Ching Hill PARTY at Wetts!!

Darryl has graciously offered to host a night of play in his home on March 26, time to be determined, but most likely starting in the afternoon and going until whenever he feels like it. Apparently...his wife is away for the weekend, so we can be as MAN as we want to be ;)

Most likely start with some smallish tournaments, followed by a cash game or whatever everyone wants to play. Details I'm sure will be provided later in the week.

Again the most important question is...WHO'S BRINGING THE POLISH VODKA??

Who's In??

JohnnieH (T)
HighFlyer (T)


  • Tentative please.
  • me too please...
  • I assume this is Bramptonish?
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    I assume this is Bramptonish?

  • I should be there, but put down as tentative for now.
  • YAYA got online.

    All are welcome. BYOBeer. I have lots/lots/lots of non beer alcohol.
  • What's this, a party at wetts mansion?:o;):p
  • philliivey wrote: »
    What's this, a party at wetts mansion?:o;):p

    You coming? If so...bring vodka...Polish...and cash...lots of cash
  • In please.
    STR82ACE wrote: »
    Will bring C-game and vodka, any particular brand?
  • Shifty wrote: »
    In please.

    Will bring C-game and vodka, any particular brand?

    Has to be Polish. Its the reason for the game afterall. Where's ACDC? he knows best
  • i get bad beated on this one again...i'm in the Bahamas at that time. i think u guys do this on purpose.
  • Polish vodka WAS understood ;). "Any particular brand of polish vodka?", is how i should of worded it.
  • Ally wrote: »
    ...i'm in the Bahamas at that time. i think u guys do this on purpose.


    Boooo frigen whooo... pal!

  • SamCanada is attempting to make his return by attending this schwing-ding, even if only for a couple of hours. Something about a Stag&Doe that night...not sure if its his or not.

    So Darryl, what time were you thinking of starting the debauchery?
  • What are we playing? Tournament? Cash?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    What are we playing? Tournament? Cash?

  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Tournament? Cash?
    A bit of both would be cool with me. imo.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »

    Details please!
  • Since Darryl is hosting, I'll let him put together details, but I believe the agenda is going to be some smallish buyin tourney's, followed by some dealer's choice games, and most likely ending in maybe 1/2 cash.
  • Why isn't my name on the list?

    Is it because I'm a Habs fan?...LOL
  • I was thinking start around 2PM with a chingish structure $60-$80 MTT, which should last until aboot 6ish. Then the 50-1 cash game until whenever I bust the last person.
  • What's the address?
  • Damn, I can't make it.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Probable, maybe.

    Will need refresher on the address

    Milton Slim

    This post should get the vultures out of the trees!

    YUM Fresh Carcass
  • Have a commitment elsewhere, but my contribution is as follows:
    Chopin Vodka is the finest from Poland you will find at the LCBO. Especially if you will be doing shots. Stick it in the freezer and away you go.

    You're welcome.
  • Shifty wrote: »
    Polish vodka WAS understood ;). "Any particular brand of polish vodka?", is how i should of worded it.

    Here's the answer:

    Polish Potato vodka: Luksusowa

    Sorry but the 26st is NOT good(er) for me!!! Plus it's lent so NO Alcohol of any kind for me.

    Have tons of fun!!!
  • Sorry can't make it for 2pm. Maybe swing by later for the cash game if there's room.

  • ACDC wrote: »
    Thx Kris.
    We shall indulge.
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