Rome hit on Horton

I want to know what you guys think about the hit Rome gave to Horton.

My opinion, I believe it was a late hit, BUT it was a clean hit. It wasn't a head shot. Horton should've paid attention and not admire his pass. Rome won't be suspended or fined. He got his punishment already, the game misconduct.

Same thing happened to Paul Kariya when he got nailed by Scott Stevens for admiring his pass. Clean but a little late. Stevens didn't get a suspension, or fined. He did win the cup though :)



  • That was a LOT late.. lol...
  • He will get suspended

    Different NHL from the Stevens hit to today, rules have changed.

    And it was a late hit to the head
  • Clearly a late hit, definitely interference, but just unfortunate and not intentional that his head bounced off the stansion......oh wait, that was Pacioretty.

    Karma's a bitch Bruins.
  • Karma's a bitch Bruins.

    Bitter hab fan imo.. :) This one was a lot later and a lot higher than the Stevens hit on Kariya. As Steve said, also a different era.
  • Rome got 4 games
  • compuease wrote: »
    Bitter hab fan imo.. :)


    YouTube - ‪Zdeno Chara hits Max Pacioretty Mar 8, 2011‬‏

    Horton had clearly no control of the puck.
    Pacioretty had clearly no control of the puck.

    Horton admires his pass and gets blindsided with a shoulder to the chest.
    Pacioretty is busting his ass for the puck and is nearly by Chara when he's shoved into the stansion.

    If Horton's head doesn't hit the ice he's not knocked out.
    If Pacioretty's head doesn't hit the stansion he's not knocked out.

    Ice causes Horton's concussion.....Rome's fault and 4 games.
    Stansion causes Pacioretty's concussion.....bad luck no suspension.

    Both hitters took advantage of an opportunity that turned out more wrong than they would have hoped. Different rules for different players imo.
  • blindsided with a shoulder to the chest.

    Apparently Habs fans are blind as well.

    Pause the clip that you posted at 21 seconds. Clearly shows shoulder to HEAD.

    And by the way, I am not a Bruins or Habs fan.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    . Clearly shows shoulder to HEAD.

    You think that's CLEARLY to the head? Ok, you're a Leaf fan.

    If anything is CLEAR it's that Horton put himself in a vulnerable position.
  • If anything is CLEAR it's that Horton put himself in a vulnerable position.

    Your logic if flawed.
  • You think that's CLEARLY to the head? Ok, you're a Leaf fan.

    If anything is CLEAR it's that Horton put himself in a vulnerable position.

    If you can't see that the hit was to the head then STFU. Be a hockey fan instead of a delusional Habs fan that is bitter.

    I really don't care who wins this damn Stanley Cup, I don't like either team. I can't stand Chara or Luongo. I am calling this as a Hockey Fan.

    Late Hit to The Head, and like I stated if you can't see that it is a hit to the head at the 21 seconds then you are blind.

    NHL Suspends a nobody that will not have an impact on the series for 4 games. Probably due to the fact that it was a hit to the head, which they are trying to get out of the game.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    Late Hit to The Head, and like I stated if you can't see that it is a hit to the head at the 21 seconds then you are blind.

    NHL Suspends a nobody that will not have an impact on the series for 4 games. Probably due to the fact that it was a hit to the head, which they are trying to get out of the game.


    Changes are coming! NHL is going to crack down hard on hits like this. With Crosby taken out, the league is finally going to wake up! Head shots like this are going to get you 10-15 min. games for a first offense! Long over due, IMHO!
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    If you can't see that the hit was to the head then STFU. Be a hockey fan instead of a delusional Habs fan that is bitter.

    If primary force was hit to head, head would snap back. Yes or no?

    If primary force was hit to head would it be able to pinwheel his entire body so that his head was first part of his body to hit the ice?

    Also, the fact that Horton is 6'2" without skates on and Rome is shorter and his skates are on the ice when he launches means Horton put himself in that position.
  • Also, shoulder hits to the head are not illegal in the NHL unless they are lateral or blindside and the head is specifically targeted. Actual rules have no place in this discussion though.
  • If primary force was hit to head, head would snap back. Yes or no?

