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  • DrTyore wrote: »
    That's like saying I can counter the "women in the workplace" argument by saying "A woman's place was in the kitchen".

    Wasn't true then, isn't true now.


    the world was flat then...and all reasonable logic pointed to it....
  • I love fiction
  • darbday wrote: »
    the world was flat then...and all reasonable logic pointed to it....

    Wrong . . . the world was not flat. We, as a species, were just not smart enough to work that out, yet.
  • The brighter the light of knowledge the larger the sphere of the unknown.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I love fiction

    back when the world was believed to be flat which side of the coin do you think you would have been on?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Wrong . . . the world was not flat. We, as a species, were just not smart enough to work that out, yet.

    i think the question of whether or not a tree makes a sound if no one is around to hear it fall points out the same issue.....

    you would say of course it does

    but its not just me that begs to differ....its 1000's of year of philosophy....eastern.....
  • screenman wrote: »
    The brighter the light of knowledge the larger the sphere of the unknown.

    which is which?
  • DrTyore wrote: »

    Choice between fairy-tale construct, or genocidal, psychotics? Tough one! :)


    Agreed, there's a lot of craziness out there. And how much of that craziness has been done in the name of "god"?

    For me, my faith in humanity comes from the work I do at summer camp. When I see these teenagers and how much they can grow in just a week under the right circumstances, it makes me believe everything really might just be ok.
  • Until you realize it's all just an effort to get laid, right?
  • darbday wrote: »
    i think the question of whether or not a tree makes a sound if no one is around to hear it fall points out the same issue.....

    you would say of course it does

    but its not just me that begs to differ....its 1000's of year of philosophy....eastern.....

    World = round (or close to it). Always has been just needed Columbus to prove it.

    Tree/forest = sound. Laws of physics, ftw.

    Eastern philosophy can differ on these facts all it wants, but the facts remain . . . stick that in your bong.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Agreed, there's a lot of craziness out there. And how much of that craziness has been done in the name of "god"?

    this ties in, just prob later...but i think we could point out that its not choosing the wrong god that does this, but lack of intelligence regardless of your religion

    if we blame religion, there's no hope....but if we blame intelligence something could possibly be done
    Cerberus wrote: »

    For me, my faith in humanity comes from the work I do at summer camp. When I see these teenagers and how much they can grow in just a week under the right circumstances, it makes me believe everything really might just be ok.

  • Milo wrote: »
    World = round (or close to it). Always has been just needed Columbus to prove it.

    And what side of this coin do you think you would have been on back then......?

    Milo wrote: »
    Tree/forest = sound. Laws of physics, ftw.

    Eastern philosophy can differ on these facts all it wants, but the facts remain . . . stick that in your vaporizer.

    do we at least agree then that the proverb was taught to suggest the tree may not make a sound?
  • darbday wrote: »
    And what side of this coin do you think you would have been on back then......?

    do we at least agree then that the proverb was taught to suggest the tree may not make a sound?


    That was an attempt to have people attempt to prove that which cannot be proved. It is an exercise in debate.

    Also, could be used to gauge someone's thought process.... Milo says "yes it does", you say "are you sure", I say "What do you mean by sound?"

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    It is an exercise in debate.

    I do believe thats what it does...but i do not believe that is what it is for. I believes that is what someone who full on believes the tree makes a sound thinks. But i fully believe the proverb is to point out that both sides are equally true.....or untrue of course

    edit: not saying that is right or how it is...but just i would like to suggest that was the point of the proverb...
  • And I would suggest that Mark is correct. The intent of the puzzle is to spur thoughts of those who study it, to get them to explore abstract avenues to a result.

    It's the same way Fermat's Last Theorem is meant to spur mathematicians on
  • And Schroedinger's cat!!

    It's a precursor to lateral thinking puzzles IMO....

  • Milo wrote: »
    And I would suggest that Mark is correct. The intent of the puzzle is to spur thoughts of those who study it, to get them to explore abstract avenues to a result.

    reminds me of the double slit experiment


    YouTube - Dr Quantum - Double Slit Experiment

    my understanding more comes up around 3:24

    "it goes through both slits, and neither, just one, and just the other"

    it all depends on perception.....

    we are not far apart in this thought but i do think the the tree problem goes beyond what most people think.......

    in another instance....it is not a glass half full question....it is ...does behind me actually exist.......only when i turn around......

