Welcome to the world Dewey, Cheatem and Howe

The eggs in the Robin's nest on our porch have hatched. I have named the chicks.




  • So how many kids does this make now Hobbes...?
  • Don't mean to thread jack, but I got a rabbit that dug a hole and had some babies in my back yard. Dog found them and started playing with them, so I had to put them back in the hole. I don't think the mother has since come back. At least 1 still alive as of yesterday, same the covered top move up and down. I dunno what to do, if I owned a restauraunt or had a pet python, easy answer.
  • a Cat probably got mom. love cats but they are way too good at hunting shit,

    as for the birdies, thanks for the pics. Great names by the way niuck niuck niuck.
  • Not sure where you live but in general call animal control or the city or at this hour take them to your closest vet emerg clinic to be put to sleep so they are not suffering
  • nice pics hobbes
  • my two nests probably got raided by squirrels; where is the 24/7 webcam?
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    my two nests probably got raided by squirrels; where is the 24/7 webcam?

    Was going to, but the wife said to leave them alone. :(
  • I've got a family of foxes in a nest a block away from me. They actually stalked the dogs and I the other day. That would have been a battle royal for sure. A week ago, I found a deer leg on our morning walk right by their den. Rather, the dogs found a deer leg. Foxes couldn't have got it, must have been a pack of coyotes or something. Gone the next morning.

    However, very nice pics Hobbes. Hope you keep up with updates on their progress.

    I second GTA's comment about calling animal control for the young ones abandoned by their Mom's. My dogs found a baby squirrel, or rather it found them a few weeks ago. My wife found out when she pulled the head of the poor thing out of my Malinois' mouth! Yes, she did freak out.
  • The parents are getting super aggressive. I may have to use another door to get in / out of the house.

    Today's pic

  • Probably for a couple weeks, until the chicks learn to fly. Happened every year at my in-laws. they had Robins nesting in the trellis above the back deck.
  • This is pretty cool. Keep it up.
  • Just missed feeding time today. :(

    Hopefully this evening I'll catch it
  • Static cam, FTW . . .
  • Yep, robin's are pretty protective and get aggro when they don't trust your intentions.

    I've been painting an old cottage for almost two weeks now. There must be a nest somewhere nearby because every time I come down off my ladder, the Mom is right there hopping around watching me. She actually follows me around the cottage which is pretty interesting.

    I started talking to her last week. I'm working alone and it's pretty quiet around there. She hasn't started talking back to me yet, but if she does I'll start taking my medication again.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    This is pretty cool. Keep it up.

    Agreed, my wife is eagerly awaiting updates.
  • Testing the wings out ...


    Dinner time. This one's a bit blurry as I am avoiding the autofocus (spooks them) and it's a tad difficult with the glasses (need new ones)


    Proud Parent

  • Yep, robin's are pretty protective and get aggro when they don't trust your intentions.

    I've been painting an old cottage for almost two weeks now. There must be a nest somewhere nearby because every time I come down off my ladder, the Mom is right there hopping around watching me. She actually follows me around the cottage which is pretty interesting.

    I started talking to her last week. I'm working alone and it's pretty quiet around there. She hasn't started talking back to me yet, but if she does I'll start taking my medication again.

    We made the mistake last year of leaving a storage can door open with racking and some robins nested. Momma would feign the broken wing at first and draw attention away, but we would have to go in once in awhile, which was a two person operation avoiding dive bombs. A few bosses suggested we deal with problem at which point we pointed out they leave nest in like 3 weeks, so we would just have to wait it out.
    Being the safety officer, I posted a "warning! Angry Birds (the game graphics) poster on the nearest door ;p.

    All parties survived.
  • birds are so sick, very under rated

    my cat used to catch little robins and stuff, she would creep around and jump like 7 feet in the air to TID the birds
  • Couple from yesterday. They will soon be leaving the nest.


  • Another week, maybe . . . Costanza, is that why you got the rope?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Another week, maybe . . . Costanza, is that why you got the rope?

    got the rope so i can choke myself when i play poker and get pwned.

    ron, these birds really are cute as fuck.... im thinking of getting a pet bird now, only thing is, i know jack shit about them.

    are you feeding them anything or have any interaction with them at all?

    can birds be tamed at all?
  • My only interaction is ducking when the mother comes after me. :D
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    My only interaction is ducking when the mother comes after me. :D

  • They do seem to love those hanging planters for nesting, don't they?
  • Yup. Just hoping they don't lay more eggs.
  • Don't give them the chance. Soon as the young ones fly permanently, move the nest on out.
  • Costanza, do not attempt to tame a wild bird. It won't happen, and you'll likely kill it.

    If you're having birds nesting where you don't want them to, my Dad used to attach a small mirror wherever he thought they were considering for a home. They see themselves, freak out and won't build a nest.

    While restacking the woodpile yesterday I kept hearing this squeaking noise above me in a big cedar. Kept looking up and eventually saw a family of Blue Jays. The kids were huddled together and Mom and Dad were close by. They kept making short trips from one tree to another I'm sure readying for the departure from home. Couldn't take pics. Wife had absconded with my camera. Again. Baby Blue Jays are pretty cute.
  • We have Robins, of course, in our neighbourhood, as well as the usual assortment of grackles, finches, chickadees, etc. We also have a pair of Cardinals, as well as a pair of Blue Jays. It is intersting to note the territory changes each year. This year, the Jays seem to have won over our property because, though I hear the Cardinals singing, I have only seen them a couple times, while the Jays are a constant prescence. The last couple years it was the other way round.
  • Blue Jays are like the old school Mob. If they want an area as turf, they take it and defend it. If you get in their way, yer gonna get bombed and screamed at. Alot.
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