Dead Pool Dead?



  • Neutral corners, please . . . this is the peace we have made amongst ourselves. Lets get on with our days.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Neutral corners, please . . . this is the peace we have made amongst ourselves. Lets get on with our days.

  • TheMill should also get a replacement for his pick.

  • Done and done. I'm off to puppy school to watch little canine bastards beat the hell out of each other in a controlled environment.

    Very glad we could all find some form of resolution and the pool did not end up dead in itself.

    Good luck gentlemen.
  • TheMill wrote: »
    Well I hope this puts this issue to rest. I will not keep feeding the fire by throwing stones at people who call me names or highlight the fact that we waited for late players or pick apart other teams cause there are deffinetly a few questionable picks. I consider this issue FINISHED as do I hope the other managers But I do ask that fellow mangers take the time to meet me and chat about this sometime in the next year. Now if you will excuse me I going back to my perch and hover like a vulture for the next players demise...mahmahmahmah pinky finger in coner of mouth.

    Yeah, that's the same as trying to cheat 8 others out of $10 each.

    Give me your stars handle and I'll ship you the 10. obviously you need it more than everyone else here.

    As for meeting you at a table in the future I know which way I am leaning.
  • Done and done. I'm off to puppy school to watch little canine bastards beat the hell out of each other in a controlled environment.

    Very glad we could all find some form of resolution and the pool did not end up dead in itself.

    Good luck gentlemen.

    Do you bet on them?...I take 10 on the black one
  • Yeah, that's the same as trying to cheat 8 others out of $10 each.

    Give me your stars handle and I'll ship you the 10. obviously you need it more than everyone else here.

    As for meeting you at a table in the future I know which way I am leaning.

    I'm truly sorry you feel this way.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    TheMill should also get a replacement for his pick.


    I forgot to mention this.

    Or we all lose a pick.
  • TheMill wrote: »
    I'm truly sorry you feel this way.

    You feel wronged that people have called you names and that I waited to return from vacation to get my list in. I will ship the 10 you think you deserve to rectify the situation if that would make you feel better.
  • Now boys, can't we all just get along ?

    And I agree that The Mill needs to have another player added to his team.
  • You feel wronged that people have called you names and that I waited to return from vacation to get my list in. I will ship the 10 you think you deserve to rectify the situation if that would make you feel better.

    Absolutly not! Far as I can tell you were in the DP on the ground floor. Me being the rookie its kinda like saying lets take the ice with out captin. (not calling you the captin just a senior player) I consider myself a tolerant person and would have waited till Feb 1st if thats what it took. I know all to well that when people feel strongly about something words and actions fly around. I thought that I've tried very hard to appease all mangers. On a side note if i get a replacement pick I choose Mark. He wasn't looking so good last night^-^
  • TheMill wrote: »
    Absolutly not! Far as I can tell you were in the DP on the ground floor. Me being the rookie its kinda like saying lets take the ice with out captin. (not calling you the captin just a senior player) I consider myself a tolerant person and would have waited till Feb 1st if thats what it took. I know all to well that when people feel strongly about something words and actions fly around. I thought that I've tried very hard to appease all mangers. On a side note if i get a replacement pick I choose Mark. He wasn't looking so good last night^-^

    If that's true you have mastered the art of passive aggression without knowing it.
  • Faceplam.gif
  • TheMill: with regard to a replacement, your highest ranked player is as follows:

    Carl Reiner.

    If you approve, I will add him to your roster. Next on your list were, Y A tittle, and Ralph Kiner.
  • Now that I have had some time to calm down...

    I agree with the compromise that has been reached, and hope that we can move forward.

    But, TheMill, I still think what you did was beyond shady. None of your analogies make any sense to me. Picking the guy who is condemned to die on death row - and has no notoriety beyond that - is not analogous to us wanting pocket Aces in poker. As evidenced by your PM to me you were looking for a 100% lock. I would compare it more to palming two Jokers, using them as your hole cards, and then claiming that you deserve the pot when - amazingly! - you have the nuts on the river.

    Not only that - but it took amazing balls to do it as the new guy in the pool. It is true that a lot of us regulars at the pool are friends to one degree or another - not that there are some disagreements, but we have got to know each other pretty well (Especially those of us in the larger KW area). Don't be surprised that by pulling a shady move, as the new guy in the equivalent of a home game between close friends, most of the regulars want to put the boots to you.

    I'm kind of glad I didn't ask you who your pick was yesterday when you were bragging about one of your picks already dying. It would have wanted to put the boots to you at an event that Rob works hard to make very fun.

    You seemed like an OK guy at MXM yesterday, so I am willing to write it off as a momentary lapse in judgement - or a matter of not knowing the environment that you were wading into.

  • Ok, you are all right I was deliberately staying out of this one as I could definitely see both sides. Since I am also a participant in the DP (well hopefully not personally and thankyou everyone for not picking me) and a mod here I am torn. I feel that we caused this by not having rules like other DP's so I can see reason for paying out, however all of the other participants pretty well know each other and have competed many times in various endeavors.
    That being said I think that saying TheMill was angle shooting is somewhat strong but "may" violate the "spirit" of the game. Mole, I think your take is somewhat harsh especially given TheMills offer. He manned up quickly, this was not an HVEE move.
    As most of you seem to have agreed to, I'm fine with him withdrawing that pick and replacing it and we move on.. Too much fun to just destroy it over this.
    Poor Milo, he's running these things out of the goodness of his heart, well that is if he has a heart... This is how we treat him, how's the ulcer big guy?
  • compuease wrote: »
    That being said I think that saying TheMill was angle shooting is somewhat strong but "may" violate the "spirit" of the game. Mole, I think your take is somewhat harsh especially given TheMills offer. He manned up quickly, this was not an HVEE move.

