Dead Pool III TEAMS . . .



  • kwsteve wrote: »

    Thanks for catching this Steve.

    Hellmuth's Mole
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I think Bill might be cheating :)

    DJ, can you ship my $5 with yours?

    You always think I'm cheating! :D (I don't use smilies enough!) I just don't have any sentimental associations when I'm thinking someone's about to kick the bucket^-^. I'm actually thinking Al might be the official Angel of Death over the past few months:(.
  • You always think I'm cheating! :D (I don't use smilies enough!) I just don't have any sentimental associations when I'm thinking someone's about to kick the bucket^-^. I'm actually thinking Al might be the official Angel of Death over the past few months:(.

    easy on the smilies there, "philli". . . :D
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I think Bill might be cheating :)

    DJ, can you ship my $5 with yours?

    Too late again. I shipped you yours, see posts above.
  • Rosters have been updated . . . so long, Marty.
  • Shipped to wildbill7145.
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    Too late again. I shipped you yours, see posts above.

    Very good, I'm caught up now.

  • Shipporonied!
  • Schipped.
  • shipped
  • Huh, haven't checked over my team in a while and missed one from almost a month ago.

    Lina Haag-Dead at 105 years.

    Despite being heavily involved in the protests of the Nazi movement prior to and during WWII and spending significant periods in remand prisons and concentration camps, it appears that Lina's passing wasn't considered overly newsworthy. That's kind of sad.

    Other than German news sources that would require translation, here's the only source I could find:

    Lina Haag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Maybe she doesn't meet the criterion of celebrity status afterall. Her, and her husbands stories were pretty interesting though. I'll let you guys put this one through the rule grinder and decide whether she fits the criterion.
  • Bill, with all due respect I do feel a bit icky about this one. I mean, I am a follower of WW2 and have never heard of this person. Maybe it's just me.

    If it's put to a vote, I would vote NO.

    Sorry dude, just my .02c
  • Not a problem Johnnie. I'm gonna wrap this one up myself unless Milo over rides.

    I'm forfeiting Lina's passing for the purposes of DPIII. Her story seemed interesting enough at the time of her picking and she was referenced as an acceptable candidate on other dead pool resources which of course I can't find now.

    She only had a few articles written in German press about her death, so having looked into it a bit more she doesn't meet the criterion.

    That and I'd like to avoid a shit storm of arguments. So, disregard this one.

    Interestingly, she did eventually get a meeting with Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS at the time requesting the release of her husband which surprisingly was granted. He was a significant member of the German Communist party. Then, the Nazi's just picked them both up shortly thereafter and put them both in concentration camps.
  • Not a problem Johnnie. I'm gonna wrap this one up myself unless Milo over rides.

    I tend to look on my job here as impartial referee. The shitstorm that was caused by the Death Row inmate on one of the rosters was why I posted the revised rule proposals for DP4. Obviously, it is in all of the Managers best interests to arrive at amicable decisions in cases like these, rather than for me to "over-ride" anyone.

    I'm forfeiting Lina's passing for the purposes of DPIII. Her story seemed interesting enough at the time of her picking and she was referenced as an acceptable candidate on other dead pool resources which of course I can't find now.

    If Bill is willing to delete a member of his roster, that is up to him. It would not be the first time this was done. It occurred in the previous edition of the DP, by a Manager who expressed a desire to avoid some "bad karma"
    She only had a few articles written in German press about her death, so having looked into it a bit more she doesn't meet the criterion.

    That and I'd like to avoid a shit storm of arguments. So, disregard this one.

    I will delete the "player" from your roster presently.

    Interestingly, she did eventually get a meeting with Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS at the time requesting the release of her husband which surprisingly was granted. He was a significant member of the German Communist party. Then, the Nazi's just picked them both up shortly thereafter and put them both in concentration camps.

    Please see bolded for my thoughts . . . the changes to Bill's roster will be made as per his decision, and the Dead Pool will continue as per normal. Please take the time to review the proposed rule change thread for any additional comments or critiques you might wish to add.

    The discussion re: Ms. Haag should end here.
  • Excellent Milo, thanks.

    I just took a peek through the lists. Through 6 months we've had 13 picks 'return to the earth in which they came.'

    We seem (esp Bill and Al) to be getting better at this!
  • should bill get a replacement pick?
  • any word on zsa zsa?? lol
  • TheMill wrote: »
    should bill get a replacement pick?

    I would say no. Bill made a decision to remove a player from his roster. The fact that said player is, in fact, dead, does not change his request, and that is how I based my earlier decision. As I no longer have any of the original 50 player rosters to allow him to receive the next player on his list, allowing him to pick a sub at this point could be perceived as a "skewed" pick. Hell, he could have picked Sage Stallone a few days back, and bankrupted you folks.

    Nope, as stated previous, she is off his roster, and the game rolls merrily along . . .
  • Kitty Wells is dead at age 92 . . .

  • shipped
  • Kitty Wells. Nobody can deny her fame. When I picked her, even my wife shook her head and called me an asshole.

    Thankfully she's away tonight and won't find out about this until after the fact, as all assholish things should be.

  • Milo wrote: »
    I would say no. Bill made a decision to remove a player from his roster. The fact that said player is, in fact, dead, does not change his request, and that is how I based my earlier decision. As I no longer have any of the original 50 player rosters to allow him to receive the next player on his list, allowing him to pick a sub at this point could be perceived as a "skewed" pick. Hell, he could have picked Sage Stallone a few days back, and bankrupted you folks.

    Nope, as stated previous, she is off his roster, and the game rolls merrily along . . .

    Good. Don't want another pick. She deserved more fame than she got. She had an interesting story. Maybe she didn't want it. Either way, I'm fine with my earlier decision.
  • Good. Don't want another pick. She deserved more fame than she got. She had an interesting story. Maybe she didn't want it. Either way, I'm fine with my earlier decision.

    And, you got Kitty as payback . . . ain't Karma wonderful?
  • Shipped to wildbill7145 for Kitty...
  • Johnnie posted!!

    Milton "Younger than Zsa Zsa" Slim
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    johnnie posted!!

    Milton "barely younger than zsa zsa" slim

  • Shipped to Bill
  • Shipped to bill for kitty, Bill there is this neighbour of mine thats an asshole. Can you help me out? Seems you got the touch

    of death.
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