
missed jury duty

opened the letter 5 days after....does this matter? what the heck is this about?


  • Not sure about BC, but if it was a "Summons to Appear" for selection, you might want to call the numbers on that letter before the popo come a-calling . . .
    If it is just a letter telling you that "your name has been selected . . ." then you have to fill out the form and mail it off. Then you wait to see if you get the Summons mentioned above . . . like I am doing right now.

    Hope I get called for something interesting . . .
  • thank you sir, number called, must send the letter then they'll put me in the cue, im down, maybe get outa work for the day!

    and ya she implied something about the sheriff comin out.....
  • Hey, if they do throw you in the selection pool, just show up in your Marijuana Party T-shirt.

    Easy dismissal . . . ^-^
  • Milo wrote: »
    Hey, if they do throw you in the selection pool, just show up in your Marijuana Party T-shirt.

    Easy dismissal . . . ^-^
    how about just a marijuana stained shirt....its all i really own...:confused:
  • It's your Lucky Day BUD!

    Failing to appear for Jury Duty is an indictable offense, 2yrs less a day in jail if convicted under the Criminal Code Of Canada. Jury duty is actually court ordered. As bad as Failing to Appear.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    It's your Lucky Day BUD!

    Failing to appear for Jury Duty is an indictable offense, 2yrs less a day in jail if convicted under the Criminal Code Of Canada. Jury duty is actually court ordered. As bad as Failing to Appear.
    isn't their some way to grow my way out of it?
  • darbday wrote: »
    isn't their some way to grow my way out of it?

    Don't worry, the word's court order does not mean much in this country.
  • Get a head shrink to write a letter saying you are mentally incompetent to sit .
    Walk in singing BEER FOR MY HORSES or screaming HANG THE BASTARDS with your eyes bugging out.
    This should be sufficient enough for them to release you .
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Don't worry, the word's court order does not mean much in this country.

    You're right Philli. You will get the max for fucking up Jury Duty but a gang banger gets 6 months time served for shooting up a neighborhood.

    Go Figure.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    You will get the max for fucking up Jury Duty but a gang banger gets 6 months time served for shooting up a neighborhood.

    Link please
  • Come on, Mole, you know better than to call Ron on his rants . . . 50% bullshit, and the other 50% is just rage. Throw in 10% for sheer muckraking, and you've got 85% of his non-strat posts . . .
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    You're right Philli. You will get the max for fucking up Jury Duty but a gang banger gets 6 months time served for shooting up a neighborhood.

    Go Figure.

    kinda not what I meant,lol

    But I like your idea of darb going in and acting crazy:laugh:
  • LOL.

    I missed jury duty about 8-9 years ago.

    Police show up at my house, with a warrant.

    I go to local police station, where several phone calls are made. Not by me, by the police. This is not very dramatic btw, I mean there are no cuffs or cruiser rides, just follow us to the office.

    About 4 hours later they come back in stating that I was extremely lucky and the case that I was scheduled to be involved with was thrown out 2 days earlier.
  • Fuck me, Wetts, you just fucking win at life, don't ya?

    Oh and nice job at Fallsview, btw . . .
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »

    I missed jury duty about 8-9 years ago.

    Police show up at my house, with a warrant.

    did your house reek like weed? were they cool about it?
  • darbday wrote: »
    did your house reek like weed? were they cool about it?

    Dun worry ur good.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »

    I missed jury duty about 8-9 years ago.

    Police show up at my house, with a warrant.

    I go to local police station, where several phone calls are made. Not by me, by the police. This is not very dramatic btw, I mean there are no cuffs or cruiser rides, just follow us to the office.

    About 4 hours later they come back in stating that I was extremely lucky and the case that I was scheduled to be involved with was thrown out 2 days earlier.

    lol WETTS a hardcore convict. 10yrs at sing sing for you.
    Seriously they don't really toss the book at you. Maybe 30 days and community service.
  • damn i should prob send this in....what if i feel our legal system is fundamentally flawed
  • Coles Notes: There was a darbday who went AWOL in the afternoon session of jury duty. In Ontario, a person who does not appear after receiving a jury summons could be convicted of contempt and receive a fine of up to $1,000 or up to 30 days in jail.
    darbday wrote: »
    damn i should prob send this in....what if i feel our legal system is fundamentally flawed
    I went to Milton Rock country again, this time to attend the Superior Court of Justice for jury duty. There was nowhere near enough parking so a lot of people had to park at the plaza across and hope that our cars didn't get towed away. There is a lot of construction going on in Milton, which included a sign not to cross at the traffic light intersection so a lot of us had to keep jaywalking throughout the day, hoping not to get hit in the busy roadway.