    I will not back down from my stance that it was an angle. My escalation of anger came with his response that he felt jilted by us not letting the angle slide and then the highlighted response below in which he does the exact opposite of "not feeding the fire by throwing stones".
    TheMill wrote: »
    Well I hope this puts this issue to rest. I will not keep feeding the fire by throwing stones at people who call me names or highlight the fact that we waited for late players or pick apart other teams cause there are deffinetly a few questionable picks. I consider this issue FINISHED as do I hope the other managers But I do ask that fellow mangers take the time to meet me and chat about this sometime in the next year. Now if you will excuse me I going back to my perch and hover like a vulture for the next players demise...mahmahmahmah pinky finger in coner of mouth.

    I have agreed to the compromise with some lingering reservations but am always open to having my fears dismissed at a later date.
  • Well, if anything I came up with sunday morning DP3 drama. I KNOW picking the death row guy was sneaky but I would NEVER cheat. I am competitive person by nature so.....Well we will never agree. So in an effort to bring "mole from his hole" I make this offer to every manger in the DP3.. I plan on playing at least 5 6 trrnys round the forum this year. If you and I (another DP3 manger) sit at a table, ask me for.. "half my stack" and I oblige with a smile and a handshake. If theres more than 1 manager at my table, wait your turn but if both ask in the same hand you split your 50%. You must ask me my forum name and in return give me yours. This is 1 time deal per manager, offer expires Dec 31 2012

    I never intended to upset anyone, but at least I brought up some VALID points/ loop holes. Now that these issues have been addressed we can get back to the cycle of life or the "end" of it if you will. I was just trying to bring some new life to this death pool. I hope we can all put this behind us.

    Milo I'm so sorry for causing you so much troubles, I personally will pay your buy in in any trrny this year. $60 max.
  • Your offer is not fair to anyone else in the tournament. I would never do it anyway.

    If you will please look back on my first response to this whole mess, I refused to say it was cheating because I know nothing about you, your character or motivations. However, it was an angle.....not outside the rules but fairly construed as not within the spirit of the game.

    That is all.

    I will have no problem sitting at a poker table with you...I'm quite sure I will at some point.
  • TheMill wrote: »
    If you and I (another DP3 manger) sit at a table, ask me for.. "half my stack" and I oblige with a smile and a handshake. If theres more than 1 manager at my table, wait your turn but if both ask in the same hand you split your 50%. You must ask me my forum name and in return give me yours. This is 1 time deal per manager, offer expires Dec 31 2012.


    I honestly believe your heart is in the right place - but not your head.

    There is no tournament director that would allow you to do this chip passing. The only way that chips should be passed in a tournament is through the winning/losing of a hand.

    And PLEASE do not then suggest that you will "dump" your chips by deliberately losing a hand the one of the managers. I honestly don't want you disqualified from a tournament either.

    Take my advice - come to the events. Be friendly, engage in some conversations, and I am sure you will fit right in. In general we are a friendly bunch and, even with some words to the contrary in these posts, we usually assimilate new people into the group pretty rapidly.

    We all started out as the "new guy" in this forum at some time or another (well - maybe not Compuease - but he's older than dirt ;-).
    At the same time, the only initiation is to enjoy poker, post every once in a while, don't do anything shady, and keep it friendly. No "buying off" to gain acceptance necessary. From what I saw yesterday if you can refrain from any more of the "shady" part, you should have no problem.

  • Guys, the issue has be resolved to the (sort of) satisfaction of all concerned. As for any of these ancillary offers . . . stop. There is no need. As for me, I am personally not offended by any of the goings on this weekend, other than missing out on MXM yesterday. The "bug" seems to have run it's course for the most part so things are pretty much back to normal (well, except for the Drtyore winning). The new rules were posted specifically so that we could all kvetch about them and get it sorted beforehand. If people trust me enough to do the vetting solo based on the agreed parameters, so be it. But that is not something that needs to be settled today, either.

    As TheMill said, go back to your perches and loom menacingly over your teams. Perhaps today's rancor might even encourage a few wins.

    As for me, I am going to have a nice bottle of St. Paul's Winter Ale.

    TheMill: Please get back to me about Carl Reiner. Do you want him as your replacement?
  • TheMill wrote: »
    Well, if anything I came up with sunday morning DP3 drama. I KNOW picking the death row guy was sneaky but I would NEVER cheat. I am competitive person by nature so.....Well we will never agree. So in an effort to bring "mole from his hole" I make this offer to every manger in the DP3.. I plan on playing at least 5 6 trrnys round the forum this year. If you and I (another DP3 manger) sit at a table, ask me for.. "half my stack" and I oblige with a smile and a handshake. If theres more than 1 manager at my table, wait your turn but if both ask in the same hand you split your 50%. You must ask me my forum name and in return give me yours. This is 1 time deal per manager, offer expires Dec 31 2012

    I never intended to upset anyone, but at least I brought up some VALID points/ loop holes. Now that these issues have been addressed we can get back to the cycle of life or the "end" of it if you will. I was just trying to bring some new life to this death pool. I hope we can all put this behind us.

    Milo I'm so sorry for causing you so much troubles, I personally will pay your buy in in any trrny this year. $60 max.

  • GTA Poker wrote: »

    Paricipants only please... Go back to your perch..
  • I'm pretty sure that we're being levelled now.
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