When is hand technically dead?



  • moose wrote: »
    I'm ok with other players assisting, assuming the kitten had rolled over his cards but when he clearly intends to fold FACE DOWN and then some jackass chimes in with hey who has a straight or hey look the flush just completed then I would tell them in no uncertain terms to STFU.

    There is a big difference between asking for help and some know it all calling out every board. Clearly that is a no-no.


    When I hear talk of this being about sportsmanship.....meh

    I would be pissed at the loudmouth jackass. Remember part of the game is being able to read your hand. If I read mine properly, and you don't.....not my problem....ship me the cookies, and I'll have no problem eating them.

    Doubt anyone here hasn't mucked a winner in their lifetime....I know I have.....and I didn't get some loudmouth at the table saving my ass.
  • T8urmoney wrote: »

    When I hear talk of this being about sportsmanship.....meh

    I would be pissed at the loudmouth jackass. Remember part of the game is being able to read your hand. If I read mine properly, and you don't.....not my problem....ship me the cookies, and I'll have no problem eating them.

    Doubt anyone here hasn't mucked a winner in their lifetime....I know I have.....and I didn't get some loudmouth at the table saving my ass.

    Nor should you have . . . ^-^
  • Milo wrote: »
    Nor should you have . . . ^-^
    first bazingo of the day....!
  • T8urmoney wrote: »

    When I hear talk of this being about sportsmanship.....meh

    I would be pissed at the loudmouth jackass. Remember part of the game is being able to read your hand. If I read mine properly, and you don't.....not my problem....ship me the cookies, and I'll have no problem eating them.

    Doubt anyone here hasn't mucked a winner in their lifetime....I know I have.....and I didn't get some loudmouth at the table saving my ass.

    lol :)

    I agree 100%...

    Firstly, house rules have to be appllied..

    If you are unsure, open the cards face up for all to see and it's 'cards speak', the dealer will determine the winning hand.

    In this case, the guy's intention was to fold....albeit the winning hand...too bad for him.

    If you have a brain fart, and touch the wrong piece in chess...too bad, you have to move it, although this may have not been your intention.

    In hockey, soccer et el...if you inadvently score on your own net...too bad...the other team doesn't say "..oh, this is not in the spirit of the game, please disregard the goal"....

    Simply put...it is part of the game...mistakes that is.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    I thought you quit poker?

    Well I thought you knew how to read but here we still are, once you get basic reading skills then we can work on poker reading skills and then you can be a winning player.;)
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Well I thought you knew how to read but here we still are, once you get basic reading skills then we can work on poker reading skills and then you can be a winning player.;)


    *****mod lock thread please*****
  • darbday wrote: »

    *****mod lock thread please*****

    Did someone say boobies!:D.

    But ty, I am proud of myself, I have come along way from not holding stuff in anymore and taking people's crap.:)
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Well I thought you knew how to read but here we still are, once you get basic reading skills then we can work on poker reading skills and then you can be a winning player.;)

    My offer also extends to you, although I don't know many places you can play $0.10/$0.20 live? Maybe next time GTA is back in the city, you can both try to tag team me. GTA can bankroll you, like old times. I can't remember, how did that turn out again last time??
  • Now now kiddies . . . you are both special sunflowers here in the CPF garden . . . don't make comp send you both to your rooms without any supper. Besides, I thought we settled this thread . . . :confused:
  • Milo wrote: »
    Now now kiddies . . . you are both special sunflowers here in the CPF garden . . . don't make comp send you both to your rooms without any supper. Besides, I thought we settled this thread . . . :confused:

    GTA should mind his own fcuking business... I thought he had me on block anyways?? guess not. This will never end, not until he grows up and moves on already. He gets some special kick out of derailing my threads.

    Its ok, I travel the world playing poker while he is stuck behind his keyboard, living his shallow existence. I kind of feel sorry for him in a way.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    GTA should mind his own fcuking business... I thought he had me on block anyways?? guess not. This will never end, not until he grows up and moves on already. He gets some special kick out of derailing my threads.