    Head did snap back
  • Actual rules have no place in this discussion though.

    We are NOT discussing rules, we are discussing the hit. You said it was a hit to the chest which the video show it wasn't.

    I can't stand fans like yourself that can't just see the hit for what it was. A hit to the head which we all know the NHL wants out of the game.

    All you see is a bruin getting knocked out/injured and cheering because you are a habs fan.

    I know if Chara or Luongo suffered the same, I wouldn't be cheering like you are, and I do not like either player
  • Also, the fact that Horton is 6'2" without skates on and Rome is shorter and his skates are on the ice when he launches means Horton put himself in that position.

    Horton is 6'2" and Rome is 6'1" hardly a difference at all
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    We are NOT discussing rules, we are discussing the hit. You said it was a hit to the chest which the video show it wasn't.

    I can't stand fans like yourself that can't just see the hit for what it was. A hit to the head which we all know the NHL wants out of the game.

    All you see is a bruin getting knocked out/injured and cheering because you are a habs fan.

    I know if Chara or Luongo suffered the same, I wouldn't be cheering like you are, and I do not like either player

    Steve, grab a clue. Here's a quote from Mike Murphy himself on the can find it on the NHL web-site.

    "I thought it was a late hit," NHL Senior Vice President of Hockey Operations Mike Murphy said, addressing the media in Boston. "I thought that the body was contacted. But I also thought* that the head was hit. It caused a serious injury to Nathan Horton. So the key components are the late hit, which I had it close to a second late. We have our own formula at NHL Hockey Operations for determining late hits, and it was late. We saw the seriousness of the injury with Nathan on the ice last night."

    * Even the guy who gets paid to make these determinations doesn't KNOW it was a head hit......but you do Steve.

    Is his main focus the hit to the head or late hit. PLEASE ANSWER instead of spewing.

    I can see what the hit was and my argument is that there have been much dirtier attempts to injure that have gone unpunished. See Richards on Booth.

    I never cheered a Bruin getting hurt while watching it last night or in this thread.

    All I was doing was comparing the two circumstances of Pacioretty and Horton. In my view both hits caused injuries that were not directly related to the hit itself. One garnered no suspension and one did. Period. If you care to have a civil discussion fine....if you want to keep belittling my argument have a nice day.
  • I'm not even much of a hockey fan at all anymore as the product is so diluted as to be almost unrecognizable from the game I grew up with but whatever. There is NO comparison between the hit to the Montreal guy and Horton. Chara hardly even hit him at all, more of a trying to cut him off. It was just unfortunate and poor arena design as to the consequences. I have looked at all the video's I could find of the hit on Horton, it was definitley way late and there certainly appears to be contact on both Hortons head and body, don't see how anyone can dispute this. Now for sure Horton should have his head on a swivel and didn't, HOWEVER the fact that he didn't does not give an opponent a free card to take him out. 4 games sounds about right imo... Far too many goons running around in todays diluted NHL imo. And way too little respect. (even for hab players :) ) And you did catch my smiley in my first post didn't you Mole?
  • Very late, shoulder to the head, intentionally caught him off guard.

    I don't care to compare to any other bad calls in the past... this shit has no place in the Stanely Cup finals and neither does Rome.
  • Whatever.

    Horton had clearly no control of the puck.
    Pacioretty had clearly no control of the puck.

    Except that, in the Pacioretty case, no other player had touched the puck, meaning Chara was permitted to take the body, as Pax was still designated as the "puck carrier". That is the rule on "finishing your check", at least as far as the NHL calls it. In the Horton case, the pass been completed before the hit, making the hit interference at the bare minimum. Also, you have a funny idea of what constitutes a player's chest . . .

    The hit was EXACTLY the kind of thing the NHL is trying to get rid of. I guarantee it will be in next year's instructional videos for teams and referees alike.
  • Milo wrote: »
    The hit was EXACTLY the kind of thing the NHL is trying to get rid of. I guarantee it will be in next year's instructional videos for teams and referees alike.

