diablo 3



  • So at work today I asked a couple people what their plans for the weekend was.. this one girl said "D3"

    I thought she said T3 and she was going to do her taxes or something.. but nope Diablo 3.

  • Richard~ wrote: »
    gaming addicts don't have to play games if they don't want to

    exactly. so why feel bad or worried for them. their fault anyway ;)
  • Finished normal this weekend. Fucking epic. Can't wait for hell/inferno, as normal was ez-mode.
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    I play some games, I've made decent money playing league of legends, Probably up around 1k :P . SC2 is hard and I'm only around middish platina but diablo will def be played sooner or later
    You made money playing League of Legends?

    Richard~ wrote: »
    -get good
    -get team
    -crush LAN tournaments
    -Play go4LoL and other open online events

    I'm a newb for League of Legends.

    How do you get good?
  • I just finished normal too with my witch doctor. Very fun stuff.

    Have heard inferno is just insane.
  • they just beat inferno on hardcore 5 minutes ago. gg diablo
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    they just beat inferno on hardcore 5 minutes ago. gg diablo

    yeah, inferno has been beaten now by a few people. still less than 5% of players have even made it to inferno though i think.

    blizzard hopes that item farming will keep things going as well as the achievements.
  • trigs wrote: »
    yeah, inferno has been beaten now by a few people. still less than 5% of players have even made it to inferno though i think.

    blizzard hopes that item farming will keep things going as well as the achievements.

    I siad hardcore mode. aka if you lose your hero, you have to create a new one
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    I siad hardcore mode. aka if you lose your hero, you have to create a new one

    oh i missed that. that's nuts all right.
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