Brantford (PFC) Tourney Aug 18th



  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Why all the hubbub for an 80max $200 MTT....sigh, Ontario still seems horrible for legal pokerz

    Cause they are finally starting to make progress with decent structures. If we don't support them they will stop.
  • I did make it out, signed up at 7:35am that morning at 72nd spot. Lasted about 3 hours, started on table 8, moved to another table. Lasted about 30 minutes there.
    Had about 5000 in chips, raised with Ace,3 diamonds, had a caller. flop is 10, 8, 6, check check turn K I go all in with 4000 chips (about 3000 in the pot). The guy called and said oh well lets see it and he showed pocket 4s. That was almost all his chips, was that a bad shove by me? I knew he was I needed a Ace and never came..All I said was WOW!!!!
  • I do remember one hero call (ok maybe not hero) I made. I was the button, raised 2.5x BB and BB calls me. Flop comes 2-2-4 - BB checks, I bet 1/2 pot, BB calls. Turn is a 7- BB checks, I check. River is a 9 - no straight draws or flush draws got there. BB bets 1/3 of the pot. I call and she shows A-6s - I win a nice pot with A-Qos.
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