do you indulge?

i'm just curious as to how many of you smoke marijuana. it just seems that so many people do nowadays. i definitely know more weed smokers than cigarette smokers - easily 2 to 1, probably more.

so, do you like tokin' the reefer?


  • I plead the 5th
  • tried it once didn't inhale...
  • darbday wrote: »
    tried it once didn't inhale...

  • what is this marijuana you speak of?
  • what is this marijuana you speak of?

    It's an evil drug, where after consuming it you will put your baby in a microwave. :D
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    It's an evil drug, where after consuming it you will put your baby in a microwave. :D

    Or blow your head off with a gun because you're soooooooo hiiiiiiigh.
  • I tried it twice in college, my older brother introduced me. Never tried it since.
  • honestly BC even people who don't smoke weed, smoke weed...smoke weed.....
  • Tried it many years ago . . . basically got the same feeling as with booze. Booze is legal, and does not give me cramping in my lungs (non-smoker), so I stopped.
  • not anymore but I have smoked my fair share in my youth. When I quit drinking 10 years ago, still had a hoot once in awhile to stay on wagon. Then a few years in smoked some oil with a buddy and I swear I didn't think I was going to wake up next day, violently ill and I was no softy in the narcotics department prior to growing up.

    Swore to god if I was still breathing the next day would never smoke again and have not.
    Still have quite a few friends who are chronics and I will stick to the opinion that you never hear of someone smoking weed and beating his wife, better than booze IMO if one needs a vise. Though I will say at games it irritates the shit out of me if we are stopping every ten minutes for someone to roll or hoot.

    All though it might be a gateway to multi tabling....
  • Tried it, never really had a reaction. Thankfully, those who I played poker with that enjoyed it were quite the experts at rolling so it rarely delayed things. The aftermath, however, certainly did.

    "Dave, it's your turn."

    "Hang on man. This track is so great. It reminds me of this other track..."

    "That's great. Dave, it's your turn."

    "It's just got this wicked bass line..."

    "Uh-huh. Dave, it's your turn."\

    "I can never get enough of it. So rich, so textured..."

    "I'm sure it's a wonder of the ages. Dave, it's your turn."

    "Oh, right right right. Sorry brother. Let me see..."

    "Oh no."

    "What's the bet?"


    "Hmmmm.... I'm gonna need to chew on this for a minute..."

    "Oh for fuck's sake."

    *30 seconds to 5 minutes later...*

    "I'm all in."

    "Huh? *Matt looks at the pot of $5.25 and Dave's stack of $200 with a board of 259 rainbow...* I call. QQ."

    "Wow brother. *Tables Q6o* Nice call brother. Totally didn't put you on that."

    "I love you Dave."

    "Thank brother, I love you too."

    "No problem. Mind passing me your chips?"

    "Sure thing man."
  • At the tender age of 14, I was dragged out of my workplace by an older fellow coworker. He decided he wanted to smoke some hash. He looked at me, asked if I wanted some. I'd never done it and said no. He promptly grabbed me by the head, put me in a headlock, said "That's no excuse" and dragged me out back.

    Quit a few years ago.

    End story.
  • I met a guy in Grade 9, who became a lifelong friend. He had a 'cool' older brother that would buy us beer and let us come to his parties. He introduced me to many of the bands that I love today. Great guy, very smart, funny and an amazing artist. But he was the first person I could recognize as a someone that was more than 'recreational' user. Almost every time I saw him, he was putting something in his body. Hash and Acid where is favs, but he treated Weed like coffee. There was always a bone lit up somewhere at his place. Strangely, he would never let us try his drugs. I think that sent a message to my teenage sub-conscious that DRUGS ARE BAD, MKAY.

