argue no.
  • darbday wrote: »
    I have no problem with such things...I have problems with you continuously prodding at me so much that I can' even chat in the chat box.

    It was very very rude. And I know you've done it to helpless people all you're life, thats another reason I put an end to it, you need someone you can't push around.

    I teach people to stick up physically against people like defend others you feel need this kind of treatment.

    Oh darb... you're adorable. Don't ever change. The world needs people like you, to lead us. You're not the hero we want, but the hero we need. You make me want to be a better man. You complete me. You had me at hello. (For science, let me know which of those you actually achieved orgasm at).

  • I demand a trial from an IMPARTIAL jury before I'm banned at the stake.

This discussion has been closed.