    The argument of course is every time you turn around it will be there....so for "all intents and purpose" it does, but, because we know it can't be proved other than turning around one could suggest that's an assumption

    of course all this seems absurd to someone who only see one side of the coin.....

    science and logic can prove any theory....and hindsight will only be the thing that disproves it......

    you have to put yourselves in the shoes of people in the flat earth...their math 'worked'
  • If you want to prove the existence of "behind you" without turning around, grab a fucking mirror for chrissakes . . .

    and Mark, my next cat is going to be named Schroedinger . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    If you want to prove the existence of "behind you" without turning around, grab a fucking mirror for chrissakes . . .

    the question of course we become was it there before you check with the mirror......

    i do believe eastern 'philosophy' believes either answer are equally correct and incorrect.......and that our science will one day prove the obviousness of it.....(or to say it better our math and science guys will agree)....

    the yin yang is another example where people believe it represents division and opposite-ness...where as i fully believe it represents wholeness and sameness
    Milo wrote: »
    ........ my next cat is going to be named Schroedinger . . .

    a revelation!!! this is why these talks are important!!!
  • You keep going back to "Eastern Philosophy" . . .

    I used to be of two minds about that. At first I was all, "Eastern Philosophy SUCKS !!!" But, as I matured, I came to realize that, "Eastern Philosophy BLOWS !!!" Then I thought, "It is impossible to "suck" and "blow" at the same time. But, as you pointed out, if they are two sides of the same coin, then Eastern Philosophy can, indeed, "suck" and "blow" at the same time.

    And so, it does . . . enjoy your weekend. ^-^
  • Milo wrote: »
    You keep going back to "Eastern Philosophy" . . .

    I used to be of two minds about that. At first I was all, "Eastern Philosophy SUCKS !!!" But, as I matured, I came to realize that, "Eastern Philosophy BLOWS !!!" Then I thought, "It is impossible to "suck" and "blow" at the same time. But, as you pointed out, if they are two sides of the same coin, then Eastern Philosophy can, indeed, "suck" and "blow" at the same time.

    And so, it does . . . enjoy your weekend. ^-^

    I shall not argue with wisdom....

    I do think that eastern philosophy is actually science and logic disguised to not seem like it though....

    like the quote "sometimes the long way is really the short way" eitc.....

    no...you enjoy yours!
  • Look, we can't know if you're going to enjoy the weekend until you open the box....

  • Box? Who said anything about a box? Will I like what's in the box?

    You better open it for me, it's making strange noises.

    I think Yoda's in that box . . .
  • i guess this means the cat died from starvation?

    Milo wrote: »
    Box? Who said anything about a box? Will I like what's in the box?

    You better open it for me, it's making strange noises.

    I think Yoda's in that box . . .

    to be out of the box is just another box.....
  • Milo wrote: »
    Box? Who said anything about a box? Will I like what's in the box?

    i guess this means the cat died from starvation?

    Milo wrote: »

    I think Yoda's in that box . . .

    to be out of the box is just another box.....
  • darbday wrote: »
    i guess this means the cat died from starvation?

    to be out of the box is just another box.....

    /\/\/\ Which one of you said that? \/\/\/
    darbday wrote: »
    i guess this means the cat died from starvation?

    to be out of the box is just another box.....
  • Milo wrote: »
    /\/\/\ Which one of you said that? \/\/\/

  • Linky no worky at worky . . . but that is the chick who played the older daughter on Eight Simple Rules . . . right? :cool2:

    and, speaking of cool . . . I'd love to see this picture ( <<< ) of Gandhi with tinted specs. Blue, or possibly the Raymer shades from the WSOP.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Linky no worky at worky . . . but that is the chick who played the older daughter on Eight Simple Rules . . . right? :cool2:

    and, speaking of cool . . . I'd love to see this picture ( <<< ) of Gandhi with tinted specs. Blue, or possibly the Raymer shades from the WSOP.

    Same one, only she's less ditzy in this show and is much funnier.
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