    The summer between grade 10 and 11 HE DIED, leaving behind a 3 yr old son. He was the 1st person I knew to die, and it had an huge impact on my life. I have NEVER, not once, touched an illicit drug.
  • Well I'm from the Woodstock generation, the daddy of all recreational drug use venues. Tripping on acid, smoking opium, snorting cocaine, using psychedelic mushrooms, and smoking pot were the order of the day... Didn't touch the stuff personally...^-^
  • compuease wrote: »
    Well I'm from the Woodstock generation, the daddy of all recreational drug use venues. Tripping on acid, smoking opium, snorting cocaine, using psychedelic mushrooms, and smoking pot were the order of the day... Didn't touch the stuff personally...^-^
    I also went to Woodstock... in 1999. There was quite a lot of illicit substances being consumed there. It was a weird, exciting and at times harrowing experience. I have several friends that regularly spark up (some recreationally, some daily). I have taken a toke time to time but found that it doesn't do much for me except make me hack and cough so while I haven't sworn it off I just choose to pass since I simply don't care for it. From a morality stand point, while I don't smoke (weed or cigarettes), I have no issue with those that do. Just like some people who choose to not touch alcohol has no bearing and should have no say in whether or not I can. And, I do drink fairly regularly. As Milo pointed out (I think), the old propoganda and misinformation disseminated in the media about marijuana and it affects is obfuscating and simply absurd. We need to get past that and deal with it as it is. Another substance that people are going to use whether it's legal or not. I'm not going to pretend that it's some natural earthy great thing and there are no negatives involved with it's use. Same as drinking, smoking, sex and eating fatty or fast foods. Use good sense and it simply becomes just another aspect of a truly liberated and progressive society.
    My two cents.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I met a guy in Grade 9, who became a lifelong friend. He had a 'cool' older brother that would buy us beer and let us come to his parties. He introduced me to many of the bands that I love today. Great guy, very smart, funny and an amazing artist. But he was the first person I could recognize as a someone that was more than 'recreational' user. Almost every time I saw him, he was putting something in his body. Hash and Acid where is favs, but he treated Weed like coffee. There was always a bone lit up somewhere at his place. Strangely, he would never let us try his drugs. I think that sent a message to my teenage sub-conscious that DRUGS ARE BAD, MKAY.

    The summer between grade 10 and 11 HE DIED, leaving behind a 3 yr old son. He was the 1st person I knew to die, and it had an huge impact on my life. I have NEVER, not once, touched an illicit drug.

  • darbday wrote: »


    Failing to fully understand the message does not make the message wrong.
    Reread Johnnie's post again and try to get the FULL message.
  • Story is fine the way it is . . . stop reading things into it.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Failing to fully understand the message does not make the message wrong.
    Reread Johnnie's post again and try to get the FULL message.

    Milo wrote: »
    Story is fine the way it is . . . stop reading things into it.

    damn re read still don't get the message... :-\:-[:-\

    but i didn't realize he had 'never, not once...' :p
  • darbday wrote: »


    Thanks for proving my point.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Thanks for proving my point.
    thx for provin mine....

  • darbday wrote: »
    thx for provin mine....


    Which is.....?
  • I don't think Johnnie was saying that weed is what killed this guy, at least that's not what I took from it. The first two drugs he named when talking about the guy were hash and acid (his faves) before saying he smoked weed regularly. I took this as the guy was a drug addict, not that weed itself was the issue.

    Most importantly, I took this: "Strangely, he would never let us try his drugs." To me, that says the guy knew how deep he was in and didn't want his little brother or his little brother's friend to become what he was.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    I don't think Johnnie was saying that weed is what killed this guy, at least that's not what I took from it. The first two drugs he named when talking about the guy were hash and acid (his faves) before saying he smoked weed regularly. I took this as the guy was a drug addict, not that weed itself was the issue.

    Most importantly, I took this: "Strangely, he would never let us try his drugs." To me, that says the guy knew how deep he was in and didn't want his little brother or his little brother's friend to become what he was.

  • Why do you always post pictures of cocks and asses when you talk about me :(
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Why do you always post pictures of cocks and asses when you talk about me :(

    Obviously a hidden message.

    Go smoke a joint and maybe it'll come to you :)
  • trigs wrote: »
    i'm just curious as to how many of you smoke marijuana. it just seems that so many people do nowadays. i definitely know more weed smokers than cigarette smokers - easily 2 to 1, probably more.

    so, do you like tokin' the reefer?

    I have been thinking of making a post here in general poker chat about online poker and pot. I wonder what % of people who play online poker (successfully?) smoke. I guess I procrastinate.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Which is.....?
    weed didn't play a negative part in that young mans demise...

    but it in the story you lumped it in with the other drugs that possibly did
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