What's kind of lame is that it isn't just any 20 in a row...it is blocks of 20...so if you do shitty in your first 5-9 sng's..you have to ride out the remainder until 21 before you start a new block.. Run good switch needs to turn on at the right time :P
What's kind of lame is that it isn't just any 20 in a row...it is blocks of 20...so if you do shitty in your first 5-9 sng's..you have to ride out the remainder until 21 before you start a new block.. Run good switch needs to turn on at the right time :P
Ya, guess that's where the 100 games block kicks in,lol
Didnt know until right now that for the Botp you can only submit 5 scores per week. So for the low orbit (20games) once youve played 100, you no longer get a score for your next 20 games.....only per 100 after that.
Not that I am going for this really, just focused on the $$$;)
Maybe time to tell Coke to take their job and shove it.
Could be! HAHA:wink2:
Or see if anyone wants to buy 50% of my moving up to 3.50's action .
As soon as I get hold em manager fixed yet again, sigh
i was actually thinking of moving up to the 3.50's as well. i don't think there's a difference in competition.
Thanks trigs, on a final table of another 27 man but not going so well.
Not that its inaccurate, just odd.
how many tables are needed before it's not odd?
some believe there's a direct correlation between that and the size of your penis
Final 9, is that better.:rolleyes2:
8 games to go to finish the 20, I just missed out on another 1st too:(
i had a few decent runs (when i was mad multi-tabling to see how many i could handle). always came up short.
It does not feel like it but I do better multi tabling for some reason, still make mistakes though...........
If you can actually have your hands hold or hit cards you need, good money making night guys!
If you can actually have your hands hold or hit cards you need, good money making night guys!
Of course the target scores are high and I don't think I have seen anyone get that high,LOL.
defo not gonna be close the 1st 20 games,lol
But I think I finally have table ninja auto register working.
double you say? maybe i'll make another attempt at finishing 20 of these that week.
And the same tonight, back to a horrible losing streak, all winnings from my turn around lost, stars is a joke, yadda yadda.
Hopefully you guys are doing good in any games your playing cause you can't do any worse than me right now.
I hoped for some peeps going for it on the staking site Hobbes is on, but see nothing.
Ya, guess that's where the 100 games block kicks in,lol
Again not like I go for this, just side entertainment purposes.:)
Maybe we need a pfca version of battle of the planets.;)