    I have no beef with GTA or JAH, but I have to agree. This thread was about hand in question before GTA got involved. I think the discussion was over anyways. Could a mod please lock?
  • Obv I'm a sick fuck but......

  • Obv I'm a sick fuck but......


    Metagame son. Level 5.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    GTA should mind his own fcuking business... I thought he had me on block anyways?? guess not. This will never end, not until he grows up and moves on already. He gets some special kick out of derailing my threads.

    Its ok, I travel the world playing poker while he is stuck behind his keyboard, living his shallow existence. I kind of feel sorry for him in a way.

    Sniffle sniffle, we are the same in some ways after all!

    Now your on the right path........:)
  • Milo wrote: »
    Now now kiddies . . . you are both special sunflowers here in the CPF garden . . . don't make comp send you both to your rooms without any supper. Besides, I thought we settled this thread . . . :confused:
    GTA Poker wrote: »
    GTA Poker wrote: »
    Metagame son. Level 5.

    I have to give a haha to all the above.:)
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    you guys and your arbitrary posts...

  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    My offer also extends to you, although I don't know many places you can play $0.10/$0.20 live? Maybe next time GTA is back in the city, you can both try to tag team me. GTA can bankroll you, like old times. I can't remember, how did that turn out again last time??

    It turned out you tried to bet against us and you lost. Too bad you don't know all the details of that actual event like I offered to stop before we went into a loss cause that was one of the worst runs I ever had.

    I have no problem teaming up with GTA even though in some threads we don't see eye to eye on some things but I will happily cheer him on when/if he ever smokes you in a poker game.:)
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Sniffle sniffle, we are the same in some ways after all!

    Now your on the right path........:)
    philliivey wrote: »
    It turned out you tried to bet against us and you lost. Too bad you don't know all the details of that actual event like I offered to stop before we went into a loss cause that was one of the worst runs I ever had.


    Can "Rosetta Stone" teach me Philli?
  • mod bump... :)

    err wait a minute, I'm probably not supposed to do that am I?

    What was I supposed to do?
  • Everyone's in for cheap entertainment eh boys? This thread is indeed a train wreck worth watching though.
  • meh . . . first episodes of Idol are on again . . . bigger losers then Philli on the toob right now . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    meh . . . first episodes of Idol are on again . . . bigger losers then Philli on the toob right now . . .

    More like bigger losers then almost than alot of you on here, and you being a loser for that post considering I was complimenting you above, just another ignorant I guess.

    I have quite a few others that agree with me.
  • compuease wrote: »
    mod bump... :)

    err wait a minute, I'm probably not supposed to do that am I?

    What was I supposed to do?

    lol, collect another big bonus check because of all of this.:)
  • philliivey wrote: »
    More like bigger losers then almost than alot of you on here, and you being a loser for that post.

    I have quite a few others that agree with me.
    Name them.
    philliivey wrote: »
    lol, collect another big bonus check because of all of this.:)

    Yep, twice the last one... Jeesh Philli, loosen up... This is the Interwebz...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Name them.

    Yep, twice the last one... Jeesh Philli, loosen up... This is the Interwebz...

    Uhhh, more like everyone else needs to loosen up, would you be ok with people calling you a loser for noooooooo reason, call you a liar and say your full of bullshit for noooooooooooo reason. I am quite loosen, went to bed with a smile on my face and still happy which I know drive's the lowlifes on here crazy cause I guess there own lives suck.

    As for nameing them, I posted my win on another forum and not 1 negative thing said by anyone and they are amazed by people's reaction to somebody winning something and so am I, I still don't get it except for what I said above there own lives suck so I guess they get pleasure trying to ruin other's happiness, I don't care I am not going to let them get me down and am going to continue being happy.
  • That's fine Philli, just be you and be happy... Locking thread now so as not to prolong this.
This discussion has been closed.