    The line-up outside was long and I felt like I was lining up again for Madonna tickets. I finally get to the security area, but am told that I have to go back to my car to leave my mini Swiss Army key holder. I play Frogger across the road again and manage not to get hit.

    I expected a lot of waiting, so I brought along my Ed Miller autographed poker book to read. After a lot of waiting, I felt too sleepy to read the book so I took a power nap.

    Some people had excuses, but the judge would usually tell them to come back the next day or a future month. The first darbday wannabe was saying that there was a police arrest involving his family and was giving the judge his opinion about the arrest, but the judge said that she's not interested in his opinion. :p Another guy tried to get out by saying that his wife is pregnant, and the judge told him that is not an extreme enough reason to be excused.

    After another long wait after the supposed one-hour lunch break, the second batch of 20 potential jurors were called out. When #19's juror number was called out, nobody answered and the Sheriff went hunting for the second darbday wannabe. He had signed in during the morning, but now had left the building.

    After waiting around for more than six hours, some people started going on tilt towards the end, but Ed Miller kept me occupied. Most of us have to go back again. I understand the complainants wondering about the seeming inefficiency. For me, it was like waiting for hours at Fallsview Casino after signing up for the intial WPT satellite of the day so I've learnt to bring something to read or take a nap. I wish there was another forumer there so that we can play heads-up poker to pass the hours of waiting....
  • What you really need to do is get Colitis . . . I am now permanently OFF the rolls for jury selection because of it.
  • the trick is to say your prejudice against all races.
  • The verdict is in on jury duty: it rocks

    In my case, my number never got called so along with over a hundred others in two jury panels, we were sent home after three days. Now it's time to play poker on Thursday!
  • My wife got her summons today in the mail.
  • Milo wrote: »
    My wife got her summons today in the mail.
    Remind her to bring books or whatever will keep her occupied during the long waiting time. My friend is still in a Toronto court with four jury panels, with her iPad keeping her from insanity. Brampton is infamous among judges as having had the highest rate of no-shows for jury duty.
    The two smartest people in my two jury panels kept walking back and forth in the hallway. While another guy's operated foot got much worse from sitting down the whole time, the male & female walkers lost weight and got more fit. I bought several poker books directly from the authors in the summer but I never found the time to read them, so jury duty finally gave me that time.
  • I have to panel on Tuesday. Not happy about this whatsoever. We're effectively a single income family and I'm it. If I'm not working, we're not eating.

    So, for panelling you're telling me I'm going to sit there doing absolutely nothing but waiting all day for my name to get called? Oh man, I'm just gonna sit there and slowly get more and more pissed off about this whole situation.

    This is not good.
  • Maybe you can sub it out to another painter. :D
  • I have to panel on Tuesday. Not happy about this whatsoever. We're effectively a single income family and I'm it. If I'm not working, we're not eating.

    So, for panelling you're telling me I'm going to sit there doing absolutely nothing but waiting all day for my name to get called? Oh man, I'm just gonna sit there and slowly get more and more pissed off about this whole situation.

    This is not good.

    When my wife went a month or so back she was there for an hour before being told they were no longer needed. Relax . . . you're either getting released quick or you get to hang someone from the yardarm.
  • I have to panel on Tuesday. Not happy about this whatsoever. We're effectively a single income family and I'm it. If I'm not working, we're not eating.

    So, for panelling you're telling me I'm going to sit there doing absolutely nothing but waiting all day for my name to get called? Oh man, I'm just gonna sit there and slowly get more and more pissed off about this whole situation.

    This is not good.

    I'm pretty sure that if you explain the situation to whoever is in charge you will be let off
  • Wife's experience was that they are not so quick, even with the self employed, to let people off for that reason alone any more. I was surprised to get a permanent deferral for my condition, but I am not going to complain about it.
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