Canadian Poker Tour 2011 Finals

This is going to be a great tournament. Anyone on here going?

Good luck to all those who participate (including myself of course)


  • Question: For the top 100 players who get in free or cheaper - is it safe to assume that the CPT organization is contributing the subsidized portion into the prize pool? And the $50,000 added to the prize pool is on top of that?

    So the CPT is putting in:

    $50,000 (added to prize pool)
    $50,000 (for players 51-100)
    $60,000 (for players 11-50)
    $20,000 (for the top 10)


    I find that hard to believe.
  • The $50,000 added will be in the form of buy ins to specific CPT sanctioned events in 2011.
  • If that's the case - what a horrible buyin format.

    Why in the world would anyone want to buy into a tourney for $2000 when there are:

    1) 10 players who are playing for free and not contributing anything into the prize pool.
    2) 40 players who are only contributing 25% into the prize pool compared to the $2000 buyin
    3) 50 players who are only contributing 50% into the prize pool compared to the $2000 buyin

    This is a terrible format and there's zero incentive for anyone outside of the top 100. Really, depending on attendance - why would anyone other than the top 10 want to play?
  • If that's the case - what a horrible buyin format.

    Why in the world would anyone want to buy into a tourney for $2000 when there are:

    1) 10 players who are playing for free and not contributing anything into the prize pool.
    2) 40 players who are only contributing 25% into the prize pool compared to the $2000 buyin
    3) 50 players who are only contributing 50% into the prize pool compared to the $2000 buyin

    This is a terrible format and there's zero incentive for anyone outside of the top 100. Really, depending on attendance - why would anyone other than the top 10 want to play?

    what other people pay has nothing to do with what you are expected to win.......???
  • Sounds terrible if you aren't in the top 50 or maybe 100. Basically, the pot is being shorted BIG TIME.

    How does the CPT point system work? Is it your top x # of finishes or is it a total of every tournament played?
  • Tell me how many people are in it total, and the final prize pool. Ill make my judgments then.
  • wow I was under the impression that the discount was just a discount and the cpt was covering the difference. Theres no way I would buy into this thing.
  • actyper wrote: »
    wow I was under the impression that the discount was just a discount and the cpt was covering the difference. Theres no way I would buy into this thing.

    i thought that too.....:(
  • the prize for 1st place is 25k (FROM THE BONUS 50k added) + the percentage for 1st from the buy-ins.Just thought Id share the event on here :) (Being my first post and all) 10% of field gets paid - 20,000 starting chips and one hour blinds makes for lots of play
  • CPT wrote: »
    the prize guaranteed to 1st place is 25k + the percentage for 1st for the buy-ins. I will post an estimate to how many are going to turn out within a few days. The 50k added to pot is bonus no matter how many turn up. Bonus if its a shorter field to get thru tfor a chance to win a magazine cover, profile story, 25k for first and a ring. Just thought Id share the event on here :) (Being my first post and all) 10% of field gets paid - 20,000 starting chips and one hour blinds makes for lots of play.(my opinion)

    This is a joke. Right? 2k BI with 100 is a 200000 prize pool and your guarantee is 12 percent for first? Wtf. Get some new people in charge this is the worst setup ever.

    Edit -- I misread this on my phone. I thought you were saying guarantee to first is 25k, but that is on top of the tourney pool. Still a terrible deal IMO as the pot is still way short.
  • using your example, standard tournament payout is about 24% to first isn't it? Anyways I am playing it :) I am just a player posting an event. I might give Deerfoot a call later and find out more. Started playing tournament poker only last year and still am new
  • You should signup again using a different username so people don't get confused or you aren't misleading.
  • darbday wrote: »
    what other people pay has nothing to do with what you are expected to win.......???

    WTF? Seriously? Do you understand the concept of a poker tournament? What other people pay into the prize pool absolutely affects what you can potentially win.
  • CPT wrote: »
    I am just a player posting an event.

    I find this difficult to believe
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I find this difficult to believe

    Me too. You were just surfing the web, stumbled on an ad, got the uruge to tell the world and the first place you found was here?

    Nice to see you here who ever took over my old position (Roger or Steve. I don't mind forwarding e-mails, but I am going to call bullshit if I see it).
    One thing I never hid was the fact I was working with the CPT when I posted. First thing I did and always do is contact admin.
    Are you going to contribute to threads non CPT related?

