Back to well . . . once too often?



  • Any regrets?

    Favourite moment in wrestling?

    Dream match that never happened?

    Worst thing you've ever seen in wrestling aside from me?

    How many times will I fall at the next PFC Curling/Poker Extravaganza?
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Any regrets?

    Favourite moment in wrestling?

    Dream match that never happened?

    Worst thing you've ever seen in wrestling aside from me?

    How many times will I fall at the next PFC Curling/Poker Extravaganza?

    Not really. I love my wife and daughter, and if I were to "go back and change something", I do not know that I would have them. Not willing to risk that.

    Savage/Steamboat at Wrestlemania. Stole the show, imo . . .

    Owen vs. Bret for the HW title. In a cage.

    The Scott Hall video you linked to. I hope to never see another human being that messed up again, ever.

    I will put the O/U at 6.5 . . . slightly higher if you drink.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Any regrets?

    Favourite moment in wrestling?

    Dream match that never happened?

    Worst thing you've ever seen in wrestling aside from me?

    How many times will I fall at the next PFC Curling/Poker Extravaganza?
    Milo wrote: »
    Not really. I love my wife and daughter, and if I were to "go back and change something", I do not know that I would have them. Not willing to risk that.

    Savage/Steamboat at Wrestlemania. Stole the show, imo . . .

    Owen vs. Bret for the HW title. In a cage.

    The Scott Hall video you linked to. I hope to never see another human being that messed up again, ever.

    I will put the O/U at 6.5 . . . slightly higher if you drink.

    Good to know you got beer for your birthday :) Summerslam '94
  • Really?!? I knew they had a program, but did not think it was for a belt . . . okay, Jesus vs. Lucifer - Hell in a Cell. Luci obv. takes the lead for the match, leading one to suspect a complete squash is in the script. JC, however, absorbs everything that the Evil One can lay on Him, before going full on Revelations . . . real Wrath of god type moves. Finishing move is an AA of the top of the Cell, onto the Spanish Announcers table, followed by the Flying Elbow to get the 1, 2, 3.
  • You've obviously been married for a long time. What's the best advice you can give to a young buck that's recently tied the knot, in the interests of maintaining wedded harmony?

    Do you think that Zsa Zsa will hit a home run on Johnnie and survive until New Years day.

    Someone has done something that seriously hurt my wife's feelings (not me). Over the past few months she has forgiven them and chosen to move on. I have not and am unwilling to do so. I consider them deleted and choose to not have anything to do with them or acknowledge their existence when I am in their presence. My wife and friends say I should move on and get over it as it is a waste of energy. I contend that it would take more energy to forget about what they have done and acknowledge their presence in the future. Am I within my rights to remain stubbornly opposed to forgiving this person and continuing to not support anything they do in any way? How can I explain my stance to my wife without sounding like as stubborn asshole? Will this create problems for us in the future?

  • 1) You've obviously been married for a long time. What's the best advice you can give to a young buck that's recently tied the knot, in the interests of maintaining wedded harmony?

    2) Do you think that Zsa Zsa will hit a home run on Johnnie and survive until New Years day.

    3) Someone has done something that seriously hurt my wife's feelings (not me). Over the past few months she has forgiven them and chosen to move on. I have not and am unwilling to do so. I consider them deleted and choose to not have anything to do with them or acknowledge their existence when I am in their presence. My wife and friends say I should move on and get over it as it is a waste of energy. I contend that it would take more energy to forget about what they have done and acknowledge their presence in the future. Am I within my rights to remain stubbornly opposed to forgiving this person and continuing to not support anything they do in any way? How can I explain my stance to my wife without sounding like as stubborn asshole? Will this create problems for us in the future?

    1) As corny as it sounds, I think the reason that my wife and I have as good a relationship as we do, is that we talk to each other. Always have. When we first started seeing each other, we would sit in the car at the end of the night, just talking about stuff. When we were getting serious we talked about future plans. We would fight, and we still do sometimes, but we always, ALWAYS, talked about it afterwards and came to a resolution. I like to joke that we got our rocky patch out of the way before we got married, unlike so many of our friends.

    2) Two things I have learned not to bet against . . . Zsa Zsa, and another Brett Favre comeback.

    3) It is a Man's privilege to defend his wife's honour in whatever manner he sees fit. Whether she wishes him to do so is not relevant. It is his droit du seigneur. People can say or do whatever the hell they want about me, but they do so against my wife and family at their own risk. You are taking, in my opinion, a reasoned stance towards this person, and I see no reason why you have to change your stance. The only thing I would say to the Missus, is that you are as equally entitled to hold a grudge as she is to let one go.
  • 1. If you good talk Christopher Hitchens on his view of Mother Teresa, what would you say?

    Hell's Angel: Mother Teresa by Christopher Hitchens (1 of 3) - YouTube

    2. Can you have morality apart from religious principle? Explain either way?

    3. If you were paying to go to a debate, what would be the highest dollar value you would pay for the ticket, who would be the debaters and what would the topic for the debate be?

    4. Has the Catholic Church skated on the issue of abuse by the priests.

  • 1. If you good talk Christopher Hitchens on his view of Mother Teresa, what would you say?

    Hell's Angel: Mother Teresa by Christopher Hitchens (1 of 3) - YouTube

    2. Can you have morality apart from religious principle? Explain either way?

    3. If you were paying to go to a debate, what would be the highest dollar value you would pay for the ticket, who would be the debaters and what would the topic for the debate be?

    4. Has the Catholic Church skated on the issue of abuse by the priests.


    1) Hitchens has an OBVIOUS bias, which comes through in the words and phrases he uses to describe Muggeridge, for example. This is fine for his punditry but needs to be kept in mind when dealing with his "journalistic" output, so to speak. What I would say to Hitchens, whom I respect immensely as he has a keen intellect, what if you're wrong? Do you think a simple, "Oops" will suffice to smooth things over with the Almight

    2) Morality is not dependent on Religion, but the opposite is most assuredly true. A person can be an Atheist (thought these days atheism seems to have become it's own "faith") and still believe that killing is wrong. No Faith could survive without some sort of moral code to bind it's followers, imo.

    3) Micheal Coren v. Chris hitchens and the topic would be Resolved: that Faith in a Supreme Entity has been a force for overall good on this planet. I would pay a hundo to see that.

    4) I think that the Catholic Church has not been as open and vociferous in it's response as it should have been. PR has never been the strong suit of the big 3 Faiths. But, as in most things, they have only themselves to blame.
  • Interesting and amusing thread for sure, I dont have much to comment perhaps....

    Does CM punk lose tonight?
    If so does he has a title before Wrestlemania this year?

    Too many people watch wresting here, I among them
  • getem76 wrote: »
    Interesting and amusing thread for sure, I dont have much to comment perhaps....

    Does CM punk lose tonight?
    If so does he has a title before Wrestlemania this year?

    Too many people watch wresting here, I among them

    Punk loses dirty


    Soap opera for boys, imo . . .
  • Its a shame its not good as it used to be, I really always enjoyed a healthy steve austin and bret hart, probably one of the best feuds they had to offer....brought the best out of a healthy steve austin no matter what anyone says, I include the rock in that and Brian Pillman may he RIP.

    Not much else on for boys, everything is family fun or reality and reality is getting old fast!
  • As my brother likes to opine, the only thing missing from most reality shows is the "real" . . . at least wrasslin' has not succumbed (he says, teeing up the ball . . .)
  • Thanks for your answers, belated happy birthday.
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