    The video should say "Stop admiring your pass and PAY ATTENTION, or you will end up like this "Video of Horton getting nailed".

    I say Rome hit the chest and Horton's head snapped back. Rome is not a dirty player. Yes the hit was late but Horton should've paid attention.

    4 games was too much.
  • Half a second earlier and this is not a penalty. The call made in-game was interference, nothing to do with headshots/rule 48/whatever else.

    Rome stepped up to make a hit at the blue line while Horton admired his pass. I don't see any intent to target the head in any of the replays posted and he's not getting "blindsided" except that he was busy admiring his pass.

    Compare this to some of the hits that drew 10+ game suspensions in the regular season, and tell me this is worse.

    And FWIW, the Canucks will miss Rome more than you think unless Hamhuis is coming back for game 4. They're deep on D from all the earlier injuries, but how many people want to dress the 7&8th guys in the SC final?
  • Bitter Hab fan. :rolleyes:
  • Bitter Hab fan. :rolleyes:

    I only mentioned 10+ game suspensions. Nothing about other times a 5+GM penalty for interference but no suspension was given ;)
  • I thought the initial hit was shoulder to shoulder/chest area, then the head went forward and contacted Rome's arm. Then he fell back and head hit ice causing the concussion.

    The hit was late.

    The main problem I think is that players today do not just want to separate the player from the puck or take him out of the play. They deliberately try to knock him out of the rink.

    In this case an old fashioned hip check would have accomplished the same goal without the injury. But hardly anyone bothers with a hip check anymore.

    YouTube - ‪More Hip Checks‬‏
  • I don't know exactly what the NHL's definition of "blindside" is, but if it is "the guy being hit isn't looking at the hitter" then this is pretty clearly a blindside hit. The NHL is starting to hold the hitter accountable when the hittee doesn't see them. Doesn't matter if it is a hit from behind or in front with the guy looking the other way. Not sure if I think this is right or wrong but it is the way things are moving in the NHL.

    Personally I think given the new NHL rules and precedents, this should have been an 8-10 game suspension. I think it would have been that long in the regular season, but they consider missing a playoff game a bigger punishment than missing a regular season game, so they basically just made sure he isn't able to play for the rest of this series.
  • Yet nobody complains about the competition rising between the NHL and the UFC for entertainment value.
  • Here's a link to a Q&A with Mike Murphy who made the ruling.

    Mike Murphy’s Q&A on the suspension - The Globe and Mail

    He explicitly says it's not a suspension for a head shot, so it is NOT "exactly what the NHL is trying to get rid of" as many of you say. He calls it a "hockey play gone bad".

    He explicitly says it is an interference penalty and suspension is based on that and the resulting injury.

    Now, going back to my original point, forgetting the visual differences in the two plays, why is Rome suspended for 4 games and Chara got nothing but the 5 and game for the hit on Pacioretty?
  • Because Brendan Shannahan has a set of balls and Colin Campbell doesn't.

  • compuease wrote: »
    I'm not even much of a hockey fan at all anymore as the product is so diluted as to be almost unrecognizable from the game I grew up with but whatever. .................... Far too many goons running around in todays diluted NHL imo. And way too little respect. (even for hab players :) ) And you did catch my smiley in my first post didn't you Mole?

    Jeff you know I love you and have a great deal of respect, but your post is soooo full of old man fail. It deserves it's own thread but how can you possibly say a sport that is played by millions more people worldwide now than then, by much bigger, stronger, faster athletes and with much improved equipment and playing conditions is diluted from "the good old days"?

    There are too many goons I'll agree but their number is no doubt the fewest in the history of the league. And why?? Because of the instigator rule that Cherry always spouts as the worst thing in the league. Take that away and every team would have at least 1 or 2 in the line-up every night to "protect the stars".

    I do agree whole heartedly that respect is lacking, but it's because those "diluted" players are playing at such high levels of speed and force that these injuries are happening more often.
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