    Shouldn't you have been here several months ago? Do you think players are going to jump on a plane now?

    What about memberships? I read that you need to be a member? A member in 2010 or do they have to renew to play in the championship?Didn't they buy the 2010 membership for a chance at this championship?

    Will they get the cover just like Richard Webb did when he won it a second time? Or will sponsorship politics stop that from happening?

    So if they win the "Select tourney" buy-ins added, which are they? Is there any travel or anything that comes out of that sponsorship?

    Why does the player registration say the finals are on the 16th and 17th?

    and a ring hey? That sounds nice. I have like seven friends who could tell you how much they like theirs from COPC 6 months ago......

    Glad you showed up to answer questions. I can get some going for you.

    The math on 100 people is 70,000 to 50,00 (sponsership) added right? 1-10 free
    10-50 $500 40x500= 20k
    50-100 $1000 50x$1000=50k

    so 120,000....isn't that about $1,200 a person value or -ev for anyone outside of the top 100 points as pointed out

    If few players play. top 50=20k plus 50k added plus 20k (50-70)=$90k
    still under $1300.

    So there is +$200 to $300 value if you are 50-100, obv top 50 should go. although $500-$1000 has a ton more earning potential in so many other tourneys

    This would have been a great discussion for the CPT forum, why did they shut the CPT one down on the site?
  • CPT wrote: »
    the prize for 1st place is 25k (FROM THE BONUS 50k added) + the percentage for 1st from the buy-ins. The 50k added to pot is bonus no matter how many turn up. Bonus if its a shorter field to get thru tfor a chance to win a magazine cover, profile story, 25k for first bonus (in buys in) + percentage for 1st from buy ins and a ring.

    The add in the issue with Gavin on the cover mentions a ring too (in the fine print under the banner reading $50,000 added. Just double click to zoom. Canadian Poker Player Magazine

    It also says in this issue of Canadian Poker Player Magazine, on the page found here regarding the point system and rewards that every participating player will receive a gift package...last year I phoned everybody and we had nice personalized jerseys made up...but yet it seems to be missing from this add you posted? Where did you get that anyway? haven't seen it anywhere, get it special made just for the forums with all the stuff they have decided to cut out missing from the magazine that everybody can look through? (double click to zoom)

    Canadian Poker Player Magazine
  • Does the CPT still get an auto 20% of winnings on those sponsered tournaments?

    Last year there was $225,000 added and the top 50 plus some wild cards played for free, with some travel covered and a banquet right? How come so much less this year I wonder?

    mod can we bump in General chat? love to open the door for a dissucion/predictions for the CPT in 2011.....
  • From shill to critic. I sense some bad blood here.
  • Good word GTA, (had to look it up on Wiki, not as educated as a vet) but fair. Yes, I have always promoted Canadian Poker. Pretty sure over the last few years though, everybody here knows that, so does the concept of shill apply?

    Not sure why you can't support me even when I agree with your quote?

    anyhow....bad blood, not really, I walked away. For the second time. Last time I didn't think it was a joke even when I parted ways. As far as the reasons I walked away, I just didn't see it going anywhere with the priorities put forth. As far as this joker goes, (whom if it is who I think it is and have a pretty good idea, was bared from BSPT for screaming at a guys mom and then picking a fist fight with her son over the way she played a free roll hand) want him to start answering tough questions or stay the fark out of here, it's not all sunshine and flowers...
  • jontm wrote: »
    Good word GTA, (had to look it up on Wiki, not as educated as a vet) but fair. Yes, I have always promoted Canadian Poker. Pretty sure over the last few years though, everybody here knows that, so does the concept of shill apply?

    Not sure why you can't support me even when I agree with your quote?

    anyhow....bad blood, not really, I walked away. For the second time. Last time I didn't think it was a joke even when I parted ways. As far as the reasons I walked away, I just didn't see it going anywhere with the priorities put forth. As far as this joker goes, (whom if it is who I think it is and have a pretty good idea, was bared from BSPT for screaming at a guys mom and then picking a fist fight with her son over the way she played a free roll hand) want him to start answering tough questions or stay the fark out of here, it's not all sunshine and flowers...

    I was being a bit sarcastic. It just seems that you have many issues with the CPT. I have no issues with you at all. I'm not a tourney player but its nice to be informed about what is going on. This tourney is obviously a joke. Too bad. It seemed that when I lived in calgary that the CPT events had a decent structure and decent turnouts. Certainly way ahead of anything organized in ontario. To try and promote on the forum this way is ridiculous. First time poster that just happens to have a copy of the torney info in his post. Unlikely.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I find this difficult to believe
    Okay I'm the local icecream man :) . I just joined this site and I thought since this forum says "Find or post details of local poker games and live poker events" i thought i post one... my bad ...:frown:
  • The events are good. The structure for this is great. The buy in format is not. The man responsible for designing the structures takes pride in it, has kept info from tournaments around the country he liked best. The side events should be decent and coming from Calgary you will know the cash games will be loose and mostly soft while the top players are tied up.

    The points system, sponsorship and membership is were the problem is, if they kept it up to date and accurate it would be good. If they printed a magazine on even a remotely consistent basis, when it is considered a membership benefit, people would be more confident. They are taking a big boy idea like the POY competion/rankings and trying to take a cheap lazy approach. It always been about a fancy package and image, instead of something realistic. But that's about getting investors I guess, go for the gusto. Almost 2 year have passed since the initial press releases of going from pinks to Tsx and full reporting...still hasn't happened, strange hey?

    If players could get a membership that didn't include paying for swag and a magazine that never comes out, and the money paid to actually administrate the whole points race concept, players have already shown they would participate.

    But here it is almost February, they want membership renewals or sign ups and the points system tab on the site is disabled. Why? Because it takes a proper data base which costs what should be considered acceptable overhead or a labour friendly method. It's being revamped again. So that puts them almost a month behind on this years leader
    board ....How do you maintain any accuracy? If players are paying to compete in a big last longer for lack of better words for a chance to play in this, it should be a priority instead of realty shows and online streams that don't happen and boot camps that get cancelled and all the rest of the press releases they had me spreading that still havent happened and selling memberships then decreasing what was advertised all year because it didn't go as well as you hoped is bullshit.

    And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I have good friends and friends of friends that bought large sums of shares ( thank fully before I was involved for the most part) and Three years later, what exactly are the assets? Anyone that has heard the speeches at events an banquets will remember talk of millions of dollars in infrastructure. Which is basically a few guys traveling the country, shaking hands, kissing babies, and playing in their own events, instead of delivering the cover profiles, rings, gift packages, swag packages etc. Its hard to keep making excuses to the player who shelled out to buy into it when two tables over the brass is on his fifth rebuy at 300 a pop.....
  • CPT wrote: »
    Okay I'm the local icecream man :) . I just joined this site and I thought since this forum says "Find or post details of local poker games and live poker events" i thought i post one... my bad ...:frown:

    Great save. Only one problem with your story, the username you chose. You might notice that the guys in the thread have been around awhile, top players, most can call a bluff. I wonder if I google username CPT where else the OP would turn up. Fold the hand.

    Which will be much more productive Pr wise....
  • jontm wrote: »
    Its hard to keep making excuses to the player who shelled out to buy into it when two tables over the brass is on his fifth rebuy at 300 a pop.....

    I have a feeling that if this is true, there should be some serious repercussions.... And no wonder why it hasn't taken off... Sounds like a political structure...
  • just waiting on a name change from admin, i can imagine why the name can be confused.
  • compuease wrote: »
    I have a feeling that if this is true, there should be some serious repercussions.... And no wonder why it hasn't taken off... Sounds like a political structure...

    If you polled any players that have attended main events and asked this question sure there are tons that would conquer. It is a concern that is voiced over and over again.
  • CPT wrote: »
    Okay I'm the local icecream man :) . I just joined this site and I thought since this forum says "Find or post details of local poker games and live poker events" i thought i post one... my bad ...:frown:

    Have you any salty caramel gelato? that shit.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Have you any salty caramel gelato? that shit.
    I was waiting to see if anyone asked about the white panel truck...:)
  • CPT wrote: »
    just waiting on a name change from admin, i can imagine why the name can be confused.

    Will it be Roger? Spindler is much more well spoken and sharper. The rest of team is older an wouldn't use emoticons as heavily as a player only playing a year an making the transition to forum from his nexopia account...
  • compuease wrote: »
    I was waiting to see if anyone asked about the white panel truck...:)
    :) 31 flavors on the go
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