Brantford (PFC) Tourney Aug 18th

It is a Thursday so some planning may need to be made ahead of time for some members. I already have the day booked off from work.

The buy in is $200 and the blinds go up every 1/2 hour. 7500 chips to start.

Let's get as many PFC members in the field as possible. Let's show these regs how we play poker. Love to see an all PFC final table.


  • Is this the July 31st tourney you are thinking of?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Is this the July 31st tourney you are thinking of?

    Naw, I'm going away for the Long weekend so I can't play in the July 31 one, plus the 18th of August gives people time to plan to play.
  • I am on holidays that week, so I am hoping to play on the 18th.
  • What time does it start?
  • Put me in as a tentative just need to book the day off of my real job.
  • Does this cap out at a 100 players or some other figure? can you buy over the phone or online?
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Does this cap out at a 100 players or some other figure? can you buy over the phone or online?
    Caps at 80 and yes you can buy over the phone with credit card..
  • I'm going to book it if we get a good size group. Have a couple from the Barrie area that might make it a road trip.
  • What was I thinking ??!? I should want the field as soft as possible. Nevermind, you all can't come.
  • you should do this, then come to the home game, its only 30 mins, probably less on 403!!
  • I'll be registering on my way back from Westside.
  • I will call in to register. see you guys there.
  • Has anybody had issues paying for the buy-in with a credit card, e.g., is it flagged as a gambling transaction?

    Years ago when I paid for my Brantford buy-in with my Canadian Tire MasterCard, I got a warning call from CT and told never to use it for any gamboooling. Today the main card I use (prepaid) did not work even though it's accepted just about everywhere else, so I phoned CT and this time they told me that only online gambling transactions are not allowed (they gave as an example).
    The_Game wrote: »
    I will call in to register.
  • If Im not down east I will sign up.

    Never had a problem with CC, mine is a prepaid also.
    Just load it up and way you go...

    Might be a good idea to get a few players from Brampton to carpool!.

  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Has anybody had issues paying for the buy-in with a credit card, e.g., is it flagged as a gambling transaction?

    Years ago when I paid for my Brantford buy-in with my Canadian Tire MasterCard, I got a warning call from CT and told never to use it for any gamboooling. Today the main card I use (prepaid) did not work even though it's accepted just about everywhere else, so I phoned CT and this time they told me that only online gambling transactions are not allowed (they gave as an example).

    Never had this for Port Perry or Brantford.
  • never a problem for me. I always pay my entry with credit card, I collect travel point.s
  • Registered last night for this one on the way home from Westside. Only 5 signed up so far, I am hoping that's normal and they get a good crowd by Thursday.
  • To those who are going to Brantford, please request satellites for the $1K Deep Stack tournament. A couple of us from the final table requested a future satellite, but a poker room supervisor said it depends if there is enough interest.

    The Brantford brochure lists the $1K tournament as $900 + $100 administration fee, with only 30 minute blinds. However, its own Official Rules & Regulations states that $1K tournaments should have a fee of only $75 with 40 minute rounds. The brochure also lists the $500 deep stack as having 30 minute blinds, but the regulations again state that that the length of rounds should be 40 minutes for $400+ tournaments. I don't know when I'll play next at Brantford, but please mention it to the poker room so that hopefully the fee and/or blinds will be improved.
  • I was there yesterday for the 'Laddies' tournament and I am declaring myself the official bubble girl of Brantford. Again yesterday 6/50. At least I get my initial investment back (always bubble pay) and lots of experience! Did you ever make it to Brantford Buddy?

    Anyway, while there I noticed that they are running single table satellites for the $500 and $1000 if enough people sign up. I don't know if anything ever came of it...

    I just wish they could do a Satellite tourney for the Blue Water events.
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    It is a Thursday so some planning may need to be made ahead of time for some members. I already have the day booked off from work.

    The buy in is $200 and the blinds go up every 1/2 hour. 7500 chips to start.

    Let's get as many PFC members in the field as possible. Let's show these regs how we play poker. Love to see an all PFC final table.

    I signed up yesterday and was the 26th. This one has a good chance of selling out...I don't think there were this many signed up a couple days out in the last 2 I played in. Each of those had 80 and 72 players.

    Good luck
  • I will be there as well today. We booked 1 & 2 and were worried we would be playing each other.
  • GL all playing this today.
  • reibs wrote: »
    GL all playing this today.

    and win me some $$$$
  • Had a sell out at 80 players today !! They really ran a good tournament, no delays in moving people, or chipping up. No controversies, no dealer mistakes - all and all a very well run tournament.

    I ended up at the same table as screenman and Hellmuth's Mole for the first hour or so. Nice to get a chance to meet some fellow pfc'ers.

    The player caliber ran from 5 - 8 on a scale out of 10 - Even the most experience players seemed to just wait for big hands and to get paid by the not so good. Quite a lot of suckouts that I saw, three times it was pair vs over pair and the underpair caught up. AA < 99 - 77 < 55 and KK < JJ.

    The blind levels were 30 minutes, so for the first 4 hours of the tournament, you could play poker. Near the end though, especially the final table, it became shove or fold. It ran 8 hours (10am - 6pm).

    I was only all in twice all day and once it was with two tables left (20 playes) and I was down to 10 BB - had TT and it held against chip leader's AQ. From there I cruised to the final table, with an average stack ($60k) and the blinds were $1500 / $3000 with a $300 ante.

    Everyone kicked in $20 for bubble boy (top 9 paid, final table had 10). I ended up 7th for $672.00 - first paid $4400+. Tried to steal the blinds with $40k (blinds were $3k/$6k +1k)left with 8-4s and got called and lost to K-J.

    There was only one hand I would have played differently and overall was happy with the way I played. the one hand ? had 6-6 at the final table and was UTG+2- UTG raised to $16k (BB was $4k) - I folded but I think I should have shoved hoping for a flip. Found out after, that he did have A-K.
  • Nice job. I went card dead and shoved when I had 9x's the BB and continued to have no luck.

    Did you manage to play at a table with an idiot from Grimsby who wore lime green and a UB hat? That guy was a know it all retard who wouldn't shut up all day. The best part was when he busted out and told the guy he couldn't wait to see the guy at the WSOP.
    djgolfcan wrote: »
    Had a sell out at 80 players today !! They really ran a good tournament, no delays in moving people, or chipping up. No controversies, no dealer mistakes - all and all a very well run tournament.

    I ended up at the same table as screenman and Hellmuth's Mole for the first hour or so. Nice to get a chance to meet some fellow pfc'ers.

    The player caliber ran from 5 - 8 on a scale out of 10 - Even the most experience players seemed to just wait for big hands and to get paid by the not so good. Quite a lot of suckouts that I saw, three times it was pair vs over pair and the underpair caught up. AA < 99 - 77 < 55 and KK < JJ.

    The blind levels were 30 minutes, so for the first 4 hours of the tournament, you could play poker. Near the end though, especially the final table, it became shove or fold. It ran 8 hours (10am - 6pm).

    I was only all in twice all day and once it was with two tables left (20 playes) and I was down to 10 BB - had TT and it held against chip leader's AQ. From there I cruised to the final table, with an average stack ($60k) and the blinds were $1500 / $3000 with a $300 ante.

    Everyone kicked in $20 for bubble boy (top 9 paid, final table had 10). I ended up 7th for $672.00 - first paid $4400+. Tried to steal the blinds with $40k (blinds were $3k/$6k +1k)left with 8-4s and got called and lost to K-J.

    There was only one hand I would have played differently and overall was happy with the way I played. the one hand ? had 6-6 at the final table and was UTG+2- UTG raised to $16k (BB was $4k) - I folded but I think I should have shoved hoping for a flip. Found out after, that he did have A-K.
  • They offered interest lists for satellites to the $500 and $1000 tournaments, but neither got off the ground. The $500 satellite was $75 and the $1k $130. Based on what one of the pit guys said they started offering the satellites on Monday. They apparently are turbo 15 min blinds and I believe 2500 stacks, although I could be mistaken about the starting stack size.
    BlondeFish wrote: »
    To those who are going to Brantford, please request satellites for the $1K Deep Stack tournament. A couple of us from the final table requested a future satellite, but a poker room supervisor said it depends if there is enough interest.

    The Brantford brochure lists the $1K tournament as $900 + $100 administration fee, with only 30 minute blinds. However, its own Official Rules & Regulations states that $1K tournaments should have a fee of only $75 with 40 minute rounds. The brochure also lists the $500 deep stack as having 30 minute blinds, but the regulations again state that that the length of rounds should be 40 minutes for $400+ tournaments. I don't know when I'll play next at Brantford, but please mention it to the poker room so that hopefully the fee and/or blinds will be improved.
  • Why all the hubbub for an 80max $200 MTT....sigh, Ontario still seems horrible for legal pokerz
  • When is the $1K? Link to details?
  • Oh, nevermind, I just realized it's on a SUNDAY during WCOOP.

  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Why all the hubbub for an 80max $200 MTT....sigh, Ontario still seems horrible for legal pokerz

    lol, classic GTA... Hey we're not all big time playas like you guys out west you know.... And the scarcity of decent Casino tournaments in Ontario make